Chapter 626
"Hey, where are we going!" After Yu'erhong snorted, she stepped on the toad's head and threw herself at a entangled emerald goose. The feeling, it seems, likes to step on two feet more.

Xian Ling'er smiled slightly, took Wang Susha's little hand, and stared at a jade goose.

"Shasha, you make a move?"


Holding that soft little hand tightly, Xian Ling'er asked with a chuckle, while Wang Susha nodded.

Afterwards, she threw Wang Susha towards a green swan, and seeing Wang Susha grabbing the neck of an emerald swan, Xian Linger hurriedly pulled it back.

"Gulu, whoop!"

Xian Ling'er predicted well, after pulling Wang Susha back, a disgusting tongue of a swamp toad rolled towards the place before Wang Susha.

Pulling Wang Susha back, due to the pulling force, Xian Ling'er had to use the other hand to wrap around Wang Susha's willow waist, and the two of them were close to each other.

Looking at the pure and beautiful girl who was close to her, Xian Ling'er scratched her smooth nose and teased, "Our family, Shasha, is still very smart!"

"Hee hee, that's it. Xian'er, let's catch another one?" Wang Susha smiled after being boasted.

"Okay!" Xian Ling'er nodded, and then moved to another place, preparing for the next target.

"It's really a fairy descending to earth, I'm envious of these two young people!"

Yu'erhong is carrying a jade goose, trying to dodge it..., uh, it should be said that she is teasing these second-level monsters, Susan has already caught one, looking at the light and beating Xian Ling'er and Wang Susha, Just a sigh.

Lin Yuru also carried one, and she was the first to get it, because, apart from Xian Ling'er, she is the strongest here.

After a while, Xian Ling'er brought Wang Susha back, because she wanted to ensure her safety, so Xian Ling'er was always by her side, protecting her.

"Wait a minute!" Earth escape!

After glancing at Su Shanshan and Lin Yuru, Xian Ling'er cast an escape method and disappeared in front of the three of them.

"Huh? Shanshan, where is Xian'er going?"

After Xian Ling'er left, Yu'erhong had had enough fun, and when she returned, she saw Xian Ling'er running away, so she asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, I don't know!" Susan shrugged, and then said casually.

In fact, she is also curious, she wants to know the secrets of Xian Ling'er, for example, why he doesn't grow up, for example...

"Hehe!" Seeing Yu'erhong deflated, Lin Yuru laughed ironically. She didn't have any malicious intentions, it was purely provocative.

"Laugh with a hammer!"

Seeing Lin Yuru's appearance, Yu'erhong couldn't beat him again and again, and no one was good at refining medicine, so she couldn't help muttering.

"Puchi!" Wang Susha, who was closest to her, sneered when she heard this, but before she laughed, she covered her small mouth in time.

Yu'erhong thought about it, laughed at a hammer, laughed at a hammer, this is not calling herself a...

Afterwards, she stopped talking, but gave Wang Susha a little waist to make her laugh at herself.

During the fight, Xian Ling'er escaped back.

"Let's go!"

Xian Ling'er looked at the two girls who were fighting and laughed lightly, then took a jade goose from Wang Susha's hand and started to return home.

through the forest,

Suddenly, a mercenary group of about 20 people surrounded the five Xian Ling'er.

"Tsk tsk, beautiful, beautiful, Chiliu!" The headed one-eyed dragon with a black eyepatch on his right eye stared at the five Xian Ling'er, and then sucked back the saliva that flowed out.

After surrounding Xian Ling'er, I saw one by one of the one-eyed dragon's subordinates, who had mischievous eyebrows and mischievous eyes, and pointed at the orchids, shouting: "Hehe, we opened this road, and we planted this tree. If you want to live from now on, Stay and buy... ah bah, stay all!"

"Hee hee, then we stay, do we still want to go there?" Wang Susha listened, this was the first time she encountered such a thing, she pulled Xian Ling'er and asked jokingly.

When the one-eyed dragon's men heard it, they suddenly said to the one-eyed dragon: "Yes, leader, shall we keep them?"

"Idiot, of course I do. I still need a few heads and wives. These ones are so beautiful, so I'll take them all." The one-eyed dragon gave his subordinate a big mouth, and his voice sounded like thunder.

According to reports from his subordinates, there have been several beautiful women in the Heimu Mountain Range, who are as lustful as him, so naturally they cannot let them go. Unexpectedly, hearing about it is worse than seeing it.

"Do it, tie it up!" Cyclops gave an order, and the mercenaries he recruited all held weapons, and slowly approached Xian Ling'er and the others.

They are not stupid, women who dare to walk in the Heimu Mountains are women who have no strength to restrain chickens.However, their regiment leader is a seven-star fighter, and their mercenary regiment is quite famous here.

"Xian'er, do you want to do it?" Yu'erhong approached Xian Ling'er slowly, and asked in a low voice.

Su Shanshan just looked on indifferently, these mercenary regiments had at least the strength of a two-star fighter, if there was no Xian Ling'er, they might really have to be arrested and become the wife of the head of the village.

Lin Yuru didn't speak either, but just watched vigilantly. If Xian Ling'er said to do it, she was ready to blast out.

"Don't worry, there are..."

Xian Ling'er shook her head and smiled calmly.

"Wait!" came a voice,
"There are still people!" Interrupted in time, Xian Ling'er finished with a helpless smile. Even if he didn't make a move, the two mysterious people following them would.

The five people heard the sound and looked, a pair of mercenaries wearing black samurai uniforms came, Xian Ling'er looked at that the leader was the one who sold the first elixir at the street stall that day, Heishan.

"Captain Long, these people are my friends, can you let them go for the sake of my Heiwu Mercenary Group?"

Hei Shan glanced at Xian Ling'er, she was indeed so soft and charming, then, he cupped his hands at the one-eyed dragon.

"Captain, these women really have backgrounds, the Black Martial Mercenary Corps..." said the sly-eyed subordinate.

"I don't know!" The one-eyed dragon snorted, and then said: "Hehe, my poisonous dragon is not afraid of your black martial mercenary group, that's all, let's go to sell you face today!"

The dozen or so mercenary regiments that this one-eyed dragon looked at, although there are no big fighters, but the overall strength is still higher than them. The deputy head of the Heiwu Mercenary Group should still be around. The two big fighters, her poisonous dragon mercenary group can't stand it.

If you sell a favor on the other side, you can also withdraw it yourself, but these women will find another chance in the future.

After Cyclops and his party retreated, Hei Shan stepped forward, smiled at Xian Ling'er and said, "Do you still remember me?"

"Huh?? I have a little impression, are you?"

Xian Ling'er, the playwright, went online and nodded her head, as if she really had a little impression.

"Heishan, the one who bought your elixir last time,"

Later, in order to ease the embarrassment, Montenegro began to introduce himself.

"Xian'er, it seems to be him!"

Yu'erhong made up for it.

"Oh, I remembered!" Xian Ling'er suddenly realized, "Thank you for taking the shot just now, otherwise we would have been caught by that poisonous dragon."

"There are many monsters in the Heimu Mountain Range, and there are some villains with evil intentions. If you want to join our Heiwu Mercenary Group, I will send you back to the city!"

Montenegro said.

Su Shanshan wants to laugh at this time, aren't you bad people with evil intentions?

"No, no, we still have to look for medicinal ingredients, so we can't go back." Xian Ling'er waved her hand, looking a little hesitant.

At this moment, Wang Susha is also holding her small hand against her white chin, watching Xian Linger's performance...

(End of this chapter)

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