Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 609 9 Star Dou Master

Chapter 609 Nine Star Fighter
The mellow elixir melts in the mouth, with a coolness, like a surging wave, rushing into Xian Linger's body, it spreads suddenly, this is the first time Xian Linger has taken it like this Special medicine.

As for the elixir that can improve the strength, in each rank, it is considered the best existence, and Xian Ling'er knows about it, only a few.

Xian Ling'er operated the Spiritual Flame Art and began to channel the surging energy led by this small pill, which contained more than a dozen kinds of medicinal materials and the energy of a fourth-level magic core, as one can imagine.


There was a soft sound in the body, and Xian Ling'er immediately broke through to the seven-star strength, and her fighting spirit was still improving.

Xian Ling'er himself didn't know that the elixir he refined was the purest, the kind refined to the extreme.

The battle energy in the body was still rising, until it gradually stopped at the peak of the Seven Stars,

"It seems that we still can't break through to eight stars in one fell swoop." Xian Ling'er felt the effect of the medicine dissipate, slowly opened her eyes, and murmured.

This "a little bit" improvement of one star is still within his expectations, and it will take some time to break through to nine stars.

Finally, his eyes moved to the second Pure Heart Breaking Barrier Pill, it seemed that he needed to take the second one.

There is a limit to this kind of elixir, otherwise, if you take the medicine directly, you still need to practice.You can only take two pills in your life, but the improvement at this time is also a lot of improvement for Xian Ling'er, who will refine a large number of Yunshen Pills after four or five days.

Finally, after taking the second pill,

Xian Ling'er has entered into the second practice again, he is different from ordinary people, as long as the energy is reached, the breakthrough will come naturally.

With another surge of energy, Xian Ling'er successfully entered the Eight-Star Fighter Division, approaching the peak.

But at the most critical moment, because of insufficient energy, Xian Ling'er could only achieve perfection, a little unwilling, Xian Ling'er continued to use the exercises and entered the state of cultivation.

His situation belongs to what most people call eagerness to attack, which is almost obsessed with obsession.

Sensing the continuous influx of fire elements around her, Xian Ling'er eagerly drank it. He didn't know if the liquid medicine would be effective, but the improvement of strength was necessary.

fish red room,

"Huh? Xian Ling'er has been here?" Susan woke up and rubbed her smooth and pretty forehead. Then, she noticed several bottles of blue liquid medicine and a piece of paper beside the bed. Then, she murmured and picked up the fairy A note left by Linger.

These are some medicinal liquids for nourishing the spirit. I don’t have enough medicinal ingredients. I’ll give them to Xiao Yu’er and the others to see if it’s effective... I’m off to practice...

What Xian Linger left behind were just these simple words,
"You are still practicing, I can't even see your strength. As for your identity, maybe it has already been spread."

Susan smiled elegantly, and put the note with masculine words on Meizhong into her ring. She also knew why Xian Ling'er was so eager to improve her strength, so she just made fun of it.

After finishing all this, Su Shanshan carefully fed Yu'erhong a bottle of liquid medicine, which was the essence of third and fourth grade medicinal materials. Xian Ling'er seemed to have underestimated their effectiveness.

One bottle of refreshing, two bottles of...

After Yu'er Hong took a bottle, his pale face regained some blood color at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It seems to be effective, let's send it to other students."

Susanshan watched Yu'erhong's change, and said, although the other students are much stronger than Yu'erhong, their expressions are almost the same.

Afterwards, he left the room and sent the medicinal solution to other colleges,

After doing this, when Susan passed by Xian Ling'er's room, she also noticed something strange. This situation of absorbing the surrounding elements should be a sign of preparation for a breakthrough.

The supervisors obviously noticed it too, but they were very calm. With them around, Susan was much more stable. Even if the powerful spirit fighter from the Black Mosquito Sect came over, they couldn't do anything to them.

Xian Ling'er is practicing, and the rest of the students also have their actions,

During this period of time, Zhao Yong and the others united together and began to fight openly and secretly with the forces of the city lord's mansion in Black Mosquito City.

Three days passed.The fire element that has been gathered has not diminished in the slightest. On the fourth day of preparation,
There was finally movement from Xian Ling'er's room.

"Give me a breakthrough!"

In Xian Ling'er's room, a low voice sounded. Xian Ling'er had absorbed nearly four days of energy just to make a breakthrough at this time.

In such a city where the fire element is not strong, the Spiritual Flame Art, which is low-level and has no natal flame, has finally exerted its maximum effect.

Xian Ling'er's strength, at this moment, finally broke through to the Nine Star Fighter in one fell swoop, her grudge was a little unstable, and it was because she was too impatient.

But at this moment, his fighting spirit was stronger than that of ordinary big fighters.

"It seems that in the next training time, let's stabilize your cultivation first." Xian Ling'er smiled wryly, this time, he was the one who rushed forward.

Having already broken through, Xian Ling'er got up naturally, got out of bed, washed again, and went out to meet Susan and the others.


Immediately after the door was opened, a gaze was attracted, and Xian Ling'er sensed that it was Wang Yimo, the one with the strength of fighting spirits, who supervised the instructor.

Seeing her gaze retracted, Xian Ling'er also went downstairs,
"It's going well. Remember, you can make a breakthrough after your cultivation base is stable now, which can make your future journey longer."

Looking at Xian Ling'er, Teacher Wang Yimo made a point.

"Thank you for reminding me, Teacher, the students will keep it in mind," Xian Ling'er nodded and replied.

Afterwards, Xian Ling'er asked the waiter in the shop to prepare some simple food. Although it was not meal time, but she was used to it, so let's show them.

Just as Xian Ling'er was about to move her chopsticks, Susan came over.

"Hey, the grudge is a bit floating, Xian Ling'er, is this a breakthrough, or is it not a breakthrough, it must be a star drop."

Susan smiled elegantly, came to Xian Ling'er, and also noticed a trace of unstable aura on Xian Ling'er, so she teased.

As for Xian Ling'er's current strength, she doesn't know how many stars it is. Thinking about it, it's better to beat her by half a block.

"Of course it succeeded, Shanshan, how is Xiao Yuer?"

Xian Ling'er smiled slightly, and asked about Yu'erhong's situation with concern, he vaguely knew that it should be some time in retreat.

"I woke up two days ago, but my demeanor has not fully recovered." Susan replied.

Xian Ling'er listened, and also breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, Xiao Yu'er is really fine.

Xian Ling'er asked: "Do you want to eat something?"

Susan shook her head gracefully,
"Then watch me eat," Xian Ling'er chuckled, and then began to enjoy.

A few mouthfuls aroused Xian Ling'er's hidden appetite.

After a while, Susan came close to Xian Ling'er's ear, a soft feeling came from behind, Susan didn't look like a lady, she wrapped her bare hands around Xian Ling'er's neck.

Finally, Zhu Lip moved to Xian Ling'er's ear and asked softly: "Tell me the truth, how old are you now?"

"Nine stars!" Xian Ling'er felt the strangeness in her ear and murmured back.

Su Shanshan had already paused for this answer, Xian Ling'er smiled wryly, knowing it would be like this,

Previously, Su Shanshan knew Xian Ling'er's strength. In less than four days, even breaking three stars, how could she not be immune to blows.

(End of this chapter)

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