Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 625 Emerald Goose

Chapter 625 Emerald Goose

With these precautionary measures, we can better protect these innocent and ignorant girls from being missed by the wild wolves around them.

Xian Ling'er smiled awkwardly, but she still remembered that day in her mind: skin as white as jade, a charming scenery...

The food they usually find is their main experience. In addition, they will also select some second- and third-level magical beasts for combat training every day, because high-level medicinal materials are guarded by magical beasts, and fighting is a last resort. .

Xian Ling'er's movements are very skillful, and it seems that she has these cooking memories in her mind, but they are also very vague.

After a while

"Well, it smells so good!"

A salivating voice came, and Xian Ling'er saw that it was still the same.

I saw that these girls were all wearing loose dresses, with a simple belt around their waists, and the waist-length blue silk with water drops, which was really alluring.

Xian Ling'er looked at these guys who were already fascinated by the food, and said with a smile: "Well, then you guys eat first, and I'll take a shower too!"

After finishing speaking, he ran away directly. Even the two bodyguards outside didn't know where he took a bath.

Seeing Xian Ling'er left, Susan just paused for a moment, and then began to walk up slowly, scooping mustard green millet egg porridge,

And eggs steamed, boiled, fried...

Meet these girls with different tastes.

After Xian Ling'er came back from washing, she also ate a little bit. In the end, Yu'er Hong almost ate up all of it.

I saw her puffing out her belly, enjoying it very much. Next, it was the hard time. During bedtime, several people crowded in the cave,
Xian Ling'er was in a corner, and Wang Susha fell asleep soundly next to him, reading the books Hui Xiaomei was looking for.

Then, go to sleep...

One day passed like this!

"What would you like to eat in the morning?"

Going out together with Chaoyang, Xian Ling'er asked Susan and the others.

"In the morning, why don't you simply eat something, some noodles?" Speaking of food, Yu'erhong's drowsy look disappeared instantly.

The rest of the people have no objection. The ramen made by Xian Ling'er seems to be never tired of eating. Chinese food and dinner are different.

And this Chinese food, what to eat when you go out, it is best to use fire-attributed ingredients.

In the forest!
"Bang!" "Hiss!"

There was a burst of noise, and there was a sound of spitting letters.

Dozens of people besieged two two to three meter long snakes with white scales emitting cold air.

On the other side of the forest, Xian Ling'er's group of passers-by was attracted.

Yu'erhong looked at these mercenary groups hunting monsters, looking dangerous, and asked, "Those are two third-tier monsters, Xian'er, should we go up and help?"

"Little Yu'er, we don't have any big fighters, go up and die!" Seeing the "chivalrous" Yu'er Hong, Lin Yuru immediately reprimanded.

Although Xian Ling'er's strength can compete with Da Doushi, she still doesn't want to cause trouble, and it is a taboo for the mercenary group to hunt and kill monsters, because it will be regarded as malicious by the mercenary group. people.

It is still common to grab the final result.

"I want you to take care of it!" Yu'erhong was said, and she replied unhappily.

"Hmm... Xiao Yu'er, go fight the ape!"

Seeing the two people who were about to quarrel, Xian Ling'er thought for a while, and said redly to Yu'er who was too energetic.

When Yu'erhong heard this, she immediately shut up, asking her to deal with that kind of monster is not just looking for trouble, Xian Ling'er also meant the same.

"They have a great fighter. Although they lost to the Black Ice Snake, there is no problem in retreating. They should have set up traps."

As the team leader, Xian Ling'er led a few people away, and then began to explain.

It's not that he doesn't help, but that there are too many right and wrong in this Heimu mountain range, and they all have their own history, so naturally they won't meddle in their own business.

For your next meal, hunt down the Emerald Goose!
The emerald goose is not a goose made of emerald, but a flying monster whose feathers are green and emerald.

And this experience is also unique, they are all interested in it, it is delicious and fun.

Afterwards, Xian Linger led them through a forest and came to a swamp.

This is the inner circle, and monsters above the second level can be seen everywhere. I heard that there are also monsters of the fifth level, which are comparable to the existence of human kings. Xian Linger will not provoke such monsters. Fortunately, he may not be able to kill at the fifth level.

"Be alert!" Xian Ling'er said as the group stepped into the swamp.

Su Shanshan, Lin Yuru, Yuerhong, and even Wang Susha became vigilant. Since Xian Linger said this, something must be approaching.

"Gollum! Gollum!"

Then, a strange sound sounded,

In the swamp, mud bubbles bulged and burst one after another.


Afterwards, toads with rotten sores on their backs jumped out of the swamp, as if to remind the invaders not to set foot.

"It's disgusting!"

Yu'erhong looked at it, and said with a disgusted look, it seemed that he was about to vomit out today's breakfast and the overnight meal.

"Yeah, how could there be such a disgusting monster!" Wang Susha also said with nausea. In her opinion, all monsters should be ferocious.

"These are swamp toads. They like to live in groups. Their strength is not high, at most second-level strength. They live near the swamp and enjoy teasing emerald geese. If they are capable, they will even eat emerald geese!"

Xian Ling'er smiled lightly.

With Xian Ling'er's explanation, Yu'erhong also understood, and said with a smile: "So, toads can really eat swan meat!"

"Puchi! Toad wants to eat swan meat!"

Wang Susha chuckled, she still knew the meaning of this sentence.

"Okay, don't say so much, our lunch is the Emerald Goose. Wait, when the Emerald Goose comes out to forage, it will snatch food from the mouths of these swamp toads!"

Xian Ling'er shook her head, she was used to Yu'erhong's "lively" demeanor, in this way, a team can be lively.

I found a reed to hide, and Xian Linger guarded Wang Susha's side. The warm fighting spirit helped her drive away moisture and mosquitoes.

As for the others, it is natural to find the difference between the two. They seem to be very good friends, but Susan and Yuerhong are people who have been there before, so they naturally know these things. Emotions are very important.

After waiting for half an hour, they were all fighting masters, so naturally they wouldn't feel any discomfort.

"Gah! Gah! Gah!"

thump thump...

Afterwards, swans that were as green as emeralds in the sun began to fly over and landed on the swamp, and emerald geese began to peck at the soil, looking for food.

"Gollum, Gollum!"

Whoosh, quack, quack!
Those marsh toads began to show their heads, and their big black tongues shot at the emerald goose.

Those emerald geese were suddenly caught quacking, and as for the emerald geese that were not caught, they jumped and dodged, with no intention of flying away, it seemed that they also took pleasure in it.

When the two races were playing at a fever pitch, Xian Ling'er beckoned, and Susan and the others understood. This time, they should catch a few more and go back to raise them.

"Shasha, do you want to go together?" Xian Linger took Wang Susha's soft and boneless little hand and smiled gently.

"Yeah." Wang Susha nodded, she was looking forward to it.

In this way, the action began.

(End of this chapter)

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