Chapter 859

.He, Wu Ming/Wu Ming, is back, back home! !
Afterwards, the assistant got what he wanted, and went back immediately. Anyone with a brain would know that the family reunited after a long absence must talk about their feelings. It is obviously not wise to be a [-]-volt light bulb.

"Xiao Ming, don't worry, my mother can ask someone to let you enter the magic high school, and she can also awaken you to become a superior magician, and then you can play well. Your theoretical knowledge is still good. ..." Xiaoming's mother looked at her son with caring eyes.

You must know that the knowledge of magic middle school is only a preliminary screening. Those students who have a profound foundation in magic, that is, [-]% of the students who have a chance of awakening, will be screened out. At that time, they can awaken magic with a higher probability.

"Ayu, it's not like you don't know that our nickname can definitely be admitted to the magic high school with his strength." Afterwards, the father also said to his wife out of trust in his son.

"Hmph, it's okay to have an extra layer of insurance." Xiao Ming's mother snorted softly and replied.

Xiao Ming's father shook his head, it's just a bit of a man's dignity.

"Okay, mom and dad, I'm a little hungry. As for the magic high school, isn't there still half a year left? I can definitely pass the exam, and it's the best high school!" In other words, he voluntarily enters such a fulfilling life and refuses to go out. Although this may be a dream, this dream is beautiful, and he does not want to wake up from the beautiful dream...

Listening to Wu Ming's confident words, he said: Knowing a son is like a father.

Wu Youhai has already begun to doubt: what exactly has this child experienced, that he has changed so much.However, growing up is always good, but he doesn't want to see this kind of growth. His son was sent back by the military, so his son must have experienced the bloody and viciousness of monsters.

However, except for Wu Ming, no one knew what Wu Youhai was thinking, not even his wife who had married him.

Afterwards, my mother went to work, because she wanted to make up for this son, and she felt even more guilty when she saw Wu Ming who had lost weight.

"Dad, I'm going to see my room..." Wu Ming said very briefly.

"Well, if you want to play games, you can play for a while, don't be too obsessed, and you have to eat later." Wu Youhai also nodded, and responded that he was so kind. After experiencing this time, Yan's father's personality seems to have changed.

"En." Wu Ming nodded, and then began to walk slowly to the door of the room, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, that was his own room, although the world has changed, but people haven't.

Squeak!Wu Ming gently opened the door...

Then, what came into view was such a clean room full of books. The bookshelf beside the bed was full of monster records that might be the former owner's favorite. Beside the bookshelf, there was a desk, a stool, and , there is also an open and unclosed Wicked Beast Record 2, and, there is also a new mobile phone, and a laptop...

"It really hasn't changed, it's just..." Wu Ming smiled bitterly. At this moment, he already thought that he had returned to the real earth. .

Afterwards, he rummaged around, and when he found out the chess and chess pieces, he took out the room with a smirk.

"Dad, we don't have to eat anyway, let's kill each other?" Wu Ming smirked, walked up to his father Wu Youhai with a chess set, and said with a sarcastic smile.

"Why, Xiao Ming, you thought you could win your father and me!" Wu Youhai looked at his son with a smirk on his face, and he became more confident. He also has a soft spot for chess.

"That's not for sure." Wu Ming murmured back, and finally added: "Dad, didn't you say that every step of chess is successful, and if you make a wrong move, you will lose the whole game. Mentality is also a part of strength. I think, You can't beat me this time."

Afterwards, Wu Youhai was also blunt, and planned to tell his son with practical actions: Jiang is still old and spicy.

Afterwards, the chess game began. After the two people who respected the old and loved the young pushed each other, it was the student named Xiaoming who made the first move.

The simple cannon is in the middle, and my father is good at making progress while maintaining stability. How should I put it, he is the kind of person who is not even willing to give a soldier to others, the kind of extreme one-for-one exchange, so my father got on the horse.

Xiao Ming fired the cannon again, and when the other cannon moved, Wu Youhai laughed: "Boy, the double cannon is easy to be eaten, isn't it?"

"Haha, Dad, my cannon is full of gunpowder, you can't eat it!" Wu Ming also smiled.

Afterwards, Wu Youhai's two carts came out, and of course, the cart and horse of classmate Xiaoming also came out, but, Wu Youhai's soldiers, who had eaten all of them, were blatantly contemptuous.

Finally, when the two "pawns" besieged the handsome one, Dad blushed.

"Yes, you win!" Wu Youhai still gave up generously. You must know that Wu Ming's chess skills were taught by him, and he doesn't know what level he is?It's just that it's rare for two little soldiers to surround him to death at the end. You know, none of his chess friends have such skills.

However, the next moment, Wu Youhai was completely ashamed, and it was two little soldiers who...


"It doesn't count, brat, come again!" Next, Wu Youhai lost a few times in a row, and he was even more dissatisfied. Seeing that Wu Ming, who was calm and calm, didn't seem to be doing his best, he was already panicked. It seemed that Wu Ming's mentality has really changed. He is no longer rushing forward for small profits, but step by step, tempting him to go deep.

However, Wu Ming smiled indifferently, looking at the panicked father, he also planned to stop, after all, there are still two rounds before dinner.

Then, in the first round, after clearing many small soldiers, Wu Ming began to "confidently" rush forward. After that, Wu Youhai came down directly with a car, Wu Youhai dismissed the game, and said excitedly: "General!" '

"Oh, I was wrong, Dad, I want to regret the game." Wu Ming pretended to regret.

"No, there is one more step." Wu Youhai stopped his son who wanted to regret the game, but he didn't know that he had regretted the game several times before.

"Then, go back to defense!" Wu Ming finally said helplessly.

"Eat! Shoot again!" Finally, Wu Ming's cannon was gone after a dying struggle.
Wu Ming watched and moved the car back again. Finally, after giving away three or two, Wu Youhai finally drove the two cars.Excitedly shouted: "Hey, lore!"

Looking at Wu Ming, he laughed.

Another round was opened, and then, Wu Ming also used the same method, and Wu Youhai dismissed another round.

Afterwards, the aroma of rice and coriander came out, and it was our favorite corn stewed bone soup, braised fish...

It's time for dinner. Wu Youhai, who won, felt his appetite improved a lot after eating.

"Come on, Xiao Ming, eat more fish to strengthen your body. You still have half a year to study. Then, you can go to a good high school..." Afterwards, Wu Ma continued to add vegetables to Wu Ming's bowl.

Wu Ming ate seriously. As for the matter of the magic high school entrance examination, he failed the high school entrance examination before, but this time it may not be so.

(End of this chapter)

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