Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 834 Defeated

Chapter 834 Defeated

Half-step Hunyuan is also a hundred and eight thousand miles stronger than Daluo Jinxian. Today's Xian Ling'er can be regarded as half a saint, a quasi-sage realm at the level of fantasy novels.

However, Xian Ling'er didn't know, and Hong Ming didn't tell him that his current strength realm is actually quasi-Heavenly Dao realm, and the Hunyuan after Daluo Jinxian exists with the Heavenly Dao, so the Nine Great Emperors call it the Heavenly Dao realm.

"Okay, half a step is half a step, the next target master, you have ulterior motives, but before you leave, apprentice, I really want to have two tricks with master, I don't know, can you?"

Xian Ling'er also looked at Hong Ming with a smile, her frowns and smiles were so free and easy, as for women, he stopped harming others online.

After all, dozens of people have been harmed, and the rewards are far more than that.

"Well, it's okay, let's finish it."

Hong Ming nodded, her long black hair was slightly flowing, giving people a mysterious and beautiful black gauze skirt, which was also gently swaying. This kind of Hong Ming is absolutely fascinated by everything.

To Xian Ling'er, this is just something to look at. After all, she has already got it, and it is her own food, so she can look at it however she wants. .

"Hehe, good!!" Xian Ling'er smiled lightly. The battle of this strength is indeed good so far. With a flick of the hand, a battle qi continent can be destroyed, and a continent can also be created with a wave of the hand.

Holding the sun and the moon and picking the stars, there is no one like me in the world! !This pattern is still too small, Xian Ling'er's current realm is a level existence like a creation god.

world?stars?Just create one if you're bored. .

Especially in the Douqi Continent, one time practiced, and experienced Dou Zun's control space, Dou Sheng's opening up space, Dou Emperor's leaping space and so on.

Xian Ling'er removed her tied long black hair that shone like black pearls, and her long hair spread across her shoulders, even though the breeze blew.

"Roar!" Afterwards, a void beast suddenly broke in, Xian Ling'er smiled lightly, and raised her right hand, trying to control this existence that could easily kill Emperor Dou.


"Boom!" There was a sudden explosion, and the Void Beast died just like that, only a look from Hong Ming instantly killed it.

"Master, don't beat and kill people at every turn, we have to be reasonable..." Xian Ling'er said with a calm smile.

Hong Ming listened, and recalled deeply again, "Xiao Hong, what's the use of fighting? Your revenge has been avenged..."

"Hmph! Master is obviously a well-known devil from all walks of life. He is more cruel than me when he kills people..."

At that time, the little girl in a long black dress was just muttering. Of course, this was also her best memory, because the master who killed her was helping her kill her enemy.

"Poor mouth." Hong Ming bit her red lips lightly, said angrily, and then rushed towards Xian Ling'er with a powerful energy that stirred the space.

The swords and fingers stand side by side, aiming at Xian Ling'er's eyebrows.

Xian Ling'er looked at the beautiful sword fingers and sighed secretly: "Master is the most beautiful woman, even her fingers are so delicate."

"Master is the most handsome man, he is so handsome even for killing..."

Kunpeng step!In the next moment, Xian Ling'er turned around, coupled with Flowing Fire, and the fusion of various attributes and body skills, Xian Ling'er's speed was as fast as possible, and with the blessing of half a step of Hunyuan strength, it was also possible to avoid Hong Ming's attack. hit.

Hong Ming applauded slightly, but finally, with a cold face, said: "It's still too slow!"

It's just that she didn't teach Xian Ling'er the real movement method, because she felt that she couldn't teach such a movement method, and she could only comprehend it if she mastered it.

Now, Xian Ling'er's body skills and form speed have reached, but her state of mind has not yet reached that level.

What is missing is the realm! !

Afterwards, Hong Ming turned around and swept Xian Ling'er's sleeve with her sword finger, and a divine weapon she refined was torn apart like paper.

Xian Ling'er looked helplessly and smiled, "Master, that's what you always said so far..."

Afterwards, Xian Ling'er also became serious. These were just warm-ups. Xian Ling'er knew that she was not Hong Ming's opponent, so she could only think of a bad plan.

Finally, the sun and moon appear on the left and right sides of Xian Ling'er, surrounded by stars, and Xian Ling'er standing in it is really beautiful.

"Come on, master, one battle will determine the outcome!"

Xian Ling'er suddenly made an appointment, knowing Hongming's strength, he could only cultivate the plank road openly and secretly.

"Pretentious! Watch me break you!"

Hong Ming also cooperated, muttered something, and then pointed his jade finger, as if the six veins of the divine sword were coming out.

However, when the two collided, Xian Ling'er threw herself into the arms of the beauty, hugged Hong Ming's soft body, and laughed and said, "Hehe, Master, you lost!"

Hong Ming looked at the apprentice with a playful smile, her delicate body trembled slightly, and then lightly tapped Xian Ling'er's forehead, feeling a little helpless, "It's such a joke, you must not do this when facing the enemy, remember!!"

Hong Ming seemed to be saying this to himself, with the corners of his mouth raised, and after that, this disparate battle was considered to be over.

In terms of real suppression, if Hong Ming didn't release the water, Xian Ling'er would definitely lose.

However, they knew each other very well, and Xian Ling'er also grasped this point, knowing that Hong Ming's control was so handy so far, so it was naturally impossible to hurt him.

Therefore, in terms of cunning, Xian Ling'er still won, but after a few simple fights, Hong Ming also learned about the improvement of Xian Ling'er's strength, body skills, and control. Can't compete in that battle, or in other words, it's not enough to be cannon fodder.

"Okay, get ready, the next world may be..." Hong Ming finally sighed softly, and said to Xian Ling'er.

Xian Ling'er hugged Hongming, just like hugging those familiar women, she was reluctant, there were 1 people who were reluctant. .

"I may have guessed it, Master, I want to hug you again..." Xian Ling'er said affectionately.

Hong Ming nodded, letting Xian Ling'er snuggle up to her, looking at Xian Ling'er as if she were looking at a child thrown into her mother's arms.

In the arms behind, Xian Ling'er didn't have any evil thoughts, she felt very at ease and comfortable. .

Unknowingly, Xian Ling'er fell into a deep sleep, maybe it was caused by Hong Ming's charming aura.

"The end is the beginning, and the beginning is also the end. The world turns, so it always is!" Hong Ming said slightly, raised his hand, and touched Xian Ling'er's increasingly familiar handsome face.

At this moment, with many memories, Hong Ming raised his hand to construct a small world. This world is full of greenery, natural and fresh.

In this way, Hong Ming took a little rest for a while, and she didn't feel so safe anymore for a long time.

In the dream, he saw the person who changed her fate at that time, a slovenly man who liked to wear a black suit appeared...

"The Voice of the Great Dao, start again, the battle for the Great Dao, strikes again!!"

Suddenly, a long voice came from the mind of Xian Ling'er in her dream, and Xian Ling'er suddenly got up with a jerk.

In the next second, he directly kissed Master's extremely elastic red lips.Hong Ming also woke up, she didn't blame Xian Ling'er like that, she just showed concern in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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