Chapter 599

A round dining table about five meters in diameter,
There were only three people at the table, and they were the host, Wang Qingtuo.Afterwards, Xian Ling'er and Yu'erhong, faced with a table full of delicious dishes, they were really mouth-watering.

Specifically, you can imagine the saliva that is about to drip from Yu'erhong.

Seeing Yu'er's red appearance, Xian Ling'er couldn't help but smile, this foodie fish will turn belly up one day sooner or later, not because of being killed by someone, but because of his unsatisfactory belly.

"Two little friends, please use it!"

Wang Qingtuo smiled slightly, stretched out his wrinkled hand, and made a gesture of invitation.

"Hmm!" "Oh!"

Xian Ling'er nodded and responded gracefully.And Yu'er Hong next to Xian Ling'er let out an implacable "Oh".Then, he opened his belly to welcome these delicacies.

Xian Ling'er helplessly raised her forehead, but this was also in line with Yu'erhong's personality, comparable to Xueni's.

"Boss Wang, Miss is here."

There were more than 20 beautiful maids standing around, one of them said softly.

Afterwards, Xian Ling'er and Yu'erhong raised their eyes to see what this lady looked like, and they were also very curious. At Wang Qingtuo's age, it is normal for him to have children or granddaughters.

What they were curious about was what was the purpose of having this young lady come over for this celebration banquet.

After a while, I saw Xiaomei, the female teller, helping out a girl in her early fifteen or sixteen years old, with long hair reaching her waist, a delicate body and a plain dress.

This young girl was pure and beautiful, but the paper-white color on her pretty face made her lose a tinge of blood in the world, and she had the appearance of a fairy in a fairyland.

But these, for a normal person, are not there, only to see that her every breath is weak, as if it will be broken every moment.

"Two little friends, this is my granddaughter, Wang Susha, she should be about the same age as little friend Xian Ling'er, because of the old man's relationship, her parents have been implicated, and she almost..."

"Grandpa, it's all in the past, let it go, Susha is living a very good life now, every day is very happy, and grandpa is with me."

Wang Qingtuo said, his voice was sad, helpless, lonely, and finally, regret and helplessness, showing all the experiences of a person's life, not like a fake.

I saw this Juechen girl also smiled sweetly, her voice seemed to be able to heal people's hearts, soothe loneliness, and warm people's hearts.

"Yeah, it's Grandpa's old problem. Susha, come over to Grandpa. Grandpa will introduce you to two friends."

Wang Qingtuo then put away his feelings. No matter how old he is and how much he has experienced, he still has feelings for his only relative.

Xiaomei supported Wang Susha and came to Wang Qingtuo's side. She had the purest smile on her bloodless white face, like a girl who hadn't grown up.

Xian Ling'er also smiled back. There are thousands of women in the world, each of which is uniquely created by God, and each of them has a different posture.

Xian Ling'er looks perfect, soft and beautiful, giving people a fairy air, but Wang Susha is a woman who is not stained with mortal dust and may disappear at any time.

"Besides sister Xiaomei, this is the most beautiful person I have ever met. It seems that she is about the same age as me!"

Wang Susha looked at Xian Ling'er, and was also slightly surprised. She had no playmates since she was a child, and she didn't know what a place like Heijiaoyu looked like, and she had never seen it before.

Afterwards, when she saw the second-grade pharmacist badge on Xian Ling'er's chest with her watery eyes, her face was indifferent. In the past 16 years, she has been learning the alchemy technique taught by her grandfather, and now she can The second grade was refined, so she was not surprised.

Seeing Yu'er's red face, she also looked indifferent, with a smile hanging on her face, no matter how she looked, she looked like a simple little white flower ignorant of the world.

"This one, named Xian Ling'er, is a true medicine refining genius!"

"This one..."

Wang Qingtuo smiled slightly and introduced Xian Ling'er to Wang Susha.

He asked Wang Susha to come out because of the aura around Xian Ling'er, and he thought it would be beneficial to his granddaughter. Moreover, she would be very happy to let his granddaughter know more friends, but when he introduced Yu'erhong, he paused. down,

Because, he only asked Xian Ling'er's name, as for Yu'er's red one, he didn't ask, because the badge's...

"Her name is Yu'erhong, she has a cheerful personality, she is just delicious, a pure natural greedy fish,"

Seeing Wang Qingtuo pause, Xian Ling'er said hastily, alleviating the embarrassment.

Yu'er's glossy red lips and raised brows all came towards Xian Ling'er, as if they were asking: What does it mean to be greedy for fish?
Xian Ling'er smiled, instead of looking directly at her, she looked at Wang Susha, and she seemed to be able to see some charm.

"Well, hello, you are also invited by grandpa!" Wang Susha smiled by chance, and asked with her slender pale index finger against her smooth chin.

As Wang Susha spoke, Wang Qingtuo, who was next to her, seemed to be conveying something in his eyes, blinking and nodding his head.

"Well, we were invited by your grandpa to refine medicine... Mmmm!"

Yu'erhong responded with a smile, but after a while Xian Ling'er covered her small mouth and let out a murmuring sound,

Xian Ling'er felt the moistness of her lips, and there was a sense of oil...greasy*, she smiled and said to Wang Susha: "Yes, we were invited by your grandpa to let you meet a few more friends."

Wang Susha didn't think too much, she didn't hear what Yu'erhong said just now, she didn't have any defensiveness at all, she felt that everything in the world was beautiful.

Afterwards, for this meal, Xian Ling'er, Wang Susha, and Wang Qingtuo just ate a little bit, and Wang Susha ate very lightly. ate some.

"Hee hee, Xian'er, Xiao Yu'er, I'll take you to my small courtyard to play."

After eating, the three walked around the auction room for a while, Wang Susha seemed to be very obedient, and she didn't step out of the auction room. Finally, holding Xian Ling'er with her left hand and Yu'er Hong with her right hand, she began to lead her to meet the good friends. Friends, go and take a look at the nest where she has lived for more than ten years.

After the backs of the three disappeared, only Wang Qingtuo and Xiaomei were left, with a gratified smile on Wang Qingtuo's face,
Then suddenly asked: "Xiaomei, Susha's smile is like seeing you at the beginning, and she has more friends."

"That's right, Steward Wang, you think that Xian Ling'er will become a pharmacist above rank five in the future, that's why you're so close, please think about the matter of Shasha."

Xiaomei nodded and responded softly,
Wang Qingtuo stopped talking, he asked Wang Susha to get close to Xian Ling'er, and only he knew why.
He originally wanted his grandson Queen Susha to worship Xian Ling'er as his teacher. The teacher behind Xian Ling'er is terrifying.

Fortunately, all of this, like how he refined the elixir, had the best results. That elixir can also make his granddaughter live an extra three or two years,
(End of this chapter)

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