Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 629 No. 1

Chapter 629 No.1

In the center of Black Mosquito City, the auction house!
After bringing Wang Qingtuo's obedient granddaughter back together and saying goodbye, Xian Ling'er took Xiaomei to a remote corner.

"Sister Xiaomei, I will give you these poisonous materials!" Xian Ling'er took out an ordinary receiving ring, and gave away the poisonous materials collected in the past month.

Xiaomei looked at this sixteen or seventeen-year-old, soft-looking and charming little beauty, and her heart moved inexplicably. He seemed to really regard herself as a sister.

But, what is it worth for him to do this? To the auction house, she is just a signboard, and her management skills are just okay.

"Well, Xian'er, my sister also prepared some books for you!" Xiaomei chuckled, and at this moment she also treated Xian Ling'er as a "sister".

Afterwards, he took out a pretty precious black ring, which couldn't be compared with Xian Ling'er's ordinary ring. First of all, it was a contest of value.

Xian Ling'er also smiled slightly, it seems that Xiaomei also knew that she was going back. There should be a lot of books in it, so don't return them.

"Well, thank you sister Xiaomei!" Xian Ling'er nodded, took the ring with both hands, and then said: "Sister Xiaomei, we are going back, take care!"

"Yeah, my sister knows, my sister has lived here for more than 20 years, so you don't have to worry about it, haha."

Xiaomei smiled naturally,

When the two were about to say goodbye, Xian Ling'er also waved to meet Susan.


Halfway through the walk, Xiaomei suddenly stopped.

"Is there anything else, sister!"

Xian Ling'er listened, stopped, turned around and asked.

Xiaomei didn't say a word, but walked towards Xian Ling'er gracefully. That devil figure and charming temperament are enough to fascinate many men.

Suddenly, Xian Ling'er was embraced by her into that soft bosom, feeling the proud peaks, she was suddenly fascinated, and unconsciously wrapped her hands around Xiao Mei's charming waist.

"Hehe, it's okay, my sister just wants to hug you, can't you!"

Suddenly there was a big sister's temperament, Xiaomei said domineeringly, and also noticed the movement of Xian Ling'er's hand, but she didn't care.

It was just a short hug, but Xiaomei let go with a trace of reluctance, while Xian Ling'er didn't do much to cover up, her little face was slightly flushed, scorching hot.

"Yeah, my sister's figure is really good!"

Xian Ling'er was a little fascinated and said that, unlike Ruo Lin's mentor, Xiao Mei seemed to have a strange feeling, which made people's heart skip a beat.

"Really, do you want some papaya!"

"What papaya..., sister,,"

"Haha, well, the college is on holiday, remember to come and see my sister, otherwise, I don't want you as a sister."



Being teased by Xiaomei, Xian Ling'er could only blushed and said, but this time, her relationship with Xiaomei has improved a bit.

Xiaomei watched, Xian Ling'er left,

"It's really slow!" Yu'erhong looked at Xian Ling'er who came out, and murmured.

Xian Ling'er smiled lightly, half of her heart was still in the warm hug just now, and she didn't react.

This time, the most reluctant thing is Wang Susha, whose face has recovered a lot of blood. During this time, she seems to have gained a little weight after eating, sleeping and playing well.

But he had to go back,

After passing the dead spirit tree, I returned to Heping Town,

Xian Ling'er, Su Shanshan, and Yu'erhong put on the academy's alchemist robes, registered, and prepared to return to the academy with the main force.


A few people had just registered and entered the prosperous town when suddenly, there was a sound of joy.

Xian Ling'er and the others looked around, only to see Xue Ni, Yi Jia, Xiao Yu, and Xiao Xun'er coming side by side.

Xian Ling'er saw a few people, all of whom were fighters, but Xiao Xun'er, after more than half a year, she seemed to have broken through to be a fighter.

She looked at her and frowned. She didn't know if it was because of her own strength or the second-grade pharmacist badge on her chest. They came to Canaan Academy together, and they knew each other to a certain extent.

The quiet and elegant aura on her body is not comparable to that of Yijia and Su Shanshan. Compared with her, Su Shanshan is still insignificant.

"Xueni, Yijia, Xiao Yu, Xun'er,"

Xian Ling'er's names were confirmed one by one, and she was also delighted.

Then, being hugged by Xue Ni, her fiery figure squeezed him,
Xian Ling'er also gave her a longing hug and said, "How about the experience?"

"It's okay, Xian'er, when the time comes, refine a hundred pills for me and Yijia!" Xue Ni said suddenly.

Xian Ling'er just remembered, she didn't expect this Xue Ni to "hold grudges" so much, these hundreds of pills are still trivial matters.

"Um, would a few second-grade pills work!"

Xian Ling'er pretended to be in trouble and asked.

"You're kidding, Xian'er, luckily I have your elixir!" Xue Ni patted Xian Ling'er and laughed.

"That's good!"

Xian Ling'er smiled awkwardly, he naturally knew it, and then, looking at Yijia, her temperament remained the same, she looked like a lady.

"Come on, let me introduce you, this is Lin Yuru, but she is the class flower of Class [-] of Huang Jie in our Alchemy Department, this is Susan, and this is Yu'erhong!"

"Shanshan, Yuru, Xiaoyuer, this is what I told you. When Canaan College recruited students, my good friend Xue Ni, and Yijia, Xiao Yu and Xiao Xuner!"

After Xian Ling'er and Xue Ni hugged briefly, they started to introduce them.

"Hello there!"



Afterwards, the six girls shook hands with each other and strolled around Heping Town together. Here, it was very quiet and there were not so many bloody scenes of burning, killing and looting.

Two days later, all the students gathered, the large force was mobilized, and began to return to the academy.

Returning to the familiar playground where they had been separated for two months, many students looked at the rostrum with anticipation.

Hope to hear your rankings,
waited a while,

On the stage, the vice president, the two elders, the fire elder of the alchemy department, and some elders all appeared on the stage, and the mentors also came out to symbolize the maintenance of order.

The students have all been lined up in an orderly manner.

"Ahem, I'm very happy. Your training this time has been successfully concluded, and the ratings and rankings have been determined. Next, Teacher Mo will announce the list of the top [-] outstanding students. These outstanding students can be selected again. Fighting skills!"

The deputy dean named Hu Qian said with a smile, this time, there was no long speech, and he seemed to know the students' anxiety.

Then, a middle-aged male mentor wearing a mentor's robe stood up, holding a roll of parchment.

After unfolding, start to read: "No.1 of this experience, Xian Ling'er, No.2, Baiheshan, No.3, Shan Yangui, No.4, Pei Yuan, No.5, Lin Yu..., No. .20 first place, Zhao Yong,..., No.30 fifth place, Duan Yingping..."

The top five results are almost all proof of his strength. It is only a matter of time before Lin Yu breaks through to become a master.

As for the others, almost all of them are five-star fighters or above, and most of them are from the outer courtyard, because students of the alchemy department rarely make shots.

For the top fifty, almost all of them entered the fighting skill hall to obtain fighting skills, the high-level yellow ranks, and the top five can obtain low-level fighting skills of the mysterious rank.

The joy of being included in the list, those who did not enter the top 1, are thinking about the next effort, Xian Linger is No.[-], and there is no dissatisfaction.

Because this time it is specially aimed at the Black Mosquito Sect, the strength gap, all the students have B-level grades, of course, Xian Ling'er is S-level, No.1!
(End of this chapter)

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