Chapter 600
If they hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes, no one would have known that in the auction house of Black Mosquito City, there was actually a small courtyard with such a quiet and elegant decoration, in which it seemed to be isolated from the world.

The Fairy in Su Yi in front of her is light and graceful, cheering and jumping, as if she is about to fly away, so Yu'erhong and Xian Ling'er are holding her on the left and right.

"Xian'er, Xiao Yu'er, thank you!"

After playing for a while, when night fell, Wang Susha had no choice but to thank the two good friends who had just met beside her in a soft voice.

The white and pretty face, the pink lips trembling, and the smiles are all so charming, and the true feelings are revealed from them.

"Shasha, what are you thanking us for?"

Yu'erhong took Wang Susha's soft and boneless little hand, and asked with a smile, her eyes rolled around, looking at the beautiful fairy in front of her.

The current Wang Susha's beauty is only comparable to that of Xian Ling'er.

"Thank you for being able to play with me for so long. I don't know if I can persist. In this way, my grandfather has always collected various pills for me to keep me."

Wang Susha said that although she said some sad words, she said them with a smile, and she didn't seem to have any regrets.

Seeing the difference in Wang Susha, it may be that she suffered some kind of life trauma in her childhood, so that she looked like her life was dying.

Xian Ling'er persuaded: "Yes, Shasha, as long as your strength reaches the level of Douwang, you can live for more than ten years, and after Douwang, you can live longer."

He said this based on the actual situation, he was not talking nonsense, he could see that Wang Susha's fighting spirit, although a little vain, was not much different from Yu'erhong in strength.

Fifteen or six-year-old Dou Shi, a second-grade pharmacist, no matter how you look at it, he is a genius with excellent aptitude.

Given time, it is not impossible for her to grow up and become a Dou Huang powerhouse. If the opportunity is enough, she can enter a higher realm.

"But, my grandfather also... er, Xian'er, I will work hard, can you come and play with me more?"

Wang Susha frowned for a rare moment, then stretched it out, smiled and said to Xian Ling'er, then looked at Yu'erhong, she liked these two friends very much.

She figured it out at once, she knew her grandfather's strength, and in his lifetime, he would be able to break through to the level of Douwang, why didn't she work hard, for her grandfather, he spent a lot of time practicing, and he couldn't live up to his painstaking efforts.

Xian Linger smiled and nodded,
Yu'erhong also nodded, and she promised in Xiaoyu's mouth: "If we have time, we will definitely come and play with you."

Just like that, walking in the small courtyard, having fun...

Wang Qingtuo was also careful in managing things, or Xiaomei was more careful, knowing that it was getting late, so he prepared two rooms for rest.

The mysterious night enveloped the continent, and this city.

Next to Xian Ling'er's room, Yu'erhong had already fallen asleep, only Xian Ling'er hadn't. After reading the book for a while, Xian Ling'er didn't go to practice, and understood the truth of God's benevolence.

"Little friend Xian Ling'er, I hope you can agree to one request of this old man, that is, to accompany my granddaughter for a while in your spare time, so that she can be as happy as possible. If there is a chance in the future, please make a five The pinnacle pill will continue to prolong Susha's life for a few years, and the old man is willing to give this fifth-rank pill, and a precious fourth-rank pill that can improve the fighter's cultivation, as a reward..."

These long words with emotion are still lingering in my mind,
If he hadn't come into contact with Wang Susha today, played with her for a long time, and became friends, Xian Ling'er would definitely not feel guilty at all. As for the two pills, his interest had already dropped greatly.

The fifth-grade elixir is a treasure that all alchemists will go crazy for. If Wang Qingtuo offers it, no one will refuse it.

After thinking for a while, she might be really tired from reading, and Xian Ling'er also took a nap.

The next day, Xian Ling'er got up to wash up and do her homework—reading.Yu'er is red, so she fell asleep and woke up naturally.

After a while, Steward Wang called his maid to come and lead them to have breakfast. Xian Linger also planned to leave. There were still some things in his team. He would come when he had time. The feeling Wang Susha gave him was that It's a pity that he won't break his promise.

When Xian Ling'er and Yu'erhong arrived, Wang Qingtuo and Wang Susha were already waiting, but Wang Susha's face seemed to have more vitality.

One possibility that Xian Linger thought of was that the elixir refined yesterday had been taken by Wang Susha, which increased her lifespan by a few years.

"Grandpa, let sister Xiaomei sit down and eat together."

Wang Susha's petite appearance, tender and weak little hands, gently shook Wang Qingtuo, and said coquettishly.

Xiaomei smiled and said, "Shasha, sister just ate!"

"Okay then!" Wang Susha was helpless, knowing that Xiaomei was perfunctory to her. Xiaomei is a person in the auction house, and she knows the dignity, so she couldn't help but sigh.

"Xiaomei, just sit down and eat some more." Wang Qingtuo seemed very happy, so he smiled kindly.

"But, yes!" Xiaomei hesitated slightly, seeing Guanshi Wang's amiable and affirmative gaze, she couldn't help agreeing, she also wanted to be cared for, and in this kind of place, she couldn't help herself.

"You two little friends, did you sleep well last night?"

Seeing the arrival of Xian Ling'er, Wang Qingtuo asked with a kind smile.

"It's okay!" Xian Ling'er nodded and smiled back, looking at the cute Wang Susha who winked at her, Xian Ling'er also winked at her playfully,

"Xian'er, did you get sand in your eyes?" Yu'er Hong asked beside him, puzzled.

Xian Linger smiled wryly, this silly fish,

Without further ado, he hooked her little neck intimately and began to sit down.

Breakfast is very rich, some poultry eggs and meat.Boiled, fried, and well-boiled millet porridge.

After breakfast, Xian Ling'er proposed to go back with Xian Ling'er and Yu'erhong.

The parting of a fleeting friendship,

Xiaomei helped Wang Susha to leave, because Wang Qingtuo and Xian'er had something to discuss,

Before leaving, Wang Susha did not forget to say with a smile: "Xian'er, Xiao Yuer, remember to come and play with me,"

"Yes!" "Yeah!"

Xian Ling'er and Yu'erhong responded with faint smiles but a smile in their hearts. There is still more than a month left, and they can usually come and play.

Afterwards, Wang Qingtuo brought Xian Ling'er to a secret room, and Wang Qingtuo took out two black scrolls that were made by someone who didn't know what to do, and looked a bit dilapidated.

"This is what I promised you. The fifth-grade pill is called "Huanming Pill", which can at least make Susha live five or six years longer. This fourth-grade pill is called "Qingxin Breaking Barrier Pill", which can make Susha live longer. A Dou Zhe with the strength of a Dou Master can increase his strength by one star and can take two, and a Dou Zhe whose strength has reached the bottleneck can successfully break through to the Dou Shi."

As Wang Qingtuo said, his eyes fell on the two scrolls, which were the bottom of his box.

When Xian Linger heard it,
Originally planning to take the fifth-grade pill, it would be good to refine the pill for a good friend like Wang Susha. As for the fourth-rank pill, he had never thought about it. This temptation is really hard to refuse!
(End of this chapter)

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