Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 833 Half-Step Hunyuan

Chapter 833 Half-Step Hunyuan
The corners of Hongming's mouth curled up slightly, with a jealous smile, and then, he brushed Xian Ling'er's handsome nose, and said softly: "Of course it's Da Luo Jinxian, haha!!"

After finishing speaking, she controlled her own smile very much, fearing that a smile would shock the world and bring about unimaginable consequences.

Being teased by her master like this, Xian Ling'er also had a cheeky face, and said: "Probably not, I feel that I have already comprehended a new realm, mastering ten thousand dharmas, it is better to unify ten thousand dharmas!"

"This should be the realm of Hunyuan!"

In the end, even Xian Ling'er was not sure. For a hundred years, he hadn't been completely buried in the gentle village. For her own way, Xian Ling'er pursued a simple notation.

"Warriors have the highest level, so there is no trick to win and there is a trick..." And Xian Ling'er also thinks so, Tuoshe Gudi's Wanhuoguiyuan move really played with fire to the extreme.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that he himself is a unique fire! !

"We all have the same way, maybe next time, you will be able to take that step." Hong Ming didn't tell Xian Ling'er the answer directly, but said mysteriously.

"It's really Dao, very Dao!" Xian Ling'er murmured, but the comprehension about Dao didn't come, instead it was a kind of coercion.

It seems to suppress some kind of evil spirit. .

Xian Ling'er's heart was depressed, but she just felt that these holy words were used to suppress him.

"Okay, don't mess around with those. As for your realm, you should be able to truly understand it next." Xian Ling'er pushed the playful apprentice, and when she got involved with this guy, her mood became inexplicable , seems to like such a comfortable scene very much, but...

Some things are not something you can keep if you want to. There is no guarantee of strength. No matter how beautiful the love is, it is also an illusion.

Afterwards, Hong Ming took out nine thousand and eighty-nine origins from other worlds, and patted them lightly, all of which penetrated into Xian Ling'er's body.

"Master!!" Xian Ling'er was startled, but Hong Ming's speed was still too fast.

"Preserve Yuan Shou Yi, absorb these energies!" Hong Ming simply reminded her, and then said nothing more, but her black autumn eyes were full of care and worry for Xian Ling'er.

Xian Ling'er nodded, so she sat cross-legged in the void, and then began to refine these energies, and the Myriad Dao Hunyuan Art was running rapidly.

These thousands of clusters of energy are like being divided into thousands of rivers, and finally stay in the central world, which is the hub of the fairy world.

A lot of energies flowed in, even the immortal Linger with the body of Daluo Jinxian was also swollen like a ball at this moment. You must know that these energies were obtained by Xuanming's tens of thousands of years of cultivation.

As the true deity, Xian Ling'er just sits and enjoys her achievements like this, and if she can't bear it, she can only fall short.

"Da Luo Jinxian..." He Xiaolan was still surprised, but Hong Ming suddenly attacked Xian Ling'er until Xian Ling'er retreated for a moment.

With her and her left, He Xiaolan couldn't help but look at Hongming tremblingly, such a beautiful woman, I don't know how she grew up, how could she be like this.

The next moment, Hong Ming also glanced at He Xiaolan, a girl who was comparable to a fairy, and didn't care about her existence.

He Xiaolan also trembled, just a look can do nothing, what kind of strength is this.

As for Hong Ming's strength, Xian Ling'er is also not clear, let alone a stranger.

In the end, the two women looked at Xian Ling'er together, one had a soul bond with him, and the other had a fate bond.

"Hey, Xian Ling'er's master, how long is he going to retreat like this?" Finally, He Xiaolan, who put her jade hand on the lotus lantern, looked at Hong Ming and asked.

You know, she only believed in Xian Linger, and even the woman Xian Linger disappeared, which made her a little uncomfortable.

Hong Ming didn't respond to her, but flicked his fingers lightly, and He Xiaolan flew upside down.

"Heh, it's just a waste product. What right do you have to ask me? As for such a scene, maybe you can't see it anymore. Why don't you become my apprentice's guide."

Hong Ming said indifferently, He Xiaolan is just a small pawn in one ten-thousandth of those people's selection, and it's nothing.

"Pfft!" He Xiaolan spit out a mouthful of blood from her jade lips, and looked at Hongming vigilantly, why, why did this woman also attack her.

The next moment, she suddenly found that she couldn't move her whole body, and the lotus lamp was also broken, and energy poured into her body. In an instant, He Xiaolan's strength had reached the peak of Daluo Jinxian.

It's just that this sudden surge of energy made her feel extremely uncomfortable, her whole body was scorching hot, and she couldn't control it with her own intentions.

Looking at Xian Ling'er, she seemed to have seen the way home, but she was just a moth to the flame, but she still got light and heat. .

Hong Ming turned his back, not watching such a scene against his will, but, it seems that he has seen many such things before. .

Xian Ling'er, who is in cultivation, feels the sudden warmth and a bit of coolness between the heaven and the earth, and then sees her own world being caressed by the sweet rain, which is full of moisture.

The Wan Dao River seems to have a direction and become stable. It is no longer a stormy wave crashing on the shore, but a thin and laminar flow.

However, he didn't know that the remaining beauty disappeared in front of him...

Everything was not what he wanted, but he couldn't control the ending, he accepted it unconsciously, drawn by a stream of pure and pure energy, like a summer lotus, giving people an antipyretic effect.

Accompanied by an earth-shattering energy ripple, Xian Ling'er really took that step. He opened his eyes in joy at the same time.

However, at the next moment, there was only Hong Ming alone, and the white robe on his body did not move at all. He wore it on his body, and he did not know what happened just now. .

"Master, is this transcendent feeling the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!" Xian Ling'er asked, intending to understand his own strength, and then asked: "Where is He Xiaolan?"

It can be seen that at this time, what Xian Ling'er cares about is strength, beauty and dry bones, not to mention there is Hong Ming in front of him, he doesn't know why Hong Ming absorbs the energy of other women, but he still shares it with him, Xian Ling'er Gradually let go of that disbelieving heart. .

The final answer will still come to the surface, and Xian Ling'er doesn't want to spend so much time asking, because it's useless.

As for He Xiaolan's ending, either, it is the same as Wang Susha and the others, or, she no longer knows about reincarnation in that world.

"Hehe, Hunyuan is easy for you to break through. At the beginning of the prehistoric era, there were not even ten saints. Do you think you have broken through?"

Hong Ming teased, and the long black veil floated up, revealing her flawless and white hands, gently covering her small mouth.

"That's..." Xian Ling'er also smiled wryly.He seemed to be used to every frown and smile of his master, and felt that he had seen the movements of dozens of women who accompanied him.

"Half step!!" Hong Ming whispered two words at last.

At this moment, Xian Ling'er knew that it was really not easy for him to break through to the half-step Hunyuan in such a long time. .

(End of this chapter)

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