Chapter 853

Chapter 13 full marks
"Dingling bell..." With a burst of crisp bells, finally, this middle school is also boiling, and finally finished one subject, and there is another subject in the afternoon. After the test, it is completely liberated.

These many students don't know the value of magic, and they are still reading Chinese, mathematics, English and other magical things that only appear in fantasy novels.

Maybe it's because there is no one, or it's because they live in their own place and yearn for new things that don't exist in other places. Many people are like this, trying to find something new. .

"Dad, didn't you say that you don't need to wait, you can go home first, there is still a subject!" Wu Ming came out of the school indifferently, glanced at Wu's father, and then sensed Li Xiran's arrival.

However, facing such a choice between the two, Wu Ming felt a little bit difficult. After all, he passed the high school entrance examination, and it was still a matter of puppy love.

"People are waiting for their children, so you can't be neglected by your parents. Work hard and try to get into the best high school." Father Wu said, as for the best high school, there is only Tianlan Magic High School high school.

The cost of running a high school is also huge, and it cannot be held casually.

On the other side, Mr. Li also came and stopped Li Xiran just in time. The two looked at each other awkwardly and smiled at each other. Afterwards, they went back to their respective houses and looked for their mothers.

Father Wu took Wu Ming to a better restaurant and had a nutritious meal.Then it's time to wait for the afternoon to start.

After playing with the mobile phone for a while, I read today's news and various strange headlines. As for the games on the mobile phone, Wu Ming hasn't played them for a long time.

Just click on the application market...

Plants vs Zombies, radish defense...

Afterwards, Wu Ming closed the application market. These games, which are difficult to talk about, did not directly activate the awakening magic, and the fun of fighting monsters was good.

As for watching videos, there is no benefit, but there are some benefits. Wu Ming's longest time in this world is no more than a hundred years, but it is enough.


"Okay, there's one more subject in the afternoon, and I'll be released after the exam, son, come on, you will support the honor of our old Wu family." Father Wu wanted to be humorous, but when he said it, it seemed so It's blunt and doesn't really make people want to relax.

Wu Ming smiled knowingly, and then held up his test supplies, "Yes, Dad! Besides, you married such an excellent wife, why is there smoke rising from the old Wu family's ancestral grave, haha."

"Dad is the best!!"

"Hehe, brat, it makes sense. Go ahead and let Dad achieve one more thing." Father Wu also smiled freely, echoing Wu Ming's praise.

What Wu Ming said is also reasonable. An ordinary person is proud to be able to marry a magician or teacher's wife. You must know that this world is a society where magic is respected.

Marrying a female magician, and also an honorable female teacher of magic junior high school, is really a very fulfilling thing.

Watching Wu Ming enter the school, Wu's father also felt that he should prepare something, such as buying some fruit to quench his son's thirst later, and then preparing some delicious food to celebrate tonight. .

Outside of school, these actions of Wu's father are so ordinary, but father's love is always great.

"Angkor, there is one more subject!" Hailun Feng said happily after seeing Wu Ming.

"Same, if you understand, do it yourself, I only guarantee that you have [-] to [-] points!" Wu Ming nodded, and then said indifferently.

Although this little fat man's grades are average, but his background is unusual, he should have a way to enter the magic high school, but the price is a bit high.

"Yes, [-] points is already very high, I think [-] points is enough, after all, the questions in the senior high school entrance examination are not easy."

"By the way, Angkor, how many points do you plan to score in the high school entrance examination this time?"

Feng Hailun agreed that as for the grades, it is enough to be able to enter the magic high school, and I will talk about the others later.At the end, he asked about something he was more concerned about than speeding up.

"Full marks!" Wu Ming said after thinking about it.

The tone was very confident. Wu Ming wanted to keep a low profile. After all, taking these questions, he was like a high school student taking elementary school questions.

"Angkor, I believe in you..." Feng Hailun said in admiration to Wu Ming.After all, Wu Ming has created so many firsts.

However, before the little fat man finished speaking, the bell for the exam rang.

"All candidates entering the examination room are strictly forbidden to make loud noises, bring items that have nothing to do with the examination into the examination room, and take the test honestly..." The loudspeaker in the examination room also played loudly.

The test rules one by one, that is, China's iron style, are so familiar and unfamiliar...

"Swish..." Entering the examination room, when the examination papers were handed out, every examinee raced against time to answer the questions.

Among them was Feng Hailun, the fat man.

In the same examination room, there was also the back of monitor Lin Yuxin. She was sitting at the front, giving off a strong appearance.

"With Angkor, this way I can slap those powerful relatives hard..." Feng Hailun wrote hard, and after several months of studying hard, this time, he will definitely be able to score more than 80 points, or even Ninety to come.

Every fat person is a potential stock, and so is he. He is not really fat, just a little fat.

Wu Ming was still lying on the familiar woody table, with paper and pens in the drawer, ready to sprint for the last 10 minutes.

Nature may also feel that this group of students are working harder. Suddenly a breeze blew in from the classroom window, and Wu Ming's long black "trimmed" hair was also slightly blown. After a haircut, he also felt that What's missing is what's more!
Time, for some people, is precious, but for an immortal who has lived forever, it is a kind of trouble.

The exam time passed by every minute and every second.

"There are still 10 minutes until the end of the exam!"

The invigilator glanced at all the candidates and finally landed on Wu Ming, and he did not misreport the time accurately.

He really wanted to make a random report to see if what the previous invigilator said was true, but this would be unfair to other students, so he stuck to the teacher's bottom line.

In the last ten minutes, we stretched slowly, twisted our waists, and then turned our arms slightly, fearing that we would feel a little sore from lying on the ground for too long.

Immediately, pick up the pen. .

Although I miss it, but after living like this for a long time, there is still a trace of irritability and helplessness.

"One hundred points!" At this time, Wu Ming's small and insignificant goal was enough to make this group of young people envious.

The emergence of a perfect score in the high school entrance examination will definitely attract the attention of junior high schools and high schools. Such talents must be able to awaken the magic of the powerful series, otherwise, who else? ?

You know, after the senior high school entrance examination, 60.00% of those who cannot be awakened have been eliminated. Only when you have a deep understanding of magic and Xingzi Nebula can you successfully awaken magic.

Pen down, pen stop! 10 minutes, no more points, no less points. .

(End of this chapter)

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