Chapter 620

Nearly a hundred people came out from the west gate!

The sun has not yet risen, and there is a pure white mist around it, like a thin layer of cool, hazy white gauze.

Xian Ling'er was following the crowd, beside her were Susan Shan, Yu'er Hong, Wang Susha, and Banhua Lin Yuru, as proud as she was, and seemed to want to join his team and act together.

Look at the team of dozens of people in front!

This time, the people from the Demon Fire Sect ran in a hurry. Yesterday's battle didn't seem to have any effect on them, each of them seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood.

Among their crowd was a weak young man, who seemed to be drugged and did not move much.

Di Ling, Di Yan, and Di Cong, the three most powerful people, looked around rigorously. In a place like the Black Horn Territory, it is always right to be careful.

"Get ready! Kill!"

Wang Yimo suddenly yelled, and he and his several instructors were like experienced bandits... bandits who saw the treasure at their door.

The mentor has already made a move. This time, all the people from the Demon Fire Sect must be left here.

"Be careful, Shanshan, Xiao Yu'er, protect the gauze!" Xian Ling'er said to the people around her, and then, clinging to the long sword, also rushed out.

Xue Linjing, and Mo Leng's ring are obviously not on Mo Leng's body, so it should be on Di Bao's body, his status is not low, even the strong fighting spirit will not say anything , It seems that there is still a relationship.

This time, Xian Ling'er's goal is Dibao.

Facing the sudden attack of a large group of people, the people of the Demon Fire Sect were confused. Is this a mercenary group?
However, this is not like, and the strength is almost above that of a Doushi.

"Defense!" Earth Spirit reacted, and after yelling, the ten men surrounded Dibao and Mo Len.

Di Ling looked at Wang Yimo, cupped his hands and said, "My friend, I am the deputy head of the Demon Fire Sect. It's convenient for me today, and I will thank you very much in the future!"

When he said that, he really had no idea in his heart.
The person who can bring so many subordinates, since he is stronger than himself, must have a lot of background. The situation between the two parties is already very obvious. If not, then we can only...

When Di Ling was thinking, his eyes were fixed on Wang Yimo.

"Demon Fire Sect, isn't it amazing?"

Wang Yimo said with a smile, his tone was very casual, his eyes were staring at the earth spirit.Then he said to the students behind him: "Give it up, whoever grabs it will get it!"

As soon as this remark came out, it had already been stated that there was no room for maneuver.

Di Ling gritted his teeth, looked at so many people on the opposite side, and then, with a heartless heart, hurriedly retreated, stretched out his big hand to Di Bao, grabbed Di Bao, and said to Di Yan: "You stop them, I will take the young master Withdraw first!"

After finishing speaking, he began to use his body skills to throw Di Yan down from the ground.

Di Yan is okay, he is a nine-star fighter, and Di Cong is a seven-star fighter, so it is a bit difficult to escape.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Bai, I'll leave these two to you, Fat Sheep, don't run away!"

Wang Yimo smiled slightly, and then used his body skills to catch up.

Instructor Li and Instructor Bai who stayed behind smiled wryly, what is this, but I should have a few of the wool on the fat sheep for myself.

Di Yan, Di Cong was blocked, so he could only use means and think of a way out.

In the scuffle here, he didn't notice that a white figure also caught up with Wang Yimo, Di Ling and his party. He still had confidence in Wang Yimo's strength, but if he did it, that would be Mo Len's situation. , there is an opportunity to take advantage of.

"Bah! Poor guy, he doesn't have a ring on his body, making me do nothing!"

"Okay, Xie Dongyi, have you seen his disfigured appearance, he must have been kidnapped!"

On Mo Leng's side, he was held down by a classmate, and when he found out that there were no rings or treasures, he kicked him twice.

Afterwards, a student persuaded, and the student who persuaded had a smile on his face, and obviously gained a lot.

There are more people than meat, there are ten people in the Demon Fire Sect, and there are nearly a hundred of them. This is indistinguishable, but those who can gain something must be students with good strength.

The battle here is over soon. As for Di Yandi, he was almost beaten from this side. What about the Nine-Star Fighter? There are so many of them...

Look at Xian Ling'er again,
"Are you still running?" Wang Yimo caught up with Di Ling, stopped in front of him, and looked at Di Ling with a smile, as if he was like a cat playing with a mouse.

In terms of strength, it is insurmountable to be one star short, not to mention, Wang Yimo's martial arts, fighting skills, and strength are all superior.

"My friend, keep a line in your life, so we can meet each other in the future!" Di Ling said while holding Di Bao, looking at Wang Yimo.

"I'm a person who never likes to leave a line." Wang Yimo smiled.

"Earth Arc Fist!"

"Earth Dazzling Arc Fist!"

Seeing that the opponent refused to let go, Di Ling threw two punches directly.

In the first one, the power should belong to the low level of the Mysterious Rank, and in the latter one, it is a high-level fighting skill of the Mysterious Rank.

Xian Ling'er, who hid aside and watched quietly, murmured: "Suddenly, I feel that Teacher Wang is a little bit wordy."

"Mysterious-level advanced fighting skill, Cracking Mountain Palm!"

Wang Yimo's face suddenly became happy, and he slapped out a rigorous palm. It seems that this trip ticket can still earn a high-level fighting skill, not a loss!

Fist and palm offset, although fighting skills can enhance attack, but strength is the last word.

"Mysterious level low-level fighting skills, earth dragon moves!"

Seeing that the blow was counteracted, Wang Yimo's body was filled with a brown earth attribute grudge.

I saw this area, like an earth dragon churning, began to shake, the earth spirit was in it, and was protecting a fighter, so it was naturally uncomfortable.

Although the low-level fighting skills with one blow are not as powerful as the high-level ones, they are faster, more stable, and less fighting spirit.

"Dibao, protect yourself first!"

"Second Uncle, you don't have to worry about me, go back and tell my father, my father will definitely be able to save me."

Shaking and shaking, the uncle and nephew were talking.

"Now, he won't let me go back, I will hold him back later, you go back first, remember!" Di Ling shook his head and said seriously.

Looking at Wang Yimo's eyes, it seemed that he really wanted to leave himself here.

Dibao nodded, that's the case anyway, if he runs by himself, he can escape back. As for Diling, it seems that the probability of surviving is not high.

"Earth Arc Fist! Ah Bao, run!"

Earth Spirit slammed his fist on the ground angrily, and then let out a low shout.

Seeing that the ground was no longer shaking, Dibao also nodded, gritted his teeth, used his body skills, and started to run out of Wang Yimo's control.

Soon, Dibao disappeared in this area. Obviously, the level of fighting skills he displayed should not be low.

But he didn't know that at this time, a white shadow had already followed him.

After walking for a while, Dibao stopped, exhausted a lot of battle energy, but murmured: "Second Uncle, if you don't come back, I will remember you well!"

"Hehe, wouldn't it be better for you to stay with him?" Then, a soft voice came out.

"Hoo!" Accompanied by a piercing sound,

"Who is it..." Dibao was speechless before he could react.

(End of this chapter)

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