Chapter 843

Chapter 8 transition source gas

Li Xiran looked at Wu Ming's dark eyes, and felt a burst of numbness. He quickly looked away, not daring to look at him again, and Wu Ming also smiled indifferently. The time is still very long. He is not in a hurry, so-called, impatient Can't eat hot tofu.

"The answers are all in place, Wu Ming, keep working hard and sit down." The homeroom teacher was also slightly surprised, this student Wu Ming is a bit abnormal today.

This kind of junior high school life, two days later.

The homeroom teacher announced on the stage a major event that made the scumbags howl and the talented students indifferent: three days later, the whole school will start the first high school entrance examination, and there will be tests every month after that. This is unavoidable.

After school that day, Wu Ming dumped his pestering best friend and went back with Li Xiran. The two of them went back side by side. In the setting sun, a ray of bright red from the setting sun witnessed the restraint of a young girl.

Wu Ming walked side by side with her, and then reached out to the girl's snow-white hand...

Wu Ming said so, the girl whose hand was touched just now wanted to stop like an electric shock, but she was already tightly held by the boy.

"Xiao Ran, I will be serious. When the time comes, we will go to Tianlan Magic High School together." Wu Ming's voice was soft, and he promised that the girl who was still struggling would stop struggling and let her beloved boy lead her. Perhaps, this is Be excited!

Feel the slight trembling of the girl, you can feel her rapidly beating heart from her soft hands...

"Xi Ran, what magic department do you want to awaken?" Then, Wu Ming changed the subject, intending to distract the girl.

The girl listened, her hand was already being held, and she was calm, "Although this is beyond my control, my grandfather is a powerful wind magician. If possible, I also want to awaken the wind system. In the future, I can... ..." Li Xiran said, also looking forward to it.

Looking at the silly girl, Wu Ming also smiled, and said, "Perhaps, awakening is optional. Volunteering in the magic department can be seen everywhere in our lives, such as wind, every day."

"Xiran, close your eyes and I will hold you. Feel the wind blowing. Your grandfather is a magician of the wind system, so he should have passed it on to you." Wu Ming began to guide, and secretly, he had already mobilized A trace of the source of wind, ready to cross over to her.Because, Wu Ming felt that the strongest element in her magic system was the water element.

Li Xiran was a little hesitant, but she closed her eyes expectantly, thinking that Wu Ming would be like that...

With being led by Wu Ming, Li Xiran really felt the elements in his life, the breeze blew past his ears, and even blew a strand of his beautiful hair.

As he was walking, he suddenly felt a warmth and coolness on his lips, as if taking a breath of fresh air. Li Xiran was a little confused, but he still opened his eyes, "Gulu!" Swallowing the inexplicable coolness, Li Xiran Then his face turned red rapidly, so red that he was about to bleed.

"You..." Li Xiran didn't know what to say, and felt that the development was still too fast.

"I'm fine, Xi Ran, your first kiss is mine now, and I won't be able to run away in the future." Wu Ming smiled indifferently.

Li Xiran looked at the cheeky and helpless guy, pushed him away a little, and started to run away.

It's really developing too fast, they are still junior high school students...

Seeing the girl run away, Wu Ming flashed. This speed, in the eyes of these ordinary people, was comparable to that of a mid-level wind magician. Of course, Wu Ming hadn't used all his strength to run, otherwise, high-level magicians would not be able to catch up he.

"Hehe, Qian Wannang, you've seen it all!" The next moment, Wu Ming appeared behind a tall and thin young man, and said faintly.

"Wu, Wu Ming, I didn't even see the title of the book." Wu Ming who suddenly disappeared and then appeared behind him made the classmate Qian Wannang tremble with fright.

Wu Ming smiled faintly, walked up to Qian Wannang, picked up a marble stone, and said, "Student Wannang, if you crush it, I will let you go, otherwise, I will drag you to Xuefeng Mountain for a walk next time..."

Qian Wanneng looked at Wu Ming at this time, but felt extremely scared, as if life and death were controlled by Wu Ming, he was just curious, but he didn't expect to find that Wu Ming was holding hands with the goddess, he was angry and hated , but his appearance is not as good as Wu Ming's, and his figure is only slightly taller.

"Hey, classmate Wu Ming, can we not be joking? I just passed by today, and I really didn't see anything." Qian Wannang said tremblingly, you know, Wu Ming suddenly disappeared and appeared again, it was too weird.Moreover, Wu Ming has been to Xuefeng Mountain, but there are monsters there.

"Crack!" Wu Ming broke it with a little force, and that piece of marble shattered like a foam board.

"This is a bubble. Classmate Wannang." Wu Ming smiled sinisterly, making Qian Wannang tremble, and then said calmly.

Seeing the hard stone being broken apart, Qian Wannang was also curious,
"Try?" Knowing that Qian Wannang was curious, Wu Ming handed him a piece and muttered.

Qian Wannang also took the stone tremblingly, and then broke it, the stone scratched his delicate and tender hands. When Qian Wannang saw Wu Ming's smile again, he suddenly felt so terrifying, like an abyss The devil annotated himself.

"Speaking out will affect Xiran's study, just like this stone." Wu Ming threw away one by one, and snatched the stone from Qian Wanneng's hand. With a little force, the stone turned into stone powder.

"Gulu!" Faced with this naked threat, Qian Wanneng swallowed, and then replied tremblingly: "Wu, Angkor, don't worry, I won't say anything."

Looking at Qian Wannang, who was cutely called brother, Wu Ming also smiled knowingly and patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Let's not talk about the end, after all, the Xuefeng Mountain monster is still quite hungry..."

After solving this trivial matter, Wu Ming quickened his pace to catch up with Li Xiran.

Looking at that girl, she was really cute. .

"Woooo, this bad guy, it's only the first day we hold hands..." Li Xiran murmured, it can be seen that she still cares more about the first kiss.

After a long time, Wu Ming pretended to catch up, "Xi Ran, I really like you, and I won't do this again in the future. Don't be angry, okay?"

"Hmph, I've kissed you. This test depends on your performance. If you don't do well in the test, you are not allowed to hold my hand..." Li Xiran blushed, and the more she talked, the more she realized that something was wrong. However, now she needs a step down, After all, it was too fast.

"Okay, I'll definitely study hard, and I'll pass the exam, can I kiss again?" Wu Ming also pretended to smile silly, and he really looked so youthful.

"Hmph, look at the performance..." Li Xiran also snorted softly, that was a direct question, but now the relationship between the two is basically confirmed, but it has not been announced.

"Hey..." Wu Ming smirked.

In the end, the two went back side by side. Li Xiran's wind element absolutely suppressed the water element. In the future, she will be no less than a curse-level magician. With this pure wind energy from another world, of course, it depends on whether she works hard Otherwise, you can only stay in the super magician stage.

As for Wu Ming, I think it's worth it to be married to Li Xiran for the rest of my life...

(End of this chapter)

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