Chapter 852

. "Little sister, what's the matter with you?"

On the outskirts of a peaceful small town, an uncle in Mai, who was in his forties, was walking on a country road, and saw a beautiful little girl fainted by the side of the road, shaking her voice softly and with great strength. .

"Huh? Where am I?"

The petite and cute little girl with long black hair who looked about five or six years old rubbed her beautiful black eyes and asked.

"Little sister, this is Odin Town, where is your family?"

Hearing his soft voice, the uncle did not doubt that he was there, and continued to ask.

"Little sister? Odin Town? Uncle, which continent is this?"

He asked again, looking at his small body, after being shocked for a short time, he could only attribute it to Wan Dao Hunyuan Jue in the end, so he had to start from a young age again!

As for age, he finally knew why his master always said he had forgotten it. He should have lived for tens of thousands of years now!
"Alas! What a pity, such a beautiful little girl, she has even forgotten this, this is Odin Town, the Holy Demon Continent!" said the uncle with a full sigh.Seeing that he is well dressed, looks good, and his skin is as white as jade, can you not feel sorry for him.

"Holy...Holy Demon Continent, this, well, it's time to fight a monster!"

He was speechless. He knew that Huo Yuhao had become a god, but he didn't expect that the first one to come would be the Holy Demon Continent. I don't know if there are still 72 demon gods!
"Little sister, my name is Ma Han. The children in the town call me Uncle Ma. If you don't remember, you can come and stay at my house. Uncle is not a bad person!" The uncle grinned and said honestly. He looks like a bad person, and the words "not a bad person" are already written on his face.

"Well! Thank you, Uncle Ma!"

"Okay! Then let's go back, it's going to be dark soon!" Uncle Ma helped him up, and said with a smile, such a beautiful little girl must be charming when she grows up!
"Little sister, what's your name?"

The tall and burly Ma Han asked the five or six-year-old him by the hand.

"Name, this..."

He seemed to be lost in thought. When he came to this world, he could no longer use his previous name!

"It's okay. If you don't remember, forget it. You are so cute and charming. Uncle Ma will call you Xiaomei in the future. How about it?"

Ma Han said with a smile, but seeing the disgusted expression on his little face, he could only scratch the back of his head in embarrassment, but he couldn't read a few big characters.

"Uncle Ma, my name is Bing Xin!"

Five or six years old, he said that ice represents his original law, and heart shows his original heart. No matter where he is, he is still him, a heart of ice is in the jade pot!

"Bing Xin? What a nice name!"

Ma Han praised with a smile.He, or should be called Bing Xin by now, he didn't deliberately correct his gender, otherwise, I'm afraid this idiot will take his pants off!

Odin Town!
Bing Xin looked at this peaceful town and learned that it was a relatively famous town in Haoyue City!
"Hey! Brother Ma, where did you find this little girl, she looks so sneaky, why don't you leave it to me? The price is negotiable!"

Then, a middle-aged man who looked like a hooligan said with a smile.

"Go, go, Dynasty, you boy, you don't do your job all day long, and you only do such good things!"

The appearance of Ma Han driving him away, pushed the middle-aged man named Wang Chao away, led Bing Xin, and walked past Wang Chao, which made him feel very sorry!
"Bing Xin, don't look at Chao Chao's appearance as a rogue, he adopts those homeless children who have been harmed by the demons, and then sells them at a low price to some families without children, he is considered a good person!"

Afterwards, Ma Han began to introduce the good things about that ruffian uncle!

"Well, Uncle Ma, have you heard of Long Haochen?" Bing Xin asked suddenly, did she come here at the wrong time, Odin Town, Odin Town!

"Eh! Haochen, he's not bad, but he's a bit worse than you in appearance, but he's a good boy, very polite and sensible!"

Ma Han said, as if he knew everything about the town, he knew everything!In the end, Bing Xin found out that there were actually two instructors, Zhang Long and Zhao Hu.

In the town, a simple one-story hut is Mahan's home. It is relatively far from the center of the town, so it is relatively quiet!
"Ah Hua! Da Zhuang!"

Ma Han yelled loudly, and it had already resounded throughout the hut!
"Dad, you're back!"

Then, a sturdy little boy about ten years old ran out with joy, Bing Xin looked at it, and couldn't help but think of Oswald, but children and grandchildren have their own blessings!

"Hey! Dad, who is this beautiful little sister? She looks better than Hao Chen!"

Afterwards, he saw the beautiful Bing Xin in white and asked curiously.

At this time, Bing Xin already knew that the story here had just begun.It's just that this world is more uneven than Douluo's world, and the six temple alliances are not united with each other.

"She, I saw her on the way back from work, her name is Bing Xin. Bing Xin, this is my son, her name is Ma Dazhuang, just Dazhuang!"

Ma Han pulled his son and said with a smile, look at this, he will be a Ma Han again when he grows up!

"Brother Zhuang, hello, my name is Bing Xin!"

He was speechless at this time, and he had truly turned into a six-year-old child again. Apart from his own indestructible fairy body, he didn't have any fairy spirit at all!
"Bing Xin, that's a nice name, don't worry, my spiritual power has reached ten points now, and I will protect you from now on!" The ten-year-old boy promised, patting his chest.

"Okay, brat, your mother should be ready to cook, Bing Xin, let's go, I will treat this place as my home from now on!"

Ma Han said that with only one son, he really wished to have such a beautiful daughter, but he didn't know that he was not a woman, but a man, and he was an old monster who didn't know how long he had lived!

Bing Xin nodded in response, and came to a warm family!

Later, Bing Xin met Ma Han's wife. Her surname is Jin, and her single name is a Chinese character. She looks to be in her forties.
After a rough meal, an embarrassing scene!
"Haha, Xiaobing, look at your delicate skin and tender flesh, why are you so shy after taking a bath? Come, Aunt Hua will help you wash!"

Ma Han's wife, Ahuadao, wanted to help him take a bath, but he refused as he hadn't bathed for a long time, it was so embarrassing!
In the end, he still refused to take a bath, and the nine snow pythons in the python robe were all caught in the buttons of the white clothes. What made it difficult for him to accept was that his divine weapon could not be used now, no, it should be due to lack of spiritual power.

"Xiaobing, just squeeze with Da Zhuang!"

"It's okay, Aunt Hua, I'm small!"

In this way, Ma Han's wife likes her "girl" very much, and he is also going to spend his first night in this new world!
They come, the security!
He came to a strange but familiar world again, and he also lived in this small town of Odin, but in Haoyue City, it is not too small!
"Tomorrow will be the Knight Knight Examination that Da Zhuang said, let's go and have a look then!"

He made up his mind, and in the end, he was hugged by a boy and fell asleep.This kid looked honest, but his hands were not honest at all. Afterwards, he did some tricks and fell asleep peacefully!
(End of this chapter)

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