Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 628 Little Black

Chapter 628 Little Black
Around the Life-Returning Grass, the pulsating, well-hidden black eyes were still detected by Xian Linger's powerful perception.

The black rock gecko, a monster that has just broken through to the fourth level, is good at camouflage. It is a ferocious carnivorous monster. It is poisonous with black rock, and other creatures will die if they touch it!
These are all Xian Ling'er learned from the Poison Code, and she has a very high understanding of poison. I am afraid that the former owner of the Poison Code, Hei Ya, is not as thorough as Xian Ling'er's research.

"Come!" "Go!"

Xian Ling'er circulated her grudge, sucked in a small stone, and then popped it out with her fingers.

"Hoo!" "Crack!" There was a sound of breaking through the air, but it only made a soft sound when it hit the gecko that was like a rock, but the stone had already shattered.

"So hard scales!" Xian Ling'er sighed, admiring the hard bodies of these monsters.

Then, it seemed that it had been exposed, and it was still irritated by Xian Ling'er. The black rock gecko began to open its eyes and quickly climbed towards Xian Ling'er. This cliff was its home field.

Afterwards, those black eyes locked onto Xian Ling'er, and rushed straight over, not afraid of falling into this bottomless cliff at all.

Holding the hemp rope with one hand, Xian Ling'er leaped up lightly, dodging the brave pounce of the black rock gecko.

But the three-meter-long body of the black rock gecko hit the rock wall thickly, causing the rock wall to shake slightly.

"Shanshan, the rope is rubbing, has Xian'er encountered a monster!"

Yu'erhong looked at the hemp rope that was rubbing violently against the mouth of the cliff, and said worriedly.

They believed that such a thick hemp rope would not be dangerous.Yu'erhong's words also made Wang Susha, who was reluctant to part with a goose, also start to worry.

Su Shanshan also frowned, but Xian Ling'er was the strongest among them. Logically speaking, according to the time period a few days ago, Xian Ling'er should have come up.

"Okay, don't worry, even if you encounter a fourth-order monster, Xian Ling'er will be fine!"

Su Shanshan said that she didn't know what to do, and she didn't know, and she had another idea: don't encounter fifth-order monsters.

They are deep inside the Heimu Mountain Range, and naturally there are many high-level monsters, but the high-level medicinal materials are also directly proportional to it.

under the cliff,
"Chiliu!" A brown tongue of the black rock gecko rolled towards Xian Ling'er. According to the past, it could already have a full meal, but it seemed that its patience was worn out when it encountered a prey that jumped up and down like this.

bang bang bang!With powerful and attractive giant claws, it absorbs the rock wall, and then a dragon wags its tail, and then rolls its tongue again.

"Huh~poof!" Suddenly, a mass of black objects surrounded Xian Ling'er.

"This is black poisonous gas! It's just right, let's collect some for sister Xiaomei to study!" Xian Ling'er looked at the black poisonous gas covering her, and took out a few jade bottles.

When he came to the Heimu Mountain Range, he collected a lot of poisonous materials. Although he knew that Xiaomei had the means to get the poisonous materials, but these were his intentions.

The black rock gecko didn't know that Xian Ling'er was not afraid of its poisonous gas at all, but slowly walked towards Xian Ling'er.

"Okay, I won't play with you anymore, just give me this medicinal herb, spare your life!"

Xian Ling'er then stepped on the charging black rock gecko, and with the help of its impact, reached out to the medicinal herb with red flowers.

If you use a weapon, at least you can kill it by surprise, but Xian Ling'er just wants the herb. As for the magic core, he doesn't want to get it by himself, it would be bloody.

Stab it!Xian Ling'er uprooted the medicinal herb, and then hurriedly received it into the ring.

The black rock gecko saw that the elixir that he had guarded for decades was taken away by someone, so he was willing to rush over in a hurry.

"Haha, don't give it away, Xiao Hei!"

Xian Ling'er looked at the black rock gecko rushing towards him in a panic, chuckled lightly, and then, with the help of its impact, climbed up to the top of the cliff at top speed.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Seeing Xian Ling'er slipping away and disappearing in front of his eyes, the black rock gecko slowed down for a moment, roared again and again, and slapped the rock wall, causing countless stones to fall into the abyss.

Xian Ling'er borrowed strength and used her body skills to play among the cliffs, not once or twice, but this time, it just added some pressure.

"Okay, let's go, this time the harvest is not bad, haha!" Xian Ling'er jumped up to the top of the cliff, looked at the woman who still had a worried face, and smiled lightly.

Seeing Xian Ling'er coming up, Susan and the others also breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to collect the rope, and Xian Ling'er was also guarding the cliff. If the black rock gecko dared to catch up, they would beat it back home.

Soon, Susan Shan Yu'erhong and the others quickly put away the rope, not too slow, as if they felt that the magic beast under the rock would catch up, this is something they have seen before.

This time, the monster didn't come up, which was unexpected, but it was reasonable.

Then, start the next stop,
This afternoon, it wasn't all Xian Linger's picking alone. Sometimes it was Susan Shan, or Lin Yuru, otherwise, this experience would not be very meaningful, as far as the team was concerned.

When a few people went back, it was already time to prepare dinner.

Xian Ling'er listened to the voices of the girls playing, while making delicious food for them, only gauze, the fastest to wash, and then the green silk came out with a lot of water droplets, busy feeding her Xiaocui.

Xian Ling'er had finished her work before tiptoeing close to this fairy-like woman.

"Hey, is Xiao Cui full?"

Xian Ling'er patted her fragrant shoulder lightly and asked a question.

Wang Susha almost jumped up like a frightened little rabbit. Seeing that it was Xian Linger, she was fascinated by his soft smile, but she was a little angry, and said: "Yeah, I just had enough, and it fell asleep again , Xian’er, don’t disturb it.”

When Xian Ling'er heard it, it turned out that this guy blamed him for disturbing her Xiao Cui, and there was a slight jealousy in his heart, which was emitted faintly.

"Okay, Shasha, it's not good for your health to have water in your hair all the time." Xian Ling'er didn't argue with her, but walked to her side, gently rolled up a strand of blue hair, a ball of fiery red fighting spirit Wraps that soft hair.

Wang Susha also paused for Xian Linger's move, and then quietly let Xian Linger dry it for herself.

She knew that Xian Ling'er was very kind to her. Yu'er Hong and Xian Ling'er had a better relationship with her, compared to Susan Shan and Lin Yuru.

"Xian'er, why is your fighting spirit so beautiful?" Suddenly, Wang Susha asked.

This sudden question, Xian Ling'er was also stunned,

"Well, it might be a problem with the cultivation technique. I practice the special cultivation technique of the ground level." Xian Ling'er thought for a while, and then said.

His Spiritual Flame Jue is really special, it needs to cultivate the flame of his life, if he finds the strange fire between heaven and earth, he should be able to reach the advanced level of the earth.

"Ground steps," Wang Susha was also taken aback. Such advanced skills are not found in places like Hei Mosquito City, only those powerful forces in the Black Corner Region can have them.

"Shasha's cultivation is only at the high level of the Xuan class."

"That's good too. In Canaan College, many students are only at the middle level of Xuan rank, and the same is true for the instructor."

Seeing Wang Susha sigh, Xian Linger also began to persuade.

These days, Wang Susha seems to have gotten used to being guarded by Xian Ling'er, and it was also the happiest time for her to play, but in the blink of an eye, a month has passed,
(End of this chapter)

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