Chapter 604
"Bring me tea? Let's see if you have the ability!" Xian Ling'er said leisurely, and she was not in a hurry to recall her weapon, but wanted to test her advanced fighting skills and see if she could match her. Can such a strong fighting spirit be defeated.

"Then give it a try. This spirit envoy has not done anything for a long time during the teaching!" The middle-aged man laughed.

Afterwards, in front of Xian Ling'er, he did some warm-up exercises, but in fact, he secretly mobilized his whole body's fighting spirit and chose to fight quickly.

After all, it is impossible for the academy not to know about the movement here, and if it continues for a long time, it will do them no harm at all.

"Heisha Prison!"

Afterwards, a black mist filled the air, appearing to lock on Xian Ling'er.

And the three people on Baiheshan's side, and the black dragon and black tiger all stopped, seeing that this battle had already surpassed the battle of the Great Fighter.

"Man Fire Pearl!"

Xian Ling'er is also ready to attack, and the fiery red mandala is even more in full bloom.

The obvious counterbalance between black and red seems to be evenly matched.

However, the black mist suddenly turned and enveloped dozens of students, including Yu'erhong.

Xian Ling'er witnessed Yu'erhong being engulfed in black mist with her own eyes, and wanted to call him for help, but it was too late, and she was gradually engulfed by the black mist.

"Let them go, otherwise, die!"

Xian Ling'er looked at this middle-aged man, and said that it was a contest, but she used such a despicable method.

"Hehe, I know you have extraordinary means, but the next thought I have, they will die. Even if you kill me, there are still dozens of young students by my side, so I won't be lonely anymore!"

The spirit messenger of the Black Mosquito Cult sneered.

The sinister gaze is fixed on Xian Ling'er's soft face, wanting to pick it?It will pierce your hand and bleed.

"what do you want?"

Xian Ling'er frowned and asked.For Yu'erhong's safety, he still endured it.

"Come on!"

That spirit envoy didn't beat around the bush, his goal was Xian Ling'er.With such a genius in hand, I believe Canaan Academy would not dare to act recklessly.

"Okay, let them go!" Xian Ling'er nodded without hesitation.

"Hehe, I'm not a child. You have many tricks, and they are your weakness! Letting them go won't make you worry about the future!" said the middle-aged man.

Afterwards, he continued to persecute, saying: "I will count three words, stop all hands, put down the weapons in your hands, and let my people bind them, those who dare to struggle, they will die!"

After that, let the remaining or hidden guards in your mansion come out, holding the rope, and pretending to be on standby.


The spirit envoy yelled a number, looking at these students who were all around 20 years old,

"Two!" Immediately afterwards, he continued to shout out the second number.

This time, many students put down their weapons, only a few of them looked at Xian Ling'er.

People who are stronger than Baiheshan can't defeat such a strong man, what else can they do, continue to hold weapons, let these students die for no reason?
"Clang clang clang!"

One by one dropped their weapons in discouragement. Originally, they couldn't beat them because of their numbers, but now they are still being threatened by others.

Afterwards, the guards came over happily with ropes in their hands, and started their binding work.

"Hehe, boy, weren't you arrogant just now, and you wanted to kill my mother!"

"That's right, a bunch of brats, why did we offend you, we're going to kill us!"


These guards whispered one by one,

After that, I kicked these Canaan Academy students a few times. They also wanted to abandon evil and do good, but Canaan Academy refused to accept them. If so, they still have to continue to practice, so they had to come here.

These students glared angrily at these arrogant guards. They were in the academy, where they were shown off like this, and there were still a few guards who were not as strong as them.

Then, an uncle-like guard said, "Look, look at the hammer, you can still look at me to death!"

"Haha!" As soon as these words came out, the guards burst into laughter.

But when it comes to beautiful students like Susan Shan and Lin Yuru, these guards are indeed much lighter, because beautiful women have preferential treatment.

After the tying up was over, the spirit envoy of the Black Mosquito Cult looked at the guards and ordered, "Separate them and detain them!"

"You you you! Come here!"

Afterwards, the envoy pointed to the three guards,

The three guards were at a loss,
Afterwards, he reacted and said respectfully: "Oh, my lord! Do you have any orders?"

Such a strong man is not something their little guards dare to offend.

"Go, tie him up too!"

The spirit envoy pointed to Xian Ling'er and said to the three guards.

"This..." The three guards hesitated, Xian Ling'er's method just now shocked them all, if it wasn't for the lord's bad move, how could they tie him up.

"Hehe, this spirit envoy is the lord of the Black Mosquito City, how dare you disobey the order?"

The middle-aged man threatened.

In the end, the three of them thought they were unlucky and came to Xian Ling'er with the rope.

"Hey, fairy, you have a lot of adults, we are just little people, please don't care about us."

"Yeah yeah!"

The three of them were talking to each other, afraid that Xian Ling'er would take them hostage, or slap them to death to relieve their anger.

"What are you mumbling about, tie it up!"

The middle-aged man snorted, and afterward, the three guards began to work quickly. Their rough hands touched Xian Ling'er inadvertently, and they didn't dare to have any thoughts, for fear of angering Xian Ling'er.

All the binding work was completed, and the three guards handed over smoothly.

When he was about to take down Xian Ling'er, the middle-aged man suddenly took out a black elixir, "This is Wujing Sanqi Pill, it can temporarily dissipate your fighting spirit, just stay in peace!"

"Give it to him!" Afterwards, he ordered the three nervous guards who had won the first prize to feed Xian Ling'er.

Xian Ling'er frowned slightly, he still wanted to use this middle-aged man to relax and use his fighting spirit to save the rest of the people.

At this time, no one knew that Xian Ling'er was still a pharmacist who could catalyze the flame of battle energy.

All of this is just an insurance policy for this middle-aged man.

After taking the Wujing Sanqi Pill, Xian Ling'er was detained.

"Spirit messenger, we are not doing enough to protect the mansion, please punish!"

Afterwards, the remaining four great fighters came forward together.

From this battle, it can be concluded that those who survived are the elites, and those who died were either weak or conceited,

"Forget it, tidy up, and recruit some more guards tomorrow!" The spirit envoy waved his hand and said casually.

This battle is nothing more than a game between the superior and Canaan Academy, and he is still here to prevent accidents.

Afterwards, he walked slowly to Xian Ling'er's colorful magic sword, and reached out his hand to touch it, but saw a strong force knocking him away.

"It seems that it is a magic weapon!"

The middle-aged man gave a wry smile, and withdrew his hand, and stopped probing, vaguely feeling that something would happen,
As for Xian Ling'er, she was imprisoned in a pretty good "firewood room". This kind of treatment is not bad. The rest of them were either locked in a dark water ditch or in a dark room.

"It doesn't work for me?" Xian Ling'er felt that the Wujing Sanqi Pill did not suppress her in any way, and her fighting spirit was normal.

Afterwards, Xian Ling'er began to plan, how to get out, and safely save Yu'erhong and the others...

(End of this chapter)

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