Chapter 846
Chapter 11 Confession

A classmate in a classroom is also extremely curious, because the number one throne has been taken down, so what about Mo Fan, who has been number one for a long time?

"No.2 is the original Mo Fan, No.3 is our monitor, No.4 Mubai, No.5..." The class teacher began to talk about the top ten.

Looking at the rankings, although the squad leader surpassed Mu Bai by 0.5 points, he was still in the third position. Perhaps, the third position was set for her.The squad leader began to worry.

Li Xiran also entered the sixth place from the bottom of the previous top ten. As for the bottom one, I will leave it to the other two male students who are better at studying.

Today, school is finally over...

Walking on the alley, the girl who was being held by her little hand looked at the boy she liked in disbelief, and asked, "Wu Ming, how did you manage to suppress Shinhwa Mo Fan?"

"Actually..." Wu Ming began to explain, but before pretending to be X, he had to be dull and whet the girl's appetite. Finally, after seeing the girl's delicate and angry face, Wu Ming said, "Because I just want to keep a low profile. Since I went to After arriving at Xuefeng Mountain, I was terrified, very terrified when I encountered a monster eating people."

As he spoke, he grasped the girl's hand tightly, and his acting skills came out, Wu Ming's expression was extremely perfect.

"I was very afraid that I would not see the person I liked. I sat behind her every day and looked at her long hair blown by the breeze by the window. I couldn't wait for her long hair to reach her waist. So, that day, I confessed to her , I am willing to cherish her for the rest of my life..."

Wu Ming continued to demonstrate affectionately, bah, it was an explanation, and the girl was also suddenly moved.

That girl was not pregnant, it was just that that day was too sudden, I didn't know that Wu Ming had experienced so much.

"Xiao Ran, be my girlfriend!" Suddenly, Wu Ming confessed,
Li Xiran's face turned red, and his heart beat faster. He was obviously used to being led by Wu Ming. The occasional close contact made his heart beat so fast. In his heart, he had already admitted Wu Ming's boyfriend status, but suddenly...

"Wu Ming, I..." Li Xiran didn't know what to say, and finally nodded shyly, concealing her uneasy and happy mood with her blushing.

Wu Ming nodded. In this scene, he almost knelt down.

"This one is a gift of love." Afterwards, Wu Ming took out a red rope tied with a beautiful ring, and put it on for the girl himself. It's the same as loach, except that this ring can enhance the auxiliary practice as the owner's magic power increases, and it can help Li Xiran purify the wind power in his body.

After tying the ring, Wu Ming took away a strand of Li Xiran's hair with a touch, and said with a smile: "I know you didn't prepare a gift for me, this is a gift, it's a promise, haha."

"My ring is called 'Whispers of the Wind'. I wish my Xiaoran will become a wind magician soon." Wu Ming said with a smile.

"This is not an option. There are many people outside, let's go back." After receiving the gift of love and confirming the relationship between the two, Li Xiran glared at the scoundrel and said with some concern.

Wu Ming nodded, this life may not be too long, three years in high school, four years in college...

He will enjoy life well. As for fighting and killing, there is no need. Traveling abroad is a good suggestion. You can see Medusa, touch the black dragon, and despise everything...

It was fate that the two returned to the community. They were in the same area, and when they personally sent the girl downstairs, there was no one around, and they were still holding hands.

"That... Wu Ming, let's see you tomorrow!" After Li Xiran finished speaking, she planned to break away from Wu Ming's hand and run home quickly.

However, Wu Ming had already made a plan. Pulling back, the girl successfully threw herself into the boy's arms with her own strength. Wu Ming could hear the girl's bumping like a deer through the two soft sides. heartbeat.

"Xiran, can we...can we do something that boyfriends and girlfriends can do?" Wu Ming asked with a smirk.

Li Xiran put her hands on her chest, leaned her face on the boy's shoulder, and replied foolishly: "No."

With such an answer and raising her head, Wu Ming took advantage of the situation and kissed. Once again, the girl's mind was emptied, and she didn't know what to think about, but Wu Ming's movements were very skillful, as if she was an old hand in love.

After a long time, Wu Ming noticed that someone was coming, so he also stopped.

Looking at the girl with unsatisfactory feelings, he smiled and said, "It's so sweet!"

"Hmph, I'm going back." The girl snorted softly, blushing and ran upstairs, but luckily she didn't go to the wrong house.

Wu Ming watched the girl go home, and also returned with a smile on her face.

However, when I went back, I saw old man Li who was shopping for vegetables and came back leisurely. When he saw Wu Ming, old man Li also greeted with a smile: "Xiao Wu, go up and have a meal, and send our family Xiaoran back every day. , I am quite satisfied with you..."

This old man, once the topic starts, don't even think about leaving.
"No, no, old man, my parents are still waiting for me to go back." Wu Ming refused, but also said with a smile: "Today, I succeeded in catching up with your granddaughter, and you have not been disappointed. She is the first in grade."

After dazzled for a while, it was easy to talk, finally.Wu Ming went home anyway.

"Dad, Mom. I'm back." After returning to the door of the house, after opening the door, he looked at his parents who were waiting for him to come back for dinner.Wu Ming also shouted with strong emotion.

"Well, wash your hands and come over to eat." Wu Ma and Wu Dad said in unison.At present, it can be regarded as a husband and wife.

Wu Ming is getting used to this place more and more, and seems to forget about that incident, but he also feels that he should be able to accompany these two to their end.

The next day, when I was running, I met the smiling old man Li, who must have been misunderstood by this bad old man. As for Li Xiran, he also went to school very early, but when he saw Wu Ming, his face was still the same. Blushing unconsciously, thinking of yesterday...

"Grandpa, I'm going to school first, classmate Wu Ming, see you at school, hee hee." Li Xiran smiled playfully at her, then at Wu Ming, and then slipped away.

There was a bad old man with a meaningful smile, and Xiao Wu, who was exercising seriously.

Next, go to school, attend classes, read books, pick up girls...

These have become Wu Ming's daily life. Time passed day after day. After knowing that Wu Ming was the first in the grade, Wu's mother also rewarded her son with a hundred yuan bill.

Moreover, we also agreed on a weekend time, and we will go on a trip together.

The relationship with Li Xiran has also undergone subtle changes. After hiding and searching, he was caught by Wu Ming, and it was inevitable to eat...

After several tests, Wu Ming also met Mo Fan, the last one, the "God of Learning". However, it was time for the last test. The next test will be the real senior high school entrance examination.

"In high school, you will be awakened soon. If you can, choose the ice attribute. After all, freezing people into ice sculptures is really enjoyable..."

(End of this chapter)

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