Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 610 Tell Her a Story

Chapter 610 Tell Her a Story

hum!Susan snorted twice, knowing that she was making fun of herself. However, as Xian Linger's good friend and good "sister", she was still happy for him. Seeing Xian Linger's appearance, he was only sixteen or seventeen years old, and he was already close to him. Even though he was a big fighter, he was still shocked by it.

In the following time, Xian Ling'er did not join Zhao Yong and the others in their struggle, but kept compressing her fighting spirit and laying a solid foundation.

Until, on the fourth day,
Xian Ling'er predicted that the medicinal materials for the Yunshen Pill should also arrive, so she decided to go to the auction again.

When she came to Yu'erhong's bed and looked at her who had recovered a lot of blood, Xian Ling'er still decided to refine the elixir earlier so that she could recover faster.

"Xian'er, my little fish's life is entrusted to you."

Yu'erhong knew that Xian Ling'er was going to leave, and pulled him, saying with a "weak" look.

Seeing her weak, Xian Ling'er also teased and said: "Okay, I will let you recover as soon as possible, and then become a lively salted fish again, haha."

Glancing at Su Shanshan, she saw that she was also looking at him. Then, she parted her pink lips and said softly, "I believe in you!"

Xian Ling'er nodded, smiled slightly, and then walked out of the inn.

The first time is born, the second time is ripe,
Soon, Xian Linger came to the auction house in the central area,
"My lord, you are here!" Seeing Xian Ling'er's arrival, it was still the two guards who respectfully said to Xian Ling'er.

Facing such a fairy-like fairy who is also a genius alchemist, they just look at her like a goddess, but they can't be seen from a distance.

Xian Ling'er nodded, and walked lightly into the auction house without picking up a speck of dust.

In Black Mosquito City, apart from the city lord, the strongest force is the auction house, so no one will come looking for work.

Xian Ling'er walked into it, and there were various rare medicinal materials, as well as the horniness of rare monsters, etc. on the counters of the auction house.

The supervisor here is Xiaomei, but each counter is guarded by a pretty female teller.

Auctions are not held every day. Selling some medicinal materials is also the job of the auction house to maintain its usual expenses.

"It's little friend Xian'er, you're here, I'll take you directly to see Manager Wang." Seeing Xian Ling'er, Xiao Mei also smiled slightly.

She is envious of such a young second-rank pharmacist, but so what, she is not even a fighter, she can't practice, let alone become a pharmacist.

"Well, please trouble sister Xiaomei." Xian Ling'er nodded and returned a soft smile.

Hearing the name "sister", Xiaomei just smiled slightly, and then led Xian Ling'er into the backyard.

In the quiet courtyard, there is an old and a young, the picture is very harmonious, the old man is very kind, patiently teaching his granddaughter to make medicine.

"The heat, the fire must be well controlled..."


Suddenly, there was an explosion, and both the grandpa and grandson were disgraced.

"Ahem, haha, black-faced grandpa!"

"Still laughing, don't control the flame well,"

"Grandpa, why don't Xian'er and Xiao Yu'er come to play with me?"

For Wang Qingtuo's accusation, the innocent girl didn't care at all, she just pouted and asked a little unhappy.

She delicately thought in her heart: she clearly promised to come to her when she had time, but in the blink of an eye, it has already been four days.

"They all have their own things to do. When you become a third-grade pharmacist, grandpa will let you go out. That's fine."

Looking at the unhappy granddaughter, Wang Qingtuo said helplessly.

"It's a deal. When the time comes, Grandpa, you can't go back on your word." Wang Susha suddenly smiled cleverly. Her smile was so refined that it made people feel that this smile should only exist in the sky, but not in the world. I heard back.

Seeing his granddaughter smiling, Wang Qingtuo also smiled kindly, probably infected by her.

"Steward Wang, little friend Xian Linger is here."

Looking at the laughing grandfather and grandson Liang, Xiaomei shouted softly, such a beautiful scene in Heijiaoyu is rare and enviable.

As for Xian Linger's address, Xiaomei just followed Wang Qingtuo's example. As for calling her younger sister, she didn't dare to call her like that. Her housekeeper was called Xiaoyou, so she called her younger sister, so she must be a generation older than her housekeeper.

"Grandpa~" Wang Susha also acted coquettishly and shouted at Wang Qingtuo when she saw the soft and perfect fairy.

"Okay, okay, I'll go talk to little friend Xian Linger, see if he has time, and stay to play with you for a while." Wang Qingtuo said dotingly.

"Hee hee!" Wang Susha smiled sweetly, as if she got her beloved toy.

Afterwards, Wang Qingtuo walked towards Xian Ling'er,
"Wang Guanshi, have you collected the medicinal materials I need?" Looking at Wang Guanshi, Xian Ling'er also cupped her hands and asked.

"Well, it's already been collected. The name Qianyaofang is not a random name. There are many high-level medicinal materials in it that only you can't think of, and there is nothing they can't collect."

Wang Qingtuo replied with a smile, the praise for this place seems to be quite high.

"Little friend Xianlinger, the old man has a request. Wang Susha is here alone, can you stay with her for half a day?" Wang Qingtuo asked.

Xian Ling'er hesitated for a moment, then nodded. Xian Ling'er had indeed heard what their grandfather and grandson had just said.

Playing with Wang Susha was originally what he promised, but Yu'erhong has not recovered yet, but it is not impossible to stay for half a day.

Seeing Xian Ling'er nodded in agreement, Wang Qingtuo also smiled, and then left behind Xian Ling'er and Wang Susha. to deal with.

"Shasha, how are you these days?"

Xian Ling'er looked at Wang Susha's snow-white pretty face stained with red, and asked in embarrassment.

"Hmph, the one who agreed to come to see me made people wait for a long time, hum," Wang Susha looked at Xian Ling'er, and hummed several times, as if to say: I'm not happy anymore.

Xian Ling'er smiled, and seeing Wang Susha mentioning this matter, she asked, "Shasha, do you know about Canaan College?"

"I know, this is the oldest college in the mainland. I heard that the admissions are strict there, and everyone in it is a genius. Could it be..." Wang Susha murmured as the subject was changed.Originally, she didn't really want to blame Xian Ling'er.

During these years of living alone, she has learned to always consider others, and occasionally act like a baby to her grandfather. When Wang Qingtuo is busy, she is very well-behaved and doesn't make trouble.

"Yeah, we are the students who have come out to practice now," Xian Ling'er nodded, looking at the innocent girl who has been attracted by her own story, Xian Ling'er continued: "This place in the Black Horn Region is based on strength, and it is chaotic. , Burning, killing, and looting can be seen and heard at any time, we grow up, we need these tempering, so that we can go further..."

Xian Ling'er spoke softly, and then found a round stone table in the courtyard, Wang Susha followed, and the two sat facing each other.

Wang Susha propped her chin with her small hands, full of curiosity, Xian Linger also started talking about the time she was picked up by Tutor Ruolin...

(End of this chapter)

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