Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 595 The fryer, there is a shadow

Chapter 595 The fryer, there is a shadow

Back at the inn, Zhao Yong and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, Zhao Yong held a meeting to discuss the aftermath of this failed exploration and estimate the countermeasures for the remaining forces of the Black Mosquito Sect.

Xian Ling'er was also invited to come here with the Taiyin Poison Code. He focused on participating, so he wouldn't say much.

"I've already learned that there are already no less than six great fighters in the Black Mosquito Sect, and we won't do anything next. We'll wait for other students to enter the city, unite together, and then fight directly! " Zhao Yong said.

As for whether he can get other people to cooperate, he is not very sure about this, but Bai Heshan, Shan Yangui and Pei Yuan are all on his side. Thinking about it this way, there should be not a few people who are willing to join forces.

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Xian Ling'er who was obsessed with a black book. Yu'erhong and Qiao Xiaofu were quietly beside him. He was very helpless about this. If he had Xian Ling'er The strength is just fine.

After a while, Zhao Yong said: "Captain Xian Ling'er, the three of Baiheshan may come back to look for me these days... You join forces, I hope you can make a move."

"Well, no problem!"

Xian Ling'er nodded, and continued to read his book, with a bit of a studious attitude, and a more scholarly atmosphere, but it was actually...poisonous.

During this brief discussion, Xian Ling'er did not express any opinions, and Zhao Yong's arrangement was reasonable. They are a temporary team, each with a different division of labor.

This day passed like this, and two months should not be too long.

After Xian Ling'er went back, she took the initiative to find Yu'erhong to "shopping" the next day.

Xian Ling'er's move made this fish suspicious, and the usually coy person took the initiative to ask her out for a stroll.

After leaving the inn, a few people headed towards the very center of the city, which is the most prosperous area with the most merchants.

"Xian Linger, what do you want to buy?" Yu'erhong followed Xian Linger's unhurried footsteps and asked curiously.

Xian Ling'er walked, and said with a slight smile, "Well, I want to buy a pill recipe, which is sold in the Black Mosquito City auction."

Yu'erhong listened, and was also curious, what kind of prescription would attract this fairy in the house.

Pill recipes are generally rarely sold, because they are the lifeblood of pharmacists. Even some pharmacists of the third and fourth ranks will collect the pills at a high price for themselves even if they are of the second rank.

As for this product, the attraction is not so strong.

Yu'erhong asked a few simple questions, and Xian Ling'er answered them one by one with a smile. After a while, she arrived at the central area of ​​the city, the auction house in Heiqian City.

Yu'erhong followed, Xian Ling'er raised her chest and began to enter it.

"Welcome, two adults!"

On the left and right sides of the door were guards with the strength of Dou Shi, bowed slightly and said, looking at the pharmacist robes of Xian Ling'er and Yu'erhong, one is a first-rank pharmacist, and the other is a second-rank pharmacist, neither of which is what I can do provoking.

Xian Ling'er nodded, but didn't stop, and went directly to a counter of the marrow washing elixir.

Xian Ling'er also breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that a scroll with some historical traces and fluctuating soul power was still lying quietly inside a transparent counter.

"Dear alchemist, I am very happy to serve you. Do you need to buy anything?"

Then, a teller with a first-class appearance and a figure exuding infinite feminine charm came over and asked softly in an ecstatic voice.

Her voice is different from the tenderness of Tutor Ruolin, she seems to have been trained the day after tomorrow, while Tutor Ruolin is innate, maintaining the most essential appearance.

Of course, Xian Ling'er's focus is not on the teller. In the eyes of others, he still presents himself as a woman.

"I need this prescription, swipe the card!"

Xian Ling'er nodded, pretending to be a second-grade pharmacist, took out the black crow's crystal card, pointed at the transparent cabinet, and said to the teller.

The female teller respectfully took the card with both hands with a smile on her face, and then, swipe the corresponding value on a machine, and then took out the pill formula, and handed it to Xian Ling'er.

Xian Ling'er was relieved when Dan Fang got it and put it into the ring.

Then, he took out a list of medicinal materials that had already been listed, and said to the female teller, "In addition, I still need the medicinal materials on this list, please help me collect them."

"OK, just a second!"

The female teller said very politely, took the list from Xian Ling'er, and walked into an entrance behind the counter slowly.

Xian Ling'er wanted some medicinal materials to refine some third-grade Huiqi Pills, and see if he could sell them for a little more money to replenish resources, and he couldn't bother his teacher to buy the medicinal materials for refining Xisui Pills.

Xian Ling'er and Yu'erhong found a comfortable and soft bench, sat down, and waited for the female teller's reply.

"Xian'er, what is your current strength?"

"Six stars!"

"Can you refine third-grade elixir?"


Xian Ling'er paused for a moment, the little fish seemed to have discovered something, her beautiful eyes were wrinkled, and she squinted at Xian Ling'er.

"Let's talk about other things, Xiao Yu'er, when are you going to apply for the second-grade alchemist examination again? I want you to invite me to a celebratory dinner."

Xian Ling'er looked back at Yu'erhong and gave him a smile like a spring breeze, hoping to shift the topic away.

He had just passed the second-grade pharmacist assessment, and he didn't want to irritate his deskmate and put more pressure on her.

When Yu'erhong heard Xian Ling'er mentioned her sore spot, she frowned, and rubbed the corners of her clothes with green fingers.

"Fryer, there is a shadow!"

Afterwards, he stared at Xian Ling'er with an aggrieved look, like a good-for-nothing looking at a genius, full of resentment.

"Eh..." Xian Ling'er was speechless, as for the frying furnace, it had never happened to him before, "It's okay, failure is the mother of success, if you try a lot, you can pass it naturally."

"Then now, are you ready to break through to become a two-star fighter?"

Seeing that she had successfully diverted Yu'erhong's attention, Xian Ling'er continued to ask, afraid that she would continue to ask herself whether she could refine the third-grade elixir.



Xian Ling'er and Yu'erhong opened up the conversation, Yu'erhong didn't want to leave this fish here, and went to concentrate on reading.

On the female teller's side, through the entrance, she came to the steward's hall, and then entered the steward's office.

"Well, Xiaomei, you did a good job this time. Looking at the list he gave, it should be the materials for refining the third-grade Huiqi Pill, which means that he has also reached the third-grade stage."

In this office, an old man in his sixties and seventies with white hair and beard said.

The female teller named Xiaomei was also delighted. People like them can't help themselves. If there is no one behind them, they can only become someone else's plaything.

"Xiaomei, take me to see that young alchemist, I hope I can invite him to help!"

The old man said,
He wanted to meet Xian Ling'er, hoped to refine a elixir, and also wanted to get to know this young alchemist.His teacher is obviously also extraordinary, at least above the fourth rank.

(End of this chapter)

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