Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 845 Field Experience

Chapter 845 Field Experience
Chapter 10 Grade [-]
"No, there are so many classmates..." Li Xiran directly rejected the girl's reserve after thinking about it.However, how could Wu Ming, who had already left his imagination, give up lightly.

"If you don't come with me, then I have no choice but to hold your little hand and pull you over. At that time..." Wu Ming stared at the bright and charming young girl with an inexplicable smile. red cheeks.

"Okay, I'm afraid of you, but no other actions are allowed, the only way to hold hands is to go back after school." In the end, Li Xiran also compromised, because she really couldn't deal with such a thick-skinned Wu Ming.In the end, she could only weakly put forward one condition.

A restaurant with a thriving business spent half a red dollar to buy two delicious fried fast food. .

"It's really a man and a woman..."

"It's already started in junior high school, aren't you afraid it will affect your studies?"

"Let's not say that grapes are sour..."

One by one, they also noticed the two young men who were still wearing school uniforms, and Li Xiran naturally blushed even more when he heard these people's comments, showing a guilty face even though he had done nothing wrong.

"Okay, Xi Ran, let's have dinner, thank you for waiting for brother, the exam is all morning, and it will continue in the afternoon, you can go home first, our parents are waiting for you at home?" Wu Ming smiled softly, like a Like big brother.

"Hmm..." Li Xiran nodded, her face recovered a little, and then, like a lady, she began to eat carefully.

Those who just "misunderstood" them stopped talking, and only had one sentence in their mind: What are you doing, it turns out they are brothers and sisters...

One noon passed quickly. .

Under the shade of the school trees, teenagers and girls are sitting on marble benches on campus...

Looking at the scenery of the campus, and the girl's slender and fair legs...

I really want to stick it on and sleep well, it should be very soft...

Thinking about this, but Wu Ming still took into account Li Xiran's thin skin, so he didn't take action, but, there will be bread, and everything will be there in the future, it just takes time.

"I have so many attributes, I don't know which department to choose to awaken?" Wu Ming thought, his arrival seems to be earlier than Mo Fan's time, it seems that the handsome guy is coming near the entrance examination.As for Mu Ningxue and Xinxia, ​​he doesn't know where they are, unless he awakens magic and can use "magic energy" to expand the restricted perception.

Fortunately, he remembered the development of the story, the water was too deep, Wu Ming just wanted to re-experience life on this blue planet, and to make up for his parents.

The exam in the afternoon started, and it was still the same exam room. Candidates, except for the exam questions and the invigilator, hadn’t changed, because this time it was just a test, and they were preparing for the mid-term exam.

Soon, the exam is over. .

On the way home, a fat and lonely figure walked alone on the way home,
In front of this little fat man, there was a couple holding hands, they were smiling happily, and the little fat man also wanted to get close to him to hear what kind of dirty jokes this man told that made the girl so happy.

Then come time, go to school, attend lectures, do questions, read books...

Wu Ming has already found his mother, who wants to come to the high school books, and has read all the high school books...

From time to time, accompanied by the teacher's questions. .

But today, Wu Ming also came to school showing his original "neglect" attitude, because the junior high school really couldn't satisfy the current classmate Xiao Wu, it's just that the girl is here.

"Today, there is a piece of good news, which is also incredible." The head teacher took a stack of test papers and walked up to the podium.

The class teacher's face is rosy today, obviously it has something to do with last night and today's life.Good news, everyone already knows this.

"It's the monitor or someone who got good grades in the exam again."

"That's right, anyway, it's not good news for us scumbags..."

A classmate murmured.The rest of the students agreed.

"Quiet!" The head teacher said, and then the classroom became quiet. The head teacher smiled triumphantly and said, "This time our class test scores are very good, and the overall class score has already moved from the middle position to No. 2. If those students who are lagging behind study hard, our class will definitely be ranked first..."

"Ranking first, that means the teacher has a bonus..."

As the head teacher said, some dissatisfied students murmured, but they dared not speak out.

Hailun Feng was also worried. After all, he was the one who was holding back before. Now, whether the serf can stand up and sing depends on Angkor. "It must not be my fantasy..." Suddenly, Hailun Feng muttered and prayed When I got up, I suddenly felt that Wu Ming's magical cheating method was really incredible. Could it be a high-end black magic tool?

The head teacher glanced at those students who were muttering, I am happy today, and I am amnesty to the world...

"The good news is that five students in our class entered the top ten in their grade. Among them, there is another student in our class who won the first place in the grade. Guess who it is?" the head teacher asked with a smile.

It looks like you guys can't guess it. As the head teacher, he can't guess it either. It's just that there are two invigilators who testify that there is no abnormality of cheating in the mobilization of monitoring. On the contrary, it is the hard work of a scumbag that also attracted them. Notice.

"Teacher, besides the monitor, who else can win the first place?"

"That's right, why does the class monitor have that strength? Even Mu Bai from the Mu family is only a bit above the class monitor. Isn't the one named Mo Fan the number one?"


When these students spoke, Lin Yuxin was also drunk. She is the third child of Wannian, and it is because of these two in front that Mo Fan is firmly ranked first, but Mu Bai has changed slightly. It is just that the topic is difficult, no matter how difficult it is Yes, people also scored above 95 in the test, but she hovered between 93 and 95.

Because this is the case, they naturally understand the strength of their own class.

"Okay, I see you guys can't figure it out." The homeroom teacher also smiled with satisfaction, which was really interesting. Then, he looked at Wu Ming and said a good sentence: "Student Wu Ming, stand up, the first grade this time is Wu Ming, Applause for encouragement."

Clap... Then, there was a burst of applause.

The squad leader also applauded, a little in disbelief.

"Didn't Wu Ming go missing? Could it be that he secretly went to make up lessons?"

"I think it's so cruel, even my parents didn't tell me..."


After learning that Wu Ming won the first place in the grade, everyone thought so.How do you explain that a person who disappeared suddenly came back and successfully counterattacked?

"Then teacher, can you tell me about the top ten rankings?" asked a student who was a little better at studying.

Yes, Wu Ming suddenly counterattacked, so what he learned before has changed.

The homeroom teacher nodded, and then motioned Wu Ming to sit down. Wu Ming also missed this kind of praise. It was a long time since he felt it. He still left a few wrong answers, which should be the second...

(End of this chapter)

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