Chapter 851

.The vast universe, thousands of worlds!

In the northwest corner of a continent in a certain world, a team of nearly a thousand people suddenly entered a bustling place, where the largest number of human beings gathered. Afterwards, they received the highest courtesy from the host here, and they scattered everywhere, just to find this Local talents.

One of the teams headed north with this place as the center. This place has a majestic name, the imperial capital.And the place it ruled was called Jia Ma Empire!

"Teacher Ruolin, in front of you is the Black Flame City, also known as the City of Medicinal Materials. It is also famous for this, and it is not far from Wutan City!" Said to a tender and mature woman.

Of these two women, one was wearing the costume of a certain college instructor, and the woman in red seemed open, not wearing a college costume.

"City of Medicinal Materials, I wonder if we will recruit one or two more pharmacists, Xue Ni, let's stay in the city for a few days!" The mentor named Ruolin smiled softly. Obviously, this is not the first time she has come .

The woman in red is the old student accompanying her, named Xue Ni, and there are twenty or thirty young and beautiful girls traveling with her.

When this group of people entered the city, all pedestrians were respectful, and even the guards guarding the city gate did not dare to block them, because this group of people had extraordinary backgrounds, and they came from an ancient academy in the western continent.

In Black Flame City, the exchange of medicinal materials is popular, so it is very lively. When the team of this academy passed by, the Lord of Black Flame City came to greet them in person.

"Jiaan College is recruiting again, I wonder if Gouwa can pass!"

"Tch, don't you know that the admission criteria for entering Canaan College is to reach the eighth-level fighting spirit. Although your dog has the eighth-level fighting spirit, he is already in his 20s!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, what a pity..."


Passers-by, after the academy team left, all started talking about it, and they were more regretful. In this continent, the strong are respected, and fighting spirit is everything.

And this Canaan College is an ancient school in the western continent, with a profound heritage, and the admissions value aptitude and character.

They don't know their origins, but they have won the favor of everyone, but the recruitment conditions are still a bit bumpy. It is rare for ordinary people to reach the eighth stage of fighting spirit.

A few days later, the recruitment of this team was completed, except for one or two ordinary people who passed, the rest were all young children from big families in Black Flame City.

The next stop is Wutan City, which is closer to Black Flame City.

"There is indeed a good seedling. I don't know if Wutan City, one of the big cities, will recruit one or two more good seedlings!"

On the way, the mentor sitting in the carriage murmured.

Beside him, the woman in red, Xue Ni, laughed and lowered her voice, "Mr. Ruolin, there will be a surprise. Xiaoyu's home is in Wutan City. This guy went back half a year ago. I don't know if there is any." miss me!"

"You guys are the most unscrupulous ones. The good ones don't learn, but learn from that little demon girl!" Instructor Ruolin also smiled. She also found such a group of young and lively students very interesting, which is why she stayed The reason for being a mentor.

Instructor Ruolin was still thinking that if she recruited a few good seedlings and some of them could enter the inner courtyard to study, she could be promoted to a Xuan-rank instructor.

After leaving Black Flame City, according to their journey, they will arrive at Wutan City at about dusk.

On the way, most of the dozens of people in the team are fighters, and the instructor is a five-star fighter, so naturally no blind people will come out to try their best, so the group is leisurely, as if they are out on a trip generally.

When they were halfway through the journey, they passed a sparsely populated grove, and suddenly there was a strong wind, and the sky and the earth were suddenly dark.

In the sky, an unfathomable hole exuding a strange black air suddenly appeared, and then, a white light, like a shooting star, fell, and the target was the forest of this group of people.

The wind horse pulling the cart also panicked and wanted to break free from the reins, but it was just an ordinary beast, not a terrifying monster like that in the wilderness mountains.

"Everyone, don't panic, get close to the carriage, if the timing is not right, you should evacuate first!" The mentor in the carriage stood on the carriage, a soft blue water curtain spread out, relieving the high temperature of the meteorite that suddenly landed.

As a mentor, facing such a natural disaster, Ruolin can only pray that the white meteorite will not fall here.

Mutations come and go in a hurry.

The sky returned to clear again, and the strong wind also stopped.


With the landing of the white meteorite, there was a loud noise, and then everything returned to calm, but it took some time for the scattered forest birds to fly back again.

"Huh!" The mature teacher Ruolin breathed a sigh of relief secretly. Fortunately, the white meteorite passed them by. Otherwise, with her strength as a great fighter, she could only buy time for these students.

The students are fine, but the next step is to consider whether to move on, because the white meteorite landed in front of them.

Such a shock must have shocked the powerhouses of Wutan City, and they would arrive within half a day. The academy would not normally participate in these matters, not to mention that she brought dozens of students with her.

"Teacher, do you want to take a look? What kind of treasure might be in this world?" The woman in red said to Ruolin. The younger generation is full of curiosity.

Ruolin didn't think much, she shook her head and said, "Mentor can't use your safety to explore unknown things, let's take a detour!"

"Teacher, let's go and have a look. We are all curious. In the academy, we have never seen such a vision. Teacher, aren't you curious!"

A woman who is about 20 years old and has a full-grown body in a formal school uniform said that her appearance and figure are not as good as Xue Ni, but it is still a sign.

"Yes, mentor, let's go and have a look. Moreover, in Wutan City, there are very few strong fighters. The teacher has great strength, so there is no need to detour, just spend more time!"

Afterwards, a young man also said curiously, "They also covet treasures, but with their current strength, although they can't get them, it's okay if they can take a look."

"Yes, Teacher Ruolin, Rob is right!"

"Yes, yes, mentor!"

Each student is also a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. A sudden change, a sudden meteorite landing is right in front of them, will they give up?
This instructor Ruolin hesitated. Isn't she curious? If she hadn't brought this group of students with her, she would have gone to find out. Opportunities are common in this continent. Some people have improved their strength because of certain adventures. Step into a higher realm.

After several minutes of ideological struggle, she finally made a decision.

Looking up, I saw a group of students who were curious about the appearance of the baby, and couldn't help but said, "Okay, let's go and have a look, but the situation is not right, you have to follow my instructions, you are the root of the students!"

"Yes, mentor!"

Seeing their instructor let go, they all geared up and responded loudly with great interest.

Ruolin was also speechless, and she was also curious, so she could only pray that those strong men would not come so soon.

Then, they continued to move forward, and a five-meter pit appeared in front of their eyes.

The hearts of this group of people were beating rapidly. When they got closer, there was a man in white clothes with disheveled hair but not dusty sleeping in the pit. His long hair covered half of his face, and he couldn't tell whether he was a man or a woman. .

They guessed that it should be a woman, because this white-robed man was really beautiful, and they had already forgotten that it was a person who stopped them and almost made them detour!

(End of this chapter)

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