Chapter 844

Chapter 9 Mock Exam

Looking at the young and shy girl, Wu Ming felt that at this moment, he was so lucky. However, on this parallel planet, if the strength is enough, it is also a matter of marrying more wives...

"What are you thinking about!" Wu Ming reflected on himself, shook his head, and then followed the girl's footsteps with a wry smile.

Three days later, the mock exam began, and it was also a test for Wu's name to completely change, proving that he was a good young man who had mastered the basics of magic through nine years of compulsory education.

On this day, it was raining lightly, just like Feng Hailun's uneasy heart at that moment.

"Helen, be serious. I will help you this time. If you pass the pass, you will study hard in the future and strive for a place in the Awakening Magic High School." Wu Ming was about to enter the classroom at this time, and patted his buddy Feng Helen on the shoulder. road.

"Angkor, if you can really let me pass, I will definitely study hard. With the arrangement of my family, it would be trivial to enter the magic high school. Hehe." Feng Hailun also said with a smile.

"Well, this time, I'm the first in the grade, and I want it!" Wu Ming nodded, and then began a domineering declaration.

However, besides Li Xiran who was blushing and deliberately avoiding Wu Ming was a little uneasy, she was also more worried about Wu Ming.

Wu Ming's words made the classmates who were about to enter the examination room suspicious. As for the whisper of helping Feng Hailun "cheat", these classmates didn't hear it.

It's just that among the boys, Qian Wanneng, who has low self-esteem, is just foolishly driving these people who mock Wu Ming. At this moment, he has absolute trust in Wu Ming. I don't know why, maybe, this is love, haha. "Angkor, I support you!"

Afterwards, Qian Wannang yelled something just to make a statement, like a fool.

"Is this money omnipotent short-circuited suddenly? Why does it look like Wu Ming's younger brother?"

"That's right, it's always abnormal these days, and there must be a demon when something abnormal..."

Afterwards, those students talked about it one after another, but no one dared to refute it because of Wu Ming, a well-known prick.

Afterwards, you can enter the examination room. Students will be seated according to their seat numbers. One class will be divided into two classes for the test. The second and first graders have been on vacation for two days, so they have to vacate the classroom.

Unfortunately, Li Xiran is not in the same class as him, but class leader Lin Yuxin and buddy Feng Hailun are in the same testing room as Wu Ming.

After waiting quietly for a while, the invigilator finally came with the magic theory test questions. After scanning the well-behaved students who kept their duty, they began to distribute the test papers.

"I hope everyone will get good grades in the exam, put an end to cheating, and start answering the questions." After the invigilator said a good word, he calmly announced the bad luck that the exam had already started.

Wu Ming looked at the test paper and was still so familiar with it. After filling in the class name and other information, he began to look at Feng Hailun's test paper. Fortunately, he is a genius. Otherwise, with such eyes, would he still be afraid of failing the test?
"There is only one answer to the question, and there are many, but there are many answers to the monster theory analysis question. For Feng Hailun, let him fill in the simplest one." Wu Ming murmured, because Feng Hailun was in the There is a seat on his left.

"That classmate, please concentrate on answering the question!" Seeing Wu Ming who was not on the test paper, the invigilator also shouted.

"Heh, I also said that I will be the first in the grade, unless I get [-] points in the theory of monsters, elements and so on."

"Some people just talk big."


Around, those Yu Wuming's relationship is so-so, and those who look down on Wu Mingjia's wealth and power all laughed mockingly, maybe this can make them feel more balanced in their hearts.

Then, Wu Ming lay down on the table. .

The invigilator looked at it and sighed: Another problematic student!
However, just after closing his eyes, Wu Ming activated his weak perception soul and started sound transmission. This kind of cheating method can really leave no trace, which can be called the first level.

"Helen..." Suddenly, Wu Ming called out.

I saw that Hailun Feng almost pushed the table and jumped up, but there was still a vibration. .

"Teacher, I'm sorry, I accidentally read the question as a monster just now... Hehe" Afterwards, looking at the teacher's eyes, Feng Hailun smiled naively again. In such a state, people can't detect the abnormality.

"Don't be afraid, I'm Wu Ming. Next, I'll tell you the answer, and you can just fill it in." This sentence reassured Feng Hailun. It was Angkor's voice, "Choose B for the first question, and choose B for the first question. Choose C for the second question, and choose C for the third question..."

"Theoretical analysis, element restraint and advantage analysis, list the first point, the thunder system..."

"Fire element..."

"Ice element..."

Then, 10 minutes before the end, Hailun Feng looked at the filled test papers with an unprecedented sense of fulfillment.

After helping this buddy to fill it out, Wu Ming stretched sleepily, his eyes were bleary, and he looked exhausted. He didn't know what this young man had done just now, but he was so tired.

Only Wu Ming himself knows: "This fat man, if he has a better comprehension ability, he can make up for it..."

Afterwards, he picked up his pen leisurely and began to answer. After finishing this subject, there was another one in the afternoon.

The 10 minutes are up, if the text is not written a little more "pretty", Wu Ming can hand in the paper in a few minutes, but serious handwriting will definitely attract people, Wu Ming just wants to keep a low profile.

"The exam time is up, students, stop answering." The invigilator looked at the time, and then began to announce.

The invigilator collected the test papers himself, and he also paid attention to Wu Ming, a "problem student", mainly to avoid cheating incidents, but when he received Wu Ming's test paper, he was just a little surprised, because Wu Ming's test paper It is full, and the handwriting is impeccable, so you can see the extreme, but, in 10 minutes, if the answer is correct, then this student is a genius-level figure.

After collecting the test papers, the invigilator began to seal them up, and finally announced the end of the morning test.

Wu Ming and others left the classroom,
"Angkor, how did you do it just now?" Just after leaving the classroom, Feng Hailun chased after him and asked.

"Helen, this is a private secret, but it's still your Angkor's privacy. Are you sure you want to know?" Wu Ming said with a calm smile. "If you really want to know, then you don't need to take the exam in the afternoon."

"Hey, I don't ask, don't ask, after all, everyone has their own secrets! It's enough for Angkor to cover me..." Feng Helen also said with a smile.

Wu Ming nodded, and then, watching Li Xiran also come out.Directly facing the fat man, he said, "Helen, you can move freely first, I want to bring my girlfriend to dinner..."

This time, Wu Ming was very direct,

"I understand, I understand, see you in the afternoon." Feng Hailun also looked understanding, and then ran away.

Seeing Li Xiran coming out and Feng Hailun leaving, Wu Ming went up to meet her.

"Let's have lunch together!" Wu Ming said directly, if Wu Ming wanted to, he could take this rhythm directly.

(End of this chapter)

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