Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 596 Refining the 4th Grade

Chapter 596 Refining the Fourth Grade
"Yes, Steward Wang!"

Xiaomei, the female teller, said respectfully, and then she stretched out her own pair of extremely well-maintained and extremely elastic hands, and put her arms around the left arm of this kind-looking old man, and followed him go out.

After a while, they came out to the exhibition hall of the auction house!

"I've been waiting for a long time, both of you!" The steward Wang just came out, and with his piercing eyes, he saw two young women who were frolicking on the bench and wearing pharmacists' insignia and robes. Alchemist.

When I saw Xian Ling'er, I was moved for a while, she was so beautiful!
Facing this somewhat friendly voice, Xian Ling'er and Yu'erhong stopped playing and looked at the female teller who came with her arms around an old man, feeling a little puzzled.

The marrow washing pill was considered top-notch among first-grade pills, but Xian Ling'er didn't know that it was just a bait, a bait to lure him over.

"It's okay, I don't know, do you have the medicinal materials we need..." Xian Ling'er looked at the old man with white hair and beard, and said calmly.

The old man's hair and beard are all white, with the vicissitudes of time, and his teacher seems to have a natural look, not disturbed by the years.

The old man also wore some white casual clothes, which gave off a neat and tidy look.

"Yes, old man Wang Qingtuo is the person in charge here, I wonder if I could invite the two of you into the elegant hall for a chat!" The old man said with a kind smile.

But looking at Xian Ling'er, if she disagreed, she would have to offend her. The future of such a young second-rank pharmacist is really immeasurable.

Xian Ling'er also looked at the old man, his fighting spirit was stronger than that of the Great Dou Shi, but weaker than those of the elders of the academy, his fighting spirit was a bit vain, he should be a strong fighting spirit.

"Okay, take what you want!"

Xian Ling'er nodded, she naturally knew what this old man was thinking, if the two of them did not follow his wish, then this battle would be inevitable, but Xian Ling'er was not afraid, only fearing that it would affect Yu'erhong beside her.

The old man nodded and looked at the female teller who was holding his arm.

"Xiaomei is going to prepare refreshments to entertain the distinguished guests." The female teller smiled and left beforehand.

Seeing the female teller leave, the old man also smiled and led Xian Ling'er into the so-called "Elegant Hall" of the auction house.

"This genius pharmacist, I don't know your name, who did you study under?" Wang Qingtuo asked calmly with a kind face, giving the appearance of chatting about family matters.

Yu'erhong on the side murmured, didn't she look down on her, but, in his territory, she didn't dare to do anything to him, and she didn't have that strength either.

Xian Ling'er followed the old man, and replied indifferently: "Teacher's name is taboo, I won't say it, fifth grade, my name is Xian Ling'er!"

As soon as Xian Ling'er said this, the old man in front paused for a moment, Fifth Grade, what are you talking about, and what else?A fifth-grade pharmacist.

The old man smiled helplessly, no wonder there is such an outstanding disciple, Xian Ling'er, who looks about fifteen or sixteen years old, is wearing the robe of a second-rank alchemist.

Yu'erhong was also surprised when she heard that, thinking of Director Li's conversation with Xian Ling'er that day, she seemed to have discovered something, and murmured in her heart: "This guy actually hides so deeply!"

The old man knows Xian Ling'er's background, so he has a sense of propriety. A fifth-rank pharmacist has at least reached the level of a fighting king. Moreover, a fifth-rank pharmacist has a strong appeal. If he makes a move casually, he can summon a few fighting kings and he will be able to Flattened his Black Mosquito City Auction House.

Next, the old man didn't ask any more questions.

The female teller, Xiao Mei, also brought two enchanting maids to serve tea for Yu'erhong and Xian Ling'er.

It's just that when pouring the tea, the deep gullies were inadvertently exposed, which made Xian Ling'er and Yu'erhong blush slightly.

After Xian Ling'er finished her tea, she looked at this steward Wang. This person must be asking for something from him. As for asking for his teacher?Fifth-grade pharmacist, is not so easy to invite, to catch yourself as a threat?I'm afraid I will die sooner.

"Hehe, little friend Xian Ling'er, I would like to ask you for a favor. If this is successful, this auction house will provide you with ten copies of the listed medicinal ingredients for free. With exceptions, the rest of the medicinal ingredients will be provided!"

Steward Wang looked at Xian Ling'er and offered his own conditions. As for what he was busy with, he didn't say anything yet, so let's look at Xian Ling'er's attitude first.

Conditions need to be discussed slowly,
Listening to the generous reward, Xian Ling'er thought it would be a big job, the cost price of ten Hui Qi pills was no less than [-] gold coins.

As for the rest of the medicinal materials, they will definitely cost money, and there are still some discounts, but it is better than going out to find the medicinal materials by yourself, which saves effort.

"What's the matter, as long as it's within my ability, I'm willing to help!" Xian Ling'er looked at the other party, and said without so much deviousness.

Wang Qingtuo was also surprised, the promise was too straightforward, but isn't this just what he wanted.

The old man smiled and said: "Okay, I would like to ask my little friend to help me refine a fourth-grade high-grade elixir to increase the chance of success! Of course, the first-grade little friend next to you can also help. remuneration."

Yu'erhong at the side couldn't help being amused when she heard that she was actually getting it as a gift, but thinking of this large-scale auction house, the reward would not be bad.

Xian Ling'er also nodded. He tried to refine the third-rank qi-returning elixir, but the fourth-rank high-level elixir is a pharmacist, so he would want to participate or take a look at it.

After all, there are many benefits to watching a high-level alchemist refining medicine.It's just that they didn't realize that this old man was also a pharmacist, and his rank might not be low.

But that's also good and harmless,
Afterwards, the three of them adjusted their status,
Wang Qingtuo also brought Xian Ling'er to a secret room with a space of [-] meters. A dark medicine cauldron stood in the center.

"Later, the two of you will help refine the essence of some medicinal materials. As for the heat and melting pill, I will leave it to the old man. This time, the old man has three copies of the medicinal materials. You can rest assured!"

As Wang Qingtuo said, he just hoped that the two of Xian Ling'er would not feel too much pressure.

Looking at Xian Ling'er, Yu'er Hong, Xian Ling'er is indifferent, but Yu'er Hong is a little nervous.

"It's okay, I'm here!" Xian Ling'er patted Yu'erhong on the shoulder, encouraging, if this time the fourth-grade elixir is successfully refined, then Yu'erhong will be assessed as a second-grade pharmacist in the future, but No small benefit.

"Yeah!" Yu'erhong also nodded, and took a deep breath.

"Pfft!" Wang Qingtuo condensed a mass of dark yellow real fire in his hand, and then led it into the alchemy cauldron. This time, what he refined was a fourth-level magic core and two main medicinal materials.

But in this way, there are still nine medicinal herbs distributed to Xian Ling'er and Yu'erhong, and Xian Linger also knows these nine medicinal herbs.

"Xian'er, Yiyuancao, Runhunzhi, I know these two plants." Yu'erhong looked at the "work" that belonged to them, and pointed to the two medicinal plants.

Xian Ling'er nodded. To refine medicine, one must first identify the ingredients, otherwise accidents will easily happen. Xian Ling'er has so many books provided by his teacher, so she naturally remembers them all.

"Then let you refine this spirit protection grass, and leave the rest to me!" Xian Ling'er picked up another low-level spirit protection grass and handed it to Yu'er Hong.

Hearing what Xian Ling'er said, Wang Qingtuo also breathed a sigh of relief. If Xian Ling'er couldn't refine it, his workload would increase by one point.

The work assignment has been decided, and next, the three of them started refining medicine, refining this unknown fourth-grade high-grade medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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