Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 619 Focus on the Demon Fire Gate

Chapter 619 Focus on the Demon Fire Gate

Just suffered a loss, this time, Mo Dan's subordinates did not dare to slack off, and all came to the side where Xian Ling'er was hiding.

Xian Ling'er also raised her eyes, sensing that the Heilingmen subordinates who were still watching these Doushi's strength approached slowly, and when she was about to run,
"Report, deputy sect master, a pile of scorched earth was found here!" A nine-star fighter from the Black Spirit Sect shouted.

"Hmph, what's the fuss about a pile of scorched earth, let's go!" Mo Dan said, his voice showing his displeasure.

Those subordinates didn't have much to say, Mo Dan was not only the deputy sect master of Hei Ling sect, but also a strong man with fighting spirit strength, which they dared not provoke.

Hearing these words, Xian Ling'er breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise, he would have no choice but to run away, he just came here to have a look, as for picking must have strength.

Afterwards, these people came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

Suddenly, a fiery flower burst out from the scorched black place just now, slowly blooming, and four beauties appeared.

"Xian'er, where are people?"

After Yu'erhong came out, he looked around and found that there was no bird shadow, so he asked Xian Ling'er.

Wang Susha also blinked her watery eyes and looked around, but there was indeed no one there. This time, she also wanted to see what was going on.

Susan looked around and seemed to find some signs of fighting, and then walked out lightly.

"Hehe, I ran away. This time, the battle energy consumption is a bit high!"

Xian Ling'er laughed awkwardly. He was the only one who could watch the battle, but controlling Man Huo Zhuhua to hide underground consumed a huge amount of fighting energy.

What's more, with three people.

After Xian Ling'er finished speaking, Yu'erhong rolled her eyes at him, expressing her appreciation.

Xian Ling'er shrugged and said: "The other two are fighting spirits, and there are four other great fighting masters with no less than five-star strength, come on!"

"That's right, Xiao Yu'er, can we come out with such a strong person?" Seeing that Xian Ling'er was aggrieved, Wang Susha comforted her.

Xian Ling'er was secretly delighted, there are still some people who know the truth.

However, several people said something each, and began to follow Susan to observe the traces left by the battle and some residual fighting spirit.

"It should be a battle between a thunder attribute and an earth attribute fighting spirit!"

Susan Shan analyzed it.

Xian Ling'er nodded, it was almost inseparable, he could see clearly that the deputy sect master of the Black Spirit Sect should be a fighting spirit of the rare thunder attribute, as for the fighting spirit of the Demon Fire Sect, it was of the fire attribute .

"What else?" Xian Ling'er asked with a smile, staring at Susan's graceful figure bending down to investigate.

"What's more, the people from the Demon Fire Sect need to go back to the Black Mosquito City, and return to the Demon Fire Gate through another city gate!" Susan replied.

Xian Ling'er listened, this goddess of the first class of Huang Jie in the Alchemy Department, her IQ is really not a cover, it coexists with her appearance.

In this way, they will have time. The Demon Fire Sect is a small force under the Valley of the Demon Flame. You must know that there are many Canaan Academy students who died under the Valley of the Demon Flame. This revenge... hehe!
Looking at Xian Ling'er who suddenly laughed, Susan seemed to have thought of something.

"Xian'er, why are you smiling so badly!"

Yu'erhong looked at Xian Ling'er who suddenly found beside her, and asked puzzledly. When she looked at Su Shanshan again, she found that the two of them seemed to be playing some charade.

"Silly fish, I told you to read more books. I'm going back and looking for helpers. This time, I will give the Demon Fire Sect a surprise. They don't know that Black Mosquito City also has our college instructors."

Su Shanshan cursed with a smile, and then began to lead the way back. Before that, she even picked up the black hair in front of her, as if she wanted to show off in front of Xian Ling'er.

Xian Ling'er shook her head, pulled the weak Wang Susha, and followed Susanshan.

Su Shanshan's analysis was good. This time, Modan and the earth spirits of the Black Spirit Sect consumed a lot and were injured.

What Mo Dan was thinking was that he would go back and report to the sect master to redeem it with a large sum of money, not that he wanted to sneak attack and rescue Mo Leng. If he did that, he would succeed in the end, but he would also suffer heavy losses.

As for the Canaan Academy, would there be such scruples? With a few mentors here, I am afraid that this team of Demon Fire Sect members will stay outside.

This is Xian Ling'er's plan to use the hands of Canaan Academy to deal with the Demon Fire Sect.He secretly collects benefits, and the target is naturally the treasure on Mo Len's body. As for the rest, I believe that a piece of blood crystal is enough.

With this in mind, Xian Ling'er smiled slightly and returned to Black Mosquito City.

Take Wang Susha to the Heixiang Inn!

"Xian'er, Shanshan, Xiao Yuer, is this where you live?" Wang Susha asked looking at the contracted inn.

"Why, look down on this!" Yu'erhong said while hooking Wang Susha's white neck.

Wang Susha quickly explained, and said: "No, no, I'm just envious, you can still live here freely!"

"Where are you free? You have to collect money. Fortunately, we are alchemists and have privileges!" Yu'erhong replied with a smile!

"Puchi!" Wang Susha chuckled lightly, feeling a little funny, and what Yu'erhong said was a bit contradictory.

Xian Ling'er nodded slightly, not sure if she agreed with what Wang Susha laughed at, or she agreed with what Wang Susha said that this is where they lived.

Several people began to enter the inn!
"Welcome some distinguished guests back, huh?"

The waiter in the shop saw Xian Ling'er and the others coming in, and out of respect for his profession, he yelled, but when he saw Wang Susha who was like a fairy descending from the earth, he couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise.

Susan Shan, Xian Ling'er and the others nodded, and then motioned him to go down to prepare food.

"Let's go to the instructor first!"

Xian Ling'er said, if his guess is correct, tonight or tomorrow, the people from the Demon Fire Sect will withdraw.

Su Shanshan had no objection, Yu'erhong was just curious, but her intuition told her: things won't be that simple!

After finding Wang Yimo, Xian Ling'er began to talk about the auction with several mentors, and it took a while.

"Teacher, that's it. I think we should be able to make a move, but the opponent has a strong fighter who needs a mentor..."

Xian Ling'er explained, and finally looked at Wang Yimo with a smile, and paused.

"You, if you have the demeanor of your teacher, that's shrewdness! Now it's all counted on the instructor!" After listening to Wang Yimo, he felt that he could also lead the students to be a "bandit". This is experience, However, seeing Xian Ling'er's eyes with other plans, she couldn't help but tease her.

In the academy, no one can compare with those in the alchemy department in terms of wealth.

"Okay, Xian'er, go to Heshan, Shan Yangui, Pei Yuan, and the students who are above five-star fighters, mentors, I will do this with you!" Wang Yimo smiled, and his words were insane outrageous.

If he hadn't come out of Canaan Academy, Xian Ling'er would have suspected that he must be a bandit. He didn't know that there was also competition between the tutors of Canaan Academy, and the cultivation resources were limited.

"Okay!" Xian Ling'er nodded, chuckled, and led Susan and the others to look for Zhao Yong.Zhao Yong is good at gathering things together!

After finding Zhao Yong and talking about the matter,
"Leave this to me!"

Zhao Yong patted his chest and promised that it was rare for the four beauties to be in front, and they must show their aura, aura!
After a while

Bai Heshan, Shan Yangui, Pei Yuan, Zhao Yong and some old students with five-star strength and above all gathered together. This time, there are more than 100 people, even if they spit, they can...cough cough, we are civilized people.

Subsequently, an intelligence team was dispatched to inquire about the news,
Until the next day, chase after the Demon Fire Gate!
(End of this chapter)

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