Chapter 855

?Ten Thousand Realms seeks the source, only to achieve the Dao! !
When Xian Ling'er entered this planet with three parts of land and seven parts of ocean, it suddenly reversed, a powerful force that could turn the world around, completely changed this planet that relied on technological progress.

"Look, Meteor!!"

"Hehe, make a wish! Let me pass the high school entrance examination, enter the magic high school, and become a magic talent useful to society..."

"Tch! Scumbag, what I wish is to complete the connection of the seven stars as soon as possible, pass the examination, and go to a better university..."


In the sky, a white meteor with a long tail suddenly fell, and a group of teenagers wearing a certain school uniform began to make strange wishes one after another.

Xian Ling'er rushed into this world, and suddenly felt that her body had also changed, her face seemed to have changed without wearing a mask, and her body's strength had been restrained.

Xian Ling'er knew that at this time, the restrictions of this world prevented him from using his own destructive energy for the time being!
However, after cultivating the undead fire body and the Da Luo Jinxian body, Xian Ling'er smashed into a desolate mountain forest without fear.

And this meteor that disappeared in the blink of an eye was Xian Ling'er, a visitor from outside the sky.

"Bang!" Suddenly, the whole area vibrated. Of course, it also caught the attention of the guards in this area.

You know, in such a place, with such a loud noise, something big must have happened. If the monsters in the forest were disturbed, it might cause a wave of beasts, and then the city would face a catastrophe.

"Report sir, we have dispatched a small light team including the captain of the mid-level magician to go out to investigate the situation."

"Well, I hope this border can be more stable, otherwise, we have to fight a battle."

A handsome young man in a military uniform spoke to a mighty, burly man with an officer's badge on his shoulder.

I saw this man nodded, hoping that the border would be stable, and some hoped that a bloody battle could be fought.As a guard chief, you cannot have both.

In the mountain forest, a [-]- or [-]-year-old junior high school student climbed out of a huge [-]-meter deep pit smashed by an alien "species".

"Damn, it's like this every time. Sudden powerlessness. When I am perfect, I'll hit the heavens and the world..." The young man murmured.

Of course, this is just his own self-satisfaction. Regarding such a place, he is also confident and has some doubts: Did he come back?

It's just that he's not sure. After all, the last force can completely change a planet. Those with such power are like gods.

The boy who crawled out looked at the monsters that looked like big rats around him, "Is this a monster? No, it's just a trace of strange energy fluctuations. It shouldn't be a monster, it's too weak!!"

"Captain, I found someone. He seems to be a student." Afterwards, a soldier in military uniform who was running like the wind on his feet hurried back to report to the captain after seeing all this.

"How could there be students?" The one frowned slightly, but it was not uncommon for students to appear in the mountains to "beat monsters". Afterwards, he still said: "First protect the safety of the students, and then explore."

"Yes, captain!" The captain said, and the little soldier with the wind on his feet also responded.

"Wind track, run fast!!" Afterwards, he murmured a sentence, stepping on the wind, and came towards the big pit before.

And the boy next to the big pit seemed to be waiting for his arrival.

"here it is……"

"In the future, if you dare to enter the mountains indiscriminately, be careful not to be eaten by monsters. Follow me!"

The boy was about to speak, but was dragged away by this little soldier.

The little soldier pulled him, seeing that youthful and handsome face, he was also jealous for a while, and then led him back to the team.

This young man in white clothes is very handsome, and his body is also very light. Even the weight of some girls may not be comparable to him. Xiao Bing is a little strange, this student does not look thin.

"Strange!" Finally, Xiao Bing murmured, and pulled the junior high school student to meet the captain of his team.

"Captain, the people brought it back. There are only a few giant monster corpses around the pit, and there is nothing unusual!" the soldier in uniform reported.

The slightly older captain nodded, indicating that he understood.

Afterwards, his eyes shifted to this young man in white, and the captain was also a little shocked: What a handsome boy! !
"Cough!" After the captain coughed dryly, he began to reprimand: "Our border guards have repeatedly emphasized that if you don't have the ability to be completely independent, don't try to get out of the barrier. Your side is from that school. I want to report to your school!"

"School?" The boy in white was taken aback. He came here to travel, what's going on!
The captain took a look, was he overwhelmed by his might?If you think about it, it's just a student, forget it, don't worry about it.

"Yes, it's from that school. Just let the school mark you as a punishment. Don't worry too much about being expelled. If you perform well in the future, you can get rid of it before graduation."

"Also, you were around just now, did you notice anything unusual!"

The captain withdrew his domineering aura a little, and asked a little tactfully.

"No, I just saw a few big mice. It seems that there was a bigger one. After grabbing a Ganoderma lucidum, it ran away."

"At that time, I was hiding in the pit. I didn't know what happened. When I woke up, I was brought back by this big brother."

"Brother Guard, this place is terrible, take me home!!"

The white-clothed boy stroked it for a while, and then started talking nonsense. You must know that not only beasts, but also humans are in great need of many natural and earthly treasures.

In addition, this young man began to feel aggrieved, with a kind of affectionate feeling.

Seeing the young man like this, the captain softened his heart and said: "Okay, come back with us later, but you still have to wait a while!"

"We explore the team, we can't just go back and deal with business perfunctorily, we still need to find out the situation."

"Xiao Du, you are also a student, you can get close to this student and protect this student's safety!!"

As the captain spoke, the boy in white listened and nodded, also in recognition of the captain's dedication.

Afterwards, a soldier from the light department stepped forward with a smile and an approachable attitude.

"Hello, my name is Du Tao. I have been out of high school for two years. What's your name?" The light soldier smiled and started a conversation with the boy in white.

The boy in white was stunned. He just came here, so he didn't know if the time was right. His name...

"I forgot, I don't remember!" The boy in white began to feel aggrieved, and then asked a sentence that made the team who had just stepped out stop in their tracks. .

"Is this the earth?"

What the boy in white said made the guards look at him as if they were an alien creature.

(End of this chapter)

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