Chapter 606

This spirit envoy regrets that the love for magical weapons, especially such spiritual weapons in Xian Ling'er's hands, seems to be a useless scrap iron to others except those it recognizes. .

It's a pity, it's a pity, but seeing that his tricks are about to be cracked by Xian Ling'er, he couldn't help but attack Xian Ling'er very quickly.

"Go away!" Suddenly, Bai Heshan, Shan Yangui, and Pei Yuan who came out to block the way, the emissary couldn't help shouting angrily.

Afterwards, he struck out with one palm, and the palm technique was sharp. There was still a big gap between the two sides, which could not be offset by the number of people.

Baihe Mountain is in front, and Pei Yuan and Shan Yangui are on the left and right sides of Baihe Mountain, just like the left and right protectors of Baihe Mountain.

"Puff puff!"

At this time, facing the simple palm of the spirit envoy, they had no power to resist, and three mouthfuls of blood spurted out.

The three of them retreated rapidly,

After more than ten steps, the three stopped, and then, they all wiped the warm blood at the corners of their mouths vigorously.

The spirit envoy didn't care about the three of them, but activated his black grudge, and rushed towards Xian Ling'er.

Just as it was approaching, a gust of cold air hit, followed by a cold figure.Bai Heshan, I saw that his fighting spirit was floating at this time, and it seemed that he had used some secret method. He, who was already a four-star great fighter, had now been promoted to the peak of a five-star.

"Cough...cough, don't bother him!"

Coughing blood, Bai Heshan said resolutely, holding the ice spear in his hand.

"Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!"

After being stopped several times, this spirit envoy began to have murderous intentions. Excellent students like Bai Heshan are also quite important to Canaan College.

Then, a strange black palm attacked Baihe Mountain. This was his prepared backhand. If Xian Ling'er left, there would still be this student as a handle.

"Heisha Prison!"

A cloud of black mist came out. Faced with such advanced fighting skills, Bai Heshan had no resistance. He only hoped that Xian Ling'er would be quicker. It would be worthwhile to sacrifice one of him in exchange for other students.

"Three Absolute Swords of Imperial Killing!"

Just when Bai Heshan closed his eyes, a fiery red sword energy passed by him, bringing warmth that the night did not have.

"It's ready, senior, take them away quickly, I'll be the queen!"

Xian Ling'er lightly jumped to Bai Heshan's side, and said solemnly to Bai Heshan.

Speaking seriously, let Bai Heshan listen to the serious tone, he naturally knows the situation at the moment, and no one will leave better questions.

He was hit hard with Shan Yangui and Pei Yuan first, but now he has used the secret method to forcibly increase his strength, and it is the end of his strength, staying here is just a hindrance.

"Well, have to be careful!"

In the end, I can only answer one sentence.

Bai Heshan endured the feeling of impending weakness and the pain of being wounded, and then joined Shan Yangui and Pei Yuan to share the pressure of these Doushi students.

"Advanced fighting skills of the mysterious rank, Manhuo Zhuhua!"

This time, Xian Ling'er planned to burn the place directly, and a blooming, warm mandala appeared in front of nearly a hundred students.

That spirit envoy also had a tense expression on his face. He no longer had the upper hand. How many more students would be arrested to threaten him?But would the person in front of him, who was not even a great fighter, allow such a thing to happen?
"Advanced fighting skills, who doesn't have it!"

"Advanced fighting skills of the mysterious rank! Hei Kui!"

The middle-aged man murmured, and then he also used a strange fighting technique, a mass of black fighting spirit wrapped around him, looking at him in the dark, like an evil demon, black and red at night , is extremely obvious.

"Go!" "Jie Jie!"

Xian Ling'er solemnly popped out more than 20 fire beads on the petals. The purpose is also obvious, which is to attack the high-level fighters such as Black Eagle, Black Panther, Black Dragon and Black Tiger.

The most, more than ten beads, were left to the envoy,
Not to be outdone, the spirit envoy condensed a black monster with fangs, about to swallow these fire beads.

bang bang bang...

There were bursts of loud noises, waves of vibrations, bursts of flames, the City Lord's Mansion at this time was particularly eye-catching, but in a place like the Black Horn Region, no one would come to find out, only secretly "Appreciation".

"Pfft, cough cough!!"

"Cough cough..."

The black eagle,..., to the black dragon, the two great protectors, and the two deacons were all seriously injured by the sudden attack of the fire beads. Even though they defended in time, they were still injured by the shock.

Seeing those students leaving in a hurry and being helpless, the guards in the mansion didn't even dare to chase after them.

On this side, Kui with long fangs, who strangely swallowed Xian Linger's fire beads, also made muffled noises in his body. Every time there was a vibration, the black gas dissipated a little until Xian Linger's sharp long sword Chopping down, the spirit envoy's high-level fighting skills were offset.

"Ghost cage!"

"Unity swordsmanship!"

Afterwards, the two continued to fight, but the four great fighters didn't dare to go forward, looking at Xian Ling'er who was holding a colorful long sword, they were all afraid of dying in Xian Ling'er's hands.

And this middle-aged spirit envoy also dodged again and again, facing Xian Ling'er, as if the division of strength in the Dou Qi Continent was just a joke.

Over an hour has passed,
"Hehe, how about using his own way to treat his own body?"

Seeing that all the students in the academy had evacuated, Xian Ling'er said with a sarcasm.

The spirit envoy had a sullen face, looking at the timid subordinates, and seeing his plan fail, feeling a little unwilling.

"Hehe, retreat first, you Black Mosquito Cult, I swear to destroy it!" Xian Ling'er said coldly, and considering Yu'er Hong's situation, she leaped away from the battlefield with a long sword in her hand.

After Xian Ling'er left, all that was left of this magnificent mansion was dilapidation, flames, and exploding pits, as if it had been looted by bandits.

"Hehe, I swear to destroy it, you don't know the forces behind our Black Mosquito Sect!"

The spirit envoy watched Xian Ling'er leave, gritted his teeth, and didn't chase after her, but started talking to himself.

As for the forces behind them, if they set their sights on the Black Corner Region, no force would dare to stand up against them. It's just that this place is a bit barren, and it's also a place for them to practice.

"My lord, I'm not good enough, please punish me!" The four black dragons all came over with "miserable" injuries, and half knelt in front of the middle-aged man.

"Forget it, let's take care of your wounds. After you recover from your injuries, the four of you will surely capture those great fighters. As for this one who can stop me, don't provoke him."

The middle-aged man waved his hand and sighed.

"Also, this time, I'm leaving. I've already made a move. The Canaan Academy will definitely send a strong man above Dou Ling to take action against me. It doesn't make any sense for me to stay. "

"I'll give you a piece of advice: I'm not afraid that there will be no firewood for the remaining green hills!"

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man retreated and disappeared into the night. The remaining four great fighters could only look at each other in blank dismay. It seems to be over.

(End of this chapter)

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