Chapter 860

. Chapter 6 Li Xiran

After dinner, watch TV for a while. He hasn’t watched TV, a rare item, for a long time. Of course, he doesn’t feel much watching it now. TV has the most content, except for some gossip news. It's the monsters making trouble, and the benevolence and justice of the magician, protecting the family and the people, and more magic...

After reading it, and it's ten o'clock, it's time to go to bed.

"Ayu, did you say that his nickname has changed? He seems to be a different person. His skin has also become much fairer. Did he get poisoned by some monster? Take him to the hospital for a check-up tomorrow?" After the nickname met the room , Wu Youhai suddenly put his arms around his wife, and after being intimate for a while, he said to his wife.

You know, being able to marry a magician teacher as his wife is something he has been proud of all his life.

That's it, he has a deeper understanding of the magical world than some ordinary people. For example, the knowledge of some monsters, even his own son knows so much, so he naturally knows a lot. Monsters also have some strange toxins. He also knows.

"Well, if you don't tell me, I've forgotten it. For the sake of his nickname, I'll take him to the hospital for a check-up tomorrow. You don't have to go to work tomorrow. This task is just..." Wu Ma looked at Wu Youhai and agreed, and it was more related to monsters. Yes, as for herself, as an excellent junior high school magic teacher, she cannot ask for leave at will.

"Leave it to me, but the reward for this mission..." Father Wu also smirked.

"It won't be good if Xiaoming hears it later..." Wu Ma murmured with a slightly red face.


The next day, a ray of morning light shone into this small home, bringing vigor and warmth.

There was a rustling sound, and Wu Ming had already gotten up and read the books for several hours. In a few hours, he had finished reading all the books of the nine-year compulsory education. He was confident that he would be able to get any score he wanted in the test Come.

Hearing the sound of his mother getting up, Wu Ming also gently opened the room, and then there was a very soft, seemingly silent sound from the kitchen, as well as the scent of strong love and nutrition.

When Mama Wu came out with a rosy face, she was surprised. The son's room was open. When she went to the hall, she saw that breakfast had been prepared. Mama Wu stepped up and looked at the nutritious breakfast. Lotus seed and millet porridge, and a small note: Mom, I'm going for a run, please have a meal.

"This child..." Wu Ma said with a smile, but the change of nickname caught her as a parent off guard, and she also looked forward to picking up the dishes and chopsticks on the table. Start to make up for it.

As soon as the millet porridge is in the mouth, it is not too sticky, nor too mushy, just right, neither cold nor hot, with a hint of warmth, it has the fragrance of lotus seeds, and the tenderness of the meat...

This is the most delicious food Mama Wu has ever eaten, and she feels satisfied after taking one bite.

"How did Xiaoming do it..." At the end, Mama Wu, who came back to her senses after a long time, murmured. Yao Ding must know that with her income, she took Father Wu and Xiaoming to many high-end restaurants. I haven't eaten anything so delicious.

Looking at the bowl of porridge left for Wu's father, Wu's mother shook her head, "This is made by the child, let the child's father have a taste."

Afterwards, Mama Wu also left a note and went to work contentedly.

As for washing, there is no need, the fragrance of lotus seeds is not even comparable to high-grade ointment.

As for Wu Ming, he really went out for a run. He ran around the neighborhood several times, but there was not a single drop of sweat, not even a single drop of sweat.

"Hey, young man, are you in good physical strength?" An old man who had been watching Wu Ming who had been running for several laps suddenly smiled and said to Wu Ming.

"Haha, sir, don't touch me!" Wu Ming replied with an approachable smile.

The old man was puzzled at first, but in the end, he seemed to know what was going on, and then he said in a broken voice, "Bah, do you think that the old man is such a person, and you are a junior high school student."

"Haha." Wu Ming smiled, and then continued to run.

"It still hasn't changed, this neighborhood..." Wu Ming ran, just to confirm the surrounding environment.

After another lap, Wu Ming couldn't breathe a sigh of relief. This kind of exercise is still a small case.

"Grandpa, I'm going to school." Suddenly, a moving voice came, and Wu Ming took a quick look, and it turned out to be her.

His grandpa?Is it Uncle Li?A retired old defenseman?

"Hehe, Xiran, you have to get up earlier in the future. Look at this young man, he got up early to exercise. He is quite humorous. If I don't want you in the future, I will find this young man to be your husband... "Uncle Li chuckled, and began to tease humorously. You must know that his granddaughter's appearance is not bad.

"Hmph, if you say that about your granddaughter, I'm going to become a magician like you, grandpa..." The girl named Xiran retorted her grandpa, and then Mei Mu looked at what his grandpa said. The young man suddenly covered his mouth and asked, "Wu Ming, haven't you disappeared?"

"Don't talk nonsense, Xiaoran, I just went to Xuefeng Mountain to practice and practice." Wu Ming was also taken aback, and immediately, he also flirted with this girl with a rogue upper body. Girls are the time to be full of youth.

This Li Xiran is still his girlfriend... all his life, and he also started in junior high school, because he fell in love early, so...

The girl washed three thousand blue silks and tied them behind her back. She was wearing shorts and short sleeves, which reflected the breath of summer, and also showed the best scene of the girl. Her slender and fair legs were uneven, as if they were budding. The face is very delicate, without a trace of rouge and gouache.

"You dare to run to Xuefeng Mountain, you don't want to die, you know, there are monsters there..." Li Xiran was also surprised, and she admired this classmate very much, "Just call me Li Xiran , What do you call me..., we don't have such a good relationship."

"That's right, young man, even though you are classmates, I didn't call it that, unless..." The old man didn't think it was hot enough, it's just that young people are impulsive, who isn't impulsive when they are young?
"Unless... what? Old man." Wu Ming also laughed. This old man Li is still so bad, but he didn't miss his eyes on people. He thinks it's worth having a good officer to guide him.

"Haha, are you chasing after our family Xiran?" Old man Li said with a smile.I also watched these two young people grow up.

"Hmph, I'm ignoring you, I'm going to school." Li Xiran's face became hot and hot, and then she let go of her legs and ran away as if flying. It's just that she didn't feel very good about Wu Ming, but she did. Not bad, Wu Ming's study, although not at the top, is enough to go to a high school.

Wu Ming rubbed his nose inexplicably, and then he saw the words of old man Li, an old fox, and Qian Ying who was gradually running away, and shouted: "Xiao Ran, if I get No. 1 in the high school entrance examination, you can be my girlfriend." ..."

Li Xiran, who ran away, heard this sentence, which seemed to be a confession but didn't seem like it, her heart beat faster, as if stimulated by an electric current.

After running far away, Li Xiran also calmed down and took a leisurely walk, "If you study hard, I will too..."

Li Xiran murmured, because Wu Ming has a mother who is a teacher, so she naturally does a lot of homework at home, so she is idle and doing nothing at school, but her grades are all good.

Looking at Li Xiran, Wu Ming obviously became serious. This time, they will not be separated...

(End of this chapter)

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