Chapter 854

.In the room, there are only Ruolin and Xian Ling'er.

"It's so scary. If there is a skill, he might break through directly." Ruo Lin stared at Xian Ling'er who was exhaling, with a strong fighting spirit, there were faint traces of breakthrough.

In the end, she could only guard. Disturbance is a taboo in cultivation, and she can't easily interrupt Xian Ling'er's cultivation.

After watching for a while, Ruolin looked obsessed with Xian Ling'er, laughed a little, and then said in a low voice, "I don't know if those students will be able to practice well after taking this little fairy back."

Sometimes, she couldn't help but want to touch that soft face, but she still held back, and finally, a burst of sleepiness hit, Ruolin could only lean on the side and slowly fell asleep.

Every time Xian Ling'er exhaled and inhaled, strong fire elements entered his body. At this moment, his one-star strength was completely stabilized.

However, he didn't end there, he felt warm and comfortable, so he continued to breathe.

Just this night, Xian Ling'er was practicing.

At dawn the next day, tutor Ruolin slightly opened her eyes, and what came into view was a fresh and refined face.

"Teacher Ruolin, you're awake!"

That face belonged to Xian Ling'er. Afterwards, he was slightly apologetic, saying to Teacher Ruolin, seeing that the teacher was sleeping beside him, apparently to guard him.

"Well, it's Xian Ling'er!" Instructor Ruolin smiled slightly, and hoped that the student she picked up would not be too guilty.

Afterwards, he found that the grudge on Xian Linger's body seemed to be a little solid, slightly surprised, and grabbed Xian Linger's hand regardless of whether he agreed or not.

After careful inspection, Ruolin was even more surprised. His previous one-star Dou Qi had become thicker, and...and even broke through.

"After just one night of practice, I've broken through to a two-star fighter. If I had the skills..." Ruo Lin was extremely shocked, thinking that this little beauty had never even practiced skills.

Seeing Teacher Ruolin holding her hand with a surprised look on her face, and the mature questioning there, Xian Linger immediately asked, "Mr. Ruolin, what's wrong?"

Surprised for a while, Ruo Lin also let go of this student's hand, then shook her head slightly and said, "It's okay, congratulations, you have broken through to a two-star fighter."

Xian Ling'er is also puzzled, is this a breakthrough?
Yesterday, I learned from Xue Ni that this continent is called Dou Qi Continent, which is dominated by dou qi, respected by strength, and the weak prey on the strong.

And the division of levels is: Dou Qi, after condensing the vortex, is a Dou Zhe, after a Dou Zhe is a Dou Shi, after a Dou Shi is a Da Dou Shi, after a Da Dou Shi, he is a Dou Ling.

After fighting the spirit, Xue Ni didn't say anything, because after that realm, it was too far away for them now.

Each level is also divided into nine stars, one star represents a small level, but the strength gap between each star is also obvious.

This is also one aspect of Xian Ling'er's surprise. He raised one star in one night, but Xue Ni said that it is difficult to increase one star, and he needs the help of exercises. He hasn't practiced exercises yet...

"Don't be confused. You are different from ordinary people. You have advantages over ordinary people in cultivation." Ruo Lin looked at the puzzled Xian Ling'er and smiled. The dean reported that he was looking for an advanced exercise for this little beauty.

Xian Ling'er nodded. Regarding the matter of the fire spirit body, he still remembered that fighting qi was divided into many fighting qi with different attributes according to the innate attributes of each person at birth.

Among them, fire is one of them. Ruolin's tutor has the attribute of water, and there are other attributes such as thunder, ice, wood, and earth. His current attribute is the attribute of fire.

Maybe it was too early to get up, Teacher Ruolin combed her hair, looking at the disheveled fairy, she suddenly pulled him and helped him comb it.

"Smooth hair!"

Grabbing a strand of Xian Ling'er's hair, she found that it looked translucent, and then, Tutor Ruolin picked up her aqua-blue comb, and slowly combed it for this little beauty.

Xian Ling'er suddenly felt that this scene seemed very familiar. It seemed that many women had combed his hair, but at this moment, he couldn't remember anything.

Afterwards, with the skillful hands of Teacher Ruolin, the hair was combed inside, and there was a part of eyebrow-level hair in the front, and the sides were combed neatly. Teacher Ruolin was tying two colorful hair knots for it.

After sorting it out, Instructor Ruolin felt more and more that Xian Ling'er was a real fairy descended to earth, and attributed all the credit to her skillful hands.

These are just daily things, and the next step is to prepare to see the enrollment preparations of those veteran students.

Mentor Ruolin and Xian Ling'er came out of the room. The Xiao Mansion was neither too big nor too small. The protagonist took good care of him.

After a simple breakfast, Ruolin took Xian Ling'er and left. The recruiting place was not Xiao's house, but a fixed place for recruiting students.

Walking here slowly, there are already huge crowds of people. Xian Ling'er also saw a bad old man in his 70s or [-]s hiding in a long queue to join in the fun.

"Uncle, you are already forty!"

A student wearing a school uniform looked at a middle-aged man and said that his fighting spirit was only about a level or two.

"No, I'm exactly eighteen today, exactly eighteen!" said the middle-aged man.

Then, a boy about ten years old ran up, grabbed him, and shouted, "Daddy, mother is calling you back!"

"Whose child, go away go away..."

Afterwards, one big and one young, pulling and pushing, it was funny.

"Hahaha!" Those students couldn't help laughing, no matter how many times they watched such a scene, it was still fun.

The long queue also burst into laughter, and the old man also quietly escaped from the queue, how could this be a fluke.

"Let's go in!"

"Yes, Teacher Ruolin!"

Instructor Ruolin led Xian Ling'er through the crowd without a sound, entered the recruiting place, and sat there. Logically speaking, no one should make trouble.

Twenty or thirty students in this mansion began to recruit students proficiently, without any special instructions from the instructor.

Xian Ling'er looked left and right, but she couldn't see Xueni and Yijia, the two female students.

Instructor Ruolin at the side seemed to know that Xian Linger was looking for Xueni and the others, so she smiled and said, "Those little slobs, if they haven't gotten up, they've just gone playing around, just wait a little longer."

"Yeah!" Xian Ling'er nodded. She still has a good impression of this mentor and Xue Ni. As for those men, when they look at her eyes, they don't like them very much.

Following the mentor, he plans to practice here again to experience that warm feeling.

"Teacher Ruolin!"

Afterwards, a young man saw Ruo Lin and saluted respectfully.

Instructor Ruolin also replied with a smile, "Ge La, you and Rob will be in charge first, those girls don't know where they went."

Hearing the teacher's words, the young man suddenly felt encouraged, and nodded positively, looked at Xian Ling'er, and smiled lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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