Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 847 3 years

847 Three Years
Chapter 12 High School Entrance Examination

Just when Wu Ming was thinking about which department to choose, everyone else began to prepare for the way out.

After all, in this society, magic is respected. If you can't become a magician, you can only become a production worker at the grassroots level of society, and you will never be able to experience the splendor brought by magic in this society. Maybe one day you will die in the mouth of a monster. Perhaps, to live the mission of this short life in a mediocre way is not to say that they did not exist, but that they failed to leave their footprints.

A car with simplified notation drove into a community, and then a family of three appeared. .

"They say don't buy so many things, these supermarkets have them..." Father Wu complained, but it was just that he didn't mean what he said.

"What do you know, help move it up quickly." Wu Ma replied, and then threw the big and small bags to Wu Dad.

Father Wu also has no temper, so he took it.

"Haha..." Wu Ming laughed, and then, he took the initiative to share the burden with Father Wu.

You know, this self-driving tour, from north to south, the characteristics of various places along the way, I don’t know if it’s true or not, Wu Ming also bought a lot, of course, Wu Ming and Wu’s father also have a part, three or two Clothes and trousers, and the rest are local products to eat, and some tourist souvenirs.

The family is happy and harmonious. Today's weather is a bit hot, and the green plants in the community are a little tired. It is obviously oppressed by this summer. It is very suitable to go to the beach and enjoy the sea breeze.

Just when the family finished unloading their things and was about to go to the community, a pair of eyes hidden on other floors in the community had already noticed this place, and they almost ran up, her.

Wu Ming also pretended not to know, and after a slight smile, he left behind a figure that made the girl fantasize.

"Xiao Ming, you have less than half a month to prepare for the exam. You have to study hard and don't slack off." The family of three finally returned to their familiar home, and Mama Wu taught her earnestly, and then said something with a smile , "Don't put too much pressure on it. If your grades are not satisfactory, mom still has a way to let you enter the magic high school."

"Mom, don't worry, when the time comes, I will still be the first in the senior high school entrance examination to enter high school, and you will be more embarrassing." Wu Ming also chuckled, if it was the previous one, then, maybe it just happened to be the one who entered the high school. It's just the threshold of Lan Magic High School.

"That's right, believe in our son, contact the No.1 monthly exam, and the difficulty is different, and the high score above 97 points is very stable." Father Wu also interjected.

Afterwards, Wu Ma gave a look, and Wu Dad understood: shut up. .

The family of three is also talking and laughing. Wu Ming has also experienced the life of ordinary people during this period of time. Although he is not ordinary, his ability is not outstanding now, unless he is awakened and cultivates magic power. At that time, you can have the strength to be proud of this planet.

In another neighborhood, looking at the back of the person she likes, she hasn't seen each other for almost a week. She likes to cling to him more and more, and she starts to think back to holding hands and going home every day, sometimes kissing...

"Oh, Xiran, I said that I will take you on a trip too, and you are stubborn..." On the side, a healthy old man with piercing eyes shook his head and sighed. Sure enough, there is someone he likes. Girl, if you don't see someone you like for a day, you will become stupid. Fortunately, that kid looks okay.

"Anyway, we'll see each other in two days. Why go out and run around?" Li Xiran was also stubborn, and murmured back, and then ran back to her room. After the door was closed, she also felt that it was the same thing.It's just that the reason is still there. It's good for the whole family to go out to play. If you follow him, what about your grandfather?Master needs company.

Two days later, the boy and the girl met at the gate of the community, and the boy had deliberately waited for it.

"Xiran, I have a gift for you," Wu Ming looked at the stern-faced girl who pretended to be unhappy. In Wu Ming's eyes, this kind of superficial acting skills are full of loopholes, but it is the best choice not to bear to expose .

"You don't like it, then I'll throw it away." Afterwards, Wu Ming didn't care, and took out the things as if he really wanted to throw them away, but he secretly checked the girl's changes.

"That's for me, how could I throw it away." Snatching the gift from Wu Ming, Li Xiran glared at Wu Ming, and then said coquettishly, he got the gift, a small box made of ancient wood. Has a light woody aroma.

This small box was just bought by Wu Ming from a random shop for a few hundred dollars, and the things inside were carefully crafted by Wu Ming.

For whom will the three thousand green hair fall, and I will marry you when your hair reaches your waist.

A token of love has already been given, so this gift is a wind-tied hair rope made by Wu Ming, which is given to the girl as a bundle of blue silk.

It can also be regarded as a top-quality magic weapon to assist cultivation. .

"Then cherish it, I still have a lot of delicious food, my little squirrel..." Wu Ming also smiled knowingly, and then, he carried the schoolbag to his chest, and suddenly pulled the girl, who slammed into Wu Ming The chest is only slightly blushing now, and after seeing all kinds of "healthy" snacks...

"Hmph, for the sake of your sincerity, I forgive you." Li Xiran suddenly chuckled, and the previous grievances seemed to have disappeared.

Afterwards, the two young lovers, who were destined to be ordinary, headed to school under the warm sunshine in the morning.

As for the relationship between the two of them, Feng Hailun and Qian Wanneng have been escorting them all the time, and they have not been known by the teacher. Moreover, Wu Ming has been the first in grade several times in a row, so the teacher is more assured of him. As for the former First……

Soon, the senior high school entrance examination came. .

This time, there are already cars parked outside the school, some are luxurious, some are ordinary, some are simplified...

Outside the crowded school, everyone looked at the school patiently and worriedly. They had been waiting since they sent their children into the examination room.

Among the crowd, Wu Ming's father, Wu Youhai, was one of this large group of ordinary people.

As for Wu Ming's mother, she still needs to arrange the task of proctoring the exam. She has been a teacher for more than ten years and has been appraised for excellence. As for the super magician, it's just that he didn't dislike his father who was just an ordinary person.

In a certain examination room...

"Haha, Angkor is my god of luck..." A slightly chubby fat man was writing furiously, but Wu Ming would tell him the answer if there was something he didn't understand. That's all.

The same is true for many people. Although mastering the theory is more conducive to awakening, God is fair.

Wu Ming was still lying on his stomach as usual, sleeping...

In this scene, the invigilator didn't say anything, and the students who didn't cherish the opportunity could only work at the bottom.

The high school entrance examination is in full swing...

(End of this chapter)

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