Chapter 597
Yu'erhong also nodded a little guilty as she took the guardian spirit grass with delicate hands. She still didn't study well and couldn't remember all the medicinal materials. The key point is that almost all of the medicinal materials refined this time were third- and fourth-tier medicinal materials.

"Puff, puff!" With two soft sounds, Xian Ling'er controlled her speed, trying to keep pace with Yu'erhong, not wanting to put too much pressure on her.

Looking at the two plants refined by Wang Guanshi, they are Yixiansheng and Xuhuncao. Both medicinal materials have the effect of extending life, and the refined medicine can even make the dying person live for several years Time, but as for what kind of elixir, Xian Ling'er doesn't know.

There are still six herbs in my hand, most of them are around the third rank, not too advanced, and the refining is relatively easy.
Compared with Yu'erhong, and Wang Guanshi, Xian Ling'er's dark fire-colored flame is more powerful than Yu'erhong, and even Wang Guanshi's condensed real fire is somewhat stronger.

"This alchemy can't be divided into gods." Xian Ling'er murmured, he didn't dare to interrupt Wang Guanshi, this Wang Guanshi also expected to succeed, but he didn't tell Zhao Yong and them in advance that the fourth-grade high-level pills would take a lot of time Bar.

According to Wang Guanshi, he is also a fourth-rank pharmacist, and the first fourth-rank main medicinal material has been refined, but there are still some impurities, Xian Ling'er can't help frowning.

Could it be that there is such a gap in the pills that everyone refines? When Xian Linger was thinking, she looked towards Yuerhong with her perception. His speed was not slow. It's manageable.

"Returning ginseng!"

Xian Ling'er grabbed a ginseng plant that was no less than a thousand years old, and threw it into her medicine cauldron.

As for Guanshi Wang's medicine cauldron, the one that needs to melt alchemy at the end is a fourth-order medicine cauldron named Heiyuanding, with four outlets, which greatly increases the chance of alchemy.

The flame is still burning in the medicine cauldron,

When Yu'erhong finished refining the second plant, Xian Ling'er speeded up, and the speed was still accelerating after refining the fourth and fifth plants.

Yu'erhong couldn't help smiling, she naturally knew that Xian Ling'er was waiting for her, afraid that she would be distracted.

Xian Ling'er controlled the degree of refining. He also refined countless medicinal materials, and had refined no less than a thousand pills. His techniques were extremely skilled, and this was not his limit.

Finally, the nine medicinal herbs were refined and put back into the jade bottle. Xian Ling'er gently put them next to Steward Wang, and Steward Wang also nodded. The fourth-level magic core has not been refined yet. Things, which condense the energy of Warcraft's life, are also extremely strong.

"Xian'er, it's been so long since I came out..."

"Shh, wait!"

Just as Yu'erhong was about to say something, Xian Ling'er made a hush and waited quietly beside her. Then, Xian Ling'er pulled Yu'erhong into a seat and sat down.

And Yu'erhong, held by Xian Ling'er's soft and slender hand, did not resist, and when Xian Ling'er withdrew her hand, it made people feel a little reluctant.

It was the first time Xian Ling'er had seen the two of them watching the fourth-rank black cauldron, and the refining of the fourth-rank elixir when Steward Wang was refining it.

Sitting cross-legged for a while, Yu'erhong felt a little bored, staring at the dark yellow flame, nothing changed at all.

Then, she slowly approached Xian Ling'er, her beautiful hair fell on Xian Ling'er's chest, and she leaned lightly on Xian Ling'er's shoulder, laughing, seeming a little sleepy.

Xian Ling'er smiled slightly, being approached by Yu'erhong's beauty, she didn't move, hoping to give her a good rest,

The flames were still burning, and half a day had passed. Steward Wang pursued stability and was not too impatient. Finally, the magic core was finally refined.

Next, fusion is the most important step.

I saw Guanshi Wang wiped his sweat, and then continued to control the heat. For a short period of time,
"Steward Wang, how about calming down a bit, adjusting to the best state, and then proceeding to merge?" Xian Ling'er persuaded.

Upon hearing this, Steward Wang nodded,
It would be best if he could succeed this time. His relatives can't wait that long, so let's work hard to ensure success.

"Thank you for reminding me, little friend!" Wang Qingtuo also smiled kindly.

Xian Ling'er thought for a while and asked, "Boss Wang, I've been out here for so long, and there are still friends outside. They may be worried about me. In order to avoid some troubles, please let me go out for a while?"

"Of course!"

Wang Qingtuo didn't think much about it. He was [-]% to [-]% sure of the next fusion. The consumption just now was not too big. Xian Ling'er and Yu'erhong had finished refining the nine medicinal herbs.

With Manager Wang's permission, Xian Ling'er stood up, and Yu'erhong followed suit,

While she was still patting the dust on her robe, Xian Ling'er said: "Little Yu'er, if you stay for a while, you don't have to go out, I'll be back in a while!"

"Why..." Yu'erhong asked, suddenly stopped, and glanced at Wang Qingtuo, only to see the other party look away, and immediately, Yu'erhong said: "Okay, bring me something to eat, I'm starving to death .”

Xian Linger nodded,

With such a happy decision, Xian Ling'er went out through the passage. This place is still quite hidden, and it will take a lot of time to find it.

auction hall,
Zhao Yong and Bai Heshan Shan Yangui came here after inquiring all the way.

But there was no conflict. If there was a fight, no one would be able to gain anything. The auction house still had some background, and the three of them, Bai Heshan, were just big fighters.

After Xian Linger came out, she saw the female teller Xiaomei,

"My lord, there are several guests waiting for you, who say they are your friends!" Xiaomei's ecstatic voice sounded, her beautiful eyes stared at the fairy-like fairy, and there was only envy in her eyes.

Xian Ling'er nodded, "Okay, go prepare some food, and let me take it into the secret room later, I'm a little hungry after a day!"

"Yes, my lord!" Xiaomei nodded, showing a trace of guilt, as if she really blamed herself for forgetting about her lord's situation.

Afterwards, leaving behind a charming breath, Xiaomei left in small steps,
Xian Ling'er came to the hall and saw Zhao Yong and Miao Lingling, as well as Bai Heshan, Shan Yangui and Pei Yuan and other three great fighters.

Afterwards, Xian Ling'er was also embarrassed, and said to the four of them, "Let Captain Zhao and the three seniors worry."

"Captain Xian Linger, since you are fine, we can rest assured," Zhao Yong nodded, looking at Xian Linger, as if seeing a beautiful scenery, "By the way, Captain Xian Linger, you are at the auction house, and you want to buy What medicine?"

This was just a tentative question, Zhao Yong stared at Xian Ling'er's bright black eyes, like a bright black gemstone, and asked: Is there any other reason?

"Yes, the manager here sees that I am a second-grade pharmacist, so I will keep some pills for my usual expenses!" Xian Ling'er replied with a smile like a spring breeze.

Seeing Xian Ling'er like this, Zhao Yong didn't ask any more questions. Afterwards, he briefly discussed with Bai Heshan and the three of them, and the matter of joining forces was settled in this way.

These people also returned to the inn with peace of mind.

Watching them leave, when Xian Ling'er turned around, Xiaomei and a pretty maid were already waiting with a plate of delicacies.

"grown ups!"

Xiaomei called out softly,
Xian Ling'er nodded and asked the two to follow, until they reached the door of the secret room, Xian Ling'er took the two plates of delicious food and entered the secret room.

Just as Xian Ling'er appeared, a voice of resentment sounded,
"Xian'er, you are finally back!"

It's not her fault, it's just that being with an old man in a secret room made her uncomfortable.

Manager Wang's side has already adjusted and is ready to start merging.

(End of this chapter)

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