Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 605 Rescue

Chapter 605 Rescue
The fiery red fighting spirit is condensed in the hand,

After a while, the tiny flames burned the thick hemp rope, and then, Xian Ling'er untied the hemp rope all over her body, opened the door, and began to look for other people through the night.

After leaving the room, Xian Ling'er began to find a dark room based on her feeling. Although the spirit envoy said that they would be detained separately, there were not so many places to detain people in the City Lord's Mansion.


Xian Ling'er was walking, when suddenly a soft voice came,

Xian Ling'er looked intently, in this dark room with some tiny holes, a person saw himself through those tiny holes.

Xian Ling'er approached slowly, and heard the voices of some other students discussing, some doubtful students also watched Xian Ling'er's arrival through those scrutiny.

Looking at this heavy lock, Xian Linger frowned slightly, and said: "Everyone, please wait a moment, I need to retrieve my weapon before I can split this iron lock!"

"Yeah, sister, hurry up and come back, pay attention to safety!"

"Yeah, if it doesn't work, then go back and move the reinforcements, isn't it just a failure in the experience, the green hills left are still there, so I don't worry about running out of firewood!"


Voices came out one after another, there were male students and several female students, because of Xian Ling'er's strength, each and every one of them called out respectfully and intimately.

Xian Ling'er finally nodded in agreement, reassuring them, and then left,
Under the darkness of night, Xian Ling'er walked like a ghost, without making a sound, with the breath of a long sword, and soon came to the place where the battle was fought not long ago. .

The long sword was still inserted into the thick wall, and there was no sign of being pulled out. The weird black mist was still here, and the spirit envoy didn't seem to release them, as if to do double insurance,

Xian Ling'er looked at the black mist for a while, and said resolutely: "Little Yu'er, don't worry, you will be fine!"

As for that spirit envoy, Xian Ling'er had already put him on the list that must be killed.

"Sword!" With telepathy, Xian Ling'er raised her hand and shouted,

"Buzz!" The long sword seemed to be responding to the master's call, making it buzz.

"Hoo!" Then, it broke away from the wall and flew into Xian Ling'er's hands.

"Huh?" Xian Ling'er held the long sword in her hand and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. Then, she walked to the black mist and murmured: "I hope it will be useful!"

Holding the long sword in his hand, with the tip of the sword pointing down, Xian Ling'er circulates his grudge, controlling the long sword to float,

"Suck!" Afterwards, Xian Ling'er sternly let out a low voice, and saw the colorful illusory long sword spinning rapidly.

After a while, the black mist was absorbed by the long sword at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the black mist became thinner and thinner until the figure inside could be seen.

Yu'erhong was also among them, her face was pale and her eyes were tightly closed, as if she had fallen asleep.Most of the other students who were trapped in it also looked like this.

"Take it!" Xian Ling'er recalled the long sword, knowing that it was effective, she was not in a hurry to break through the strange black mist, even if he opened it, he would not be able to save so many students.

Xian Ling'er also thought that if the emissary was aware of the situation here, it would be very difficult for the rest of the students to be rescued.

After thinking about it, Xian Ling'er hurried back to the previous dark room,

Night is the color that makes people sleep peacefully,
"No, let's go to check again? Otherwise, let these students run away, and the city lord will not spare us."

"Oh, I can't say no, the gutter in the dark room, even if a mouse is afraid to go in, it's very safe, don't worry, if something goes wrong, it's not all our fault, when the time comes, get some replacements..."


Xian Ling'er passed by here, and listening to the conversation between the two, she couldn't help but knocked her out!

"I'm helping you guys, I'm so sleepy!" Xian Ling'er murmured, looking at the two dubious guards.

Then, came to another dark room, not the previous one.

"Crack!" "Clang!"

Xian Ling'er summoned a long sword, and then, with a slash of the sword, the heavy iron lock was split open like a piece of tofu, and fell to the ground with a soft sound.

"The door is open, come out, everyone!"

Xian Ling'er looked inside, some drowsy students were a little bit surprised, seeing that it was Xian Ling'er who came in, she couldn't help being overjoyed.

"Oh, good!"

Everyone was stunned for a while, logically speaking, shouldn’t it be a hero saving a beauty, why is he saved by a beauty now,,

"Everyone follow me out, and rescue the other companions together." Xian Ling'er nodded, without saying anything, and helped them untie the rope. At this time, time was running out.

The rest nodded and swarmed out,
These nearly one hundred students were separated into two groups and detained. This is the No. [-] Prison, and the one Xian Linger met before was the No. [-] Prison.

Prison No. [-], all the students were released, Xian Ling'er noticed that Bai Heshan and Shan Yangui were tied up one more time, and couldn't help being a little funny.

"Xian'er, I really belong to you!"

Helping Susan to borrow the rope, I saw her chuckle, in such an environment, at this moment, Xian Ling'er didn't know why she could still smile so calmly.

"Small, don't talk about it, go save Xiao Yu'er first, something is wrong with her situation."

Xian Ling'er untied Susanshan's rope, and said to Susanshan, in the words, there was concern among friends.

At this moment, Susan didn't say anything more. Regarding Yuerhong, the relationship between them was no longer comparable to that of Xian Linger, a friend who had only been here for a few months.

Afterwards, Lin Yuru also untied the rope, and started to go out together.

It's impossible to fight, the opponent still has four strong fighters who are above seven-star fighters, and a fighting spirit with no less than five-star strength, no matter how you look at it, the chances of winning are not too great, so we have to withdraw first and make a long-term plan.

Nearly a hundred people went out without making some noise, and when Xian Ling'er approached the black mist, four figures and some guards arrived.

Then, the spirit messenger also came out,
I saw him staring at Xian Ling'er, and said with a faint smile: "Sure enough, even my Wujing Sanqi Pill doesn't work for you. Come to think of it, you should be a pharmacist, what kind of elixir did you take first?"

While smiling, he became even more curious about Xian Ling'er's identity. The talented students of Canaan Academy are not so powerful.

"Senior Bai Heshan, Senior Shan Yangui, Senior Pei Yuan, hold him for a minute, everyone, please give me a minute, hold them back, and I will rescue the remaining students."

Xian Ling'er pleaded to Baiheshan and the rescued students.

"no problem,"

Bai Heshan replied coldly, Shan Yangui and Pei Yuan, who were about to speak just now, had no choice but to nod.

"Senior Xian, it was you who rescued us all. We will try our best to entangle them in this matter,"

"That's right, senior sister Xian, we are all your fans... kill me!"


The students responded one by one,

Xian Ling'er nodded, and then summoned her long sword to block the control of the spirit envoy, and then continued to absorb the remaining black battle energy.

The spirit envoy wanted to repeat the old trick, but he felt it and was startled. Finally, his eyes fell behind the colorful and charming long sword, and he sighed, saying:
"What a magical weapon! It's a pity..."

(End of this chapter)

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