Chapter 608

The central area of ​​Black Mosquito City, the auction house!

"Well..., little friend, I still have three copies of the medicinal materials of the Qingxin Breaking Barrier Pill you want. As for the medicinal materials on your list, there are only a few in this auction. Fang only has it."

Wang Qingtuo took the list of medicinal materials listed by Xian Ling'er, listened to Xian Ling'er's request, thought for a while, and frowned slightly.

In Xian Ling'er's list, most of them are medicinal materials that are rare in the fourth rank. It can be seen that the pill that Xian Ling'er needs to refine is also a fourth-rank pill, but he is just skeptical.

And this heart-clearing and barrier-breaking pill was searched for for a long time by himself, and he planned to refine it for his granddaughter. Compared with improving his strength, Wang Qingtuo still chose to protect his granddaughter's life. The teacher should be able to refine the fifth-grade elixir.

And he has also collected a portion of the medicinal materials of this fifth-grade elixir, and he will not take it out until the time is right.

Looking at Xian Ling'er, even with the addition of the Qingxin Breaking Barrier Pill, Xian Ling'er's strength can be improved, Wang Qingtuo thought, Xian Ling'er can only refine the third rank at most, and if she wants to refine the fourth rank, she has not reached the advanced level. The strength of a big fighter is very difficult!
"Then how long will it take to collect my medicinal materials?" Xian Linger listened, isn't it the medicinal materials of the fourth-grade primary elixir? Why is it so troublesome? Qianyaofang has a good name. Never seen before.

As for things on the mainland, that is what he yearns for, but at this time, he still has to stay in the academy for a few more years.

"Well, it will take four or five days to go back and forth at the fastest!"

Wang Qingtuo thought for a while, then said to Xian Ling'er.

"Okay, Mr. Wang, sell all the medicinal materials in the auction house to me first." Xian Ling'er nodded, and it hasn't been too long. The medicinal materials of Yunshen Pill that Wang Qingtuo mentioned are used to refine some medicines first. The liquid should also have some effect.

Wang Qingtuo nodded, and then told Xiaomei, the female teller, to go get the medicinal materials.

As for Xiaomei, Xian Ling'er thought she was Wang Qingtuo's right-hand secretary, and her work efficiency was pretty good.

After a while, the medicinal materials were brought,
To be on the safe side, Xian Ling'er plans to go back to the inn to refine the elixir. He has experienced the energy ripples and medicinal fragrance caused by the fourth-grade elixir, which may cause unnecessary trouble, so let's go back and talk about it , The inn also has supervisors.

Of course, it is safer in the auction house, but if the refining is successful, it will expose his ability to refine the fourth-grade high-level elixir.

And Xian Ling'er's other plan is to refine one for Wang Susha if it can be refined successfully. Wang Susha's fighting spirit is vain, and it may be because Wang Qingtuo used some special pills to improve.

"Steward Wang, as for the remuneration, we will settle it later!" Holding the medicinal materials, Xian Ling'er cupped her hands at Wang Qingtuo.

There was still some shame on his face, after all, he couldn't afford the money for these medicinal materials for the time being,

"Yeah, I know your origins, and I trust you, but what I hope most is that you can refine the life-saving pill for Shasha." Wang Qingtuo nodded.

As for asking Xian Ling'er for money, he never thought about it. Although it took him a lot of time to collect these medicinal materials, he could still collect them, and it was difficult for him to refine them at present.

Xian Ling'er nodded, and then left the auction house. Some information forces should also know about the Canaan Academy's experience.

Black Fragrance Inn,

After Xian Ling'er came back, she first talked to the supervisor and Susan Shan, but she didn't directly talk about refining the fourth-grade elixir.

Afterwards, Xian Ling'er went back to her room and took out the medicinal materials prepared by Xiaomei. The elixir refined this time was considered to be a mid-to-high level of the fourth grade. Even Wang Qingtuo's alchemy rate did not dare to refine it. .

It is a bit difficult to refine three pieces. Now he can use up a few pieces of Qi-returning pills to exhaust his battle energy. Of course, depending on the situation, he should be able to refine a few pieces in a day.

"Pfft!" The flames in Xian Ling'er's hands began to burst out. Xian Ling'er's advantage was due to his skill, which lasted forever.

Pure Heart Clover, Snow Lotus Seed, Buddha Heart Fruit, Breaking Obstacle Fruit...

Xian Ling'er continued to refine. He had never seen the power of beast fire and strange fire before, and now he still uses his own battle energy flame to refine.

"Huh!" After a long time, Xian Ling'er's face was covered with sweat, and finally refined that fourth-level magic core.

The most critical time is to melt the pill,
Xian Ling'er used alchemy techniques, continued to control the heat, and made it by herself, which was indeed much smoother than participating in Wang Qingtuo's refining. The refining of alchemy was the purest.

"Ning!" Xian Ling'er shouted in a low voice,
Seeing the elixir that was about to take shape, Xian Ling'er couldn't help but feel happy.

After a while, a strong ripple fluctuated, which was a bit better than Wang Qingtuo's one.The medicinal fragrance also overflowed, but Xian Ling'er stopped it in time. As for the energy ripple, Xian Ling'er had no time to stop it.

Afterwards, an exquisite jade bottle was taken out, and it contained this green and round Qingxin Breaking Barrier Pill the size of a longan.

Sitting cross-legged, Xian Ling'er operated the exercises, recovered some fighting energy, and refined one, which almost consumed a lot of fighting energy, but he didn't feel tired at all with his soul power.

After recovering, Xian Ling'er continued to refine, and it was not until midnight that Xian Ling'er successfully refined the three elixirs without any explosion.

"It seems that I'm about to hit a bottleneck again," Xian Ling'er felt the fluctuation of her fighting spirit, and murmured, the fighting spirit has grown a bit, reaching Seven Stars, just depends on whether he is willing or not.

Afterwards, after washing up, he began to take a nap. The refining of the fourth-grade elixir was successful.

"Where is my limit..."

He muttered something, and then fell asleep quietly,
A new day is coming.

Xian Ling'er opened her eyes again, and the sleepiness around her eyes was swept away. Then, she began to select a few herbs that could nourish the soul from the incomplete medicinal herbs of Yunshen Pill in Wang Qingtuo's auction house. Began to refine into liquid medicine.

after a little while,

Xian Ling'er opened the door of his room, and after finishing the next task, he will try to strengthen his own strength.

When she came to Yu'erhong's room, Xian Ling'er gently opened the door, and saw that Su Shanshan had not left, but had been with Yu'erhong all the time.

I saw her lying on the side of the bed, shrinking her body slightly, with a quiet and elegant appearance, wearing fresh and refined dresses, with a special flavor.

"Are you still getting up too early?" Xian Ling'er laughed at herself, sleeping so long every day was already his limit.

Afterwards, she took a piece of paper, and Xian Ling'er wrote down the effects of the liquid medicine, then took out her alchemist's robe, and covered it gently for this good friend,
Returning to her room, it took time to break through, so Xian Ling'er planned to break through directly, closed the door, and started simple arrangement to prevent being disturbed.

Finally, sitting cross-legged on the bed, he took out two jade bottles, put one of them in front of him, opened the bottle in his hand,

A cyan mellow pill was poured into her hand, and Xian Ling'er admired it for a while, and then she slowly put it into her mouth, which was still exuding a delicate fragrance.

(End of this chapter)

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