Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 868 Meeting Mo Fan in the Restaurant

Chapter 868 Meeting Mo Fan in the Restaurant
Bo City, the library of Tianlan Magic High School.

Wu Ming came here, first to get familiar with the environment, but to get acquainted with Mo Fan who also came here. .

Looking at this magnificent school, I don’t know how many famous and successful magic high schools have been produced. Wu Ming stands alone at the door. It has been a while since the high school entrance examination. As for whether he can get a perfect score, this is uncertain. .

"Uncle, the weather is getting colder, I need to add an extra dress." Wu Ming said hello to a leisurely security guard guarding the gate of the school. The speed of feeling is slowing down. This security guy is also approachable, whether he can go in, or not to provoke such a guy.

"Well, go in, I hope you can become an excellent magician..." Uncle Security said with a smile.

"En!" Wu Ming nodded, and then, feeling the atmosphere of high school, he entered a tall college.

As for the word "you" that Uncle Security said, Wu Ming also knows that there are other people who think the same as him, but the purpose is different.

The library is in the middle of the two teaching buildings, covering an unimaginably large area. The five-story library is full of books, covering everything.

Wu Ming went in, this wasn't his first day here, he didn't know what to do, and had a tryst with his little girlfriend?You can't stick together every day. Give each other a certain amount of mystery to make the relationship deeper. Therefore, Wu Ming came out from Li Xiran secretly.Wu's father, Wu Ming, must know Wu Ming's whereabouts. As for the girl...

"Today we can meet the protagonist of this plane on the second floor." Wu Ming murmured, and then stepped into the second floor of the library.

After entering, Wu Ming casually flipped through some books. Here, there are only books that you can't think of, and there are no books you can't see. This is a collection of high-quality books from all over the country. Books are the ladder of human progress and the carrier of human cultural inheritance. Therefore, people also attach great importance to the inheritance and preservation of books.

Complete explanation of monsters and beasts, Wu Ming opened a volume, there are comics and novels in this library, but those things are not very attractive to Wu Ming, he has never touched any novels, even those you can't think of, he It is also stored in my own small library. These are all good things, which I yearn for.Cough, pull away, read a book. .

Wu Ming also looked at it casually, and outside the library, Cicada's voice also became weaker.

Then, a pure girl with eyes interrupted Wu Ming's "serious" reading...

"Hello, classmate, can you help me get that book?" The girl was a little inferior, but she seemed to want to get a volume of books on the shelf that was a little high on Wu Ming's forehead. For ordinary boys, it is not too tall, but for this girl who is about 1.6 meters, it is a little difficult.

"Well, yes!" Wu Ming nodded after being surprised, and reached out to take down the volume of books without him moving.

It's just that this girl's aura is very strange. You know, in high school awakening magic, the first thing to awaken is the element, but this girl's body has no elemental fluctuations.It just has silver arc lines and a trace of spatial power. This kind of magic is amazing. You know, high-speed railways, telephones, etc., all require the participation of this type of magician...

After taking it down, Wu Ming still asked a lot: "Student, if you can't awaken magic, what are your plans?"

Wu Ming's words made the low self-esteem girl's eyes widen, and in an instant, they became rosy, and the crystal tears were ready to fall.

"Okay, just kidding." Wu Ming shook his head and smiled helplessly.Then, I thought of a way that was not a solution. When the girl's blushing eyes were about to finish the book in Wu Ming's hand, she was caught off guard by Wu Ming and pulled into her arms...

The innocent girl with some low self-esteem was going to struggle at first, but she felt a clear spring flowing through her body, and she didn't want to leave this comfortable feeling.

Until the end, Wu Ming let go of her.

"This source of water should be able to awaken her to the first element, the water element. If she doesn't want to give up, she will definitely become a super magician in the end, and she will also be a super magician of the space system." Wu Ming murmured , the opportunity is given, and it can reduce the girl's cruel road of being eliminated from high school.

If you can't even awaken magic, no high school will accept such students, no matter how good your studies are.

"You..." Hugged by Wu Ming, and then pushed away by Wu Ming, the innocent girl also blushed, you know, this is the first time she has contacted a strange man, and it was such a close hug, she was shy , I don't know what to say.

"Okay. You can awaken in the future. Although it is water attribute magic, you must study hard and don't give up. If you don't know how to go on when you step into the middle level, come to the emperor to find me." Wu Ming said to the innocent girl In one sentence, the voice is soft and touching, it seems to be able to soothe the worry in the girl's heart.

"Also, my name is Wu Ming, a famous name." Holding the book, Wu Ming also walked away slowly, because he had already found his target.Leave a beautiful back view for the girl, and let the girl deeply remember this name.

"My name is Qingqian, Liang Qingqian..." Seeing Wu Ming walking away, the girl said shyly without courage.As for whether Wu Ming could hear it, she thought she couldn't hear it. How could it be possible with such a thin voice?

However, Wu Ming just wrote down the girl's name.You know, this is a training object with potential. If you can cultivate it seriously, you will become a female magician with space attributes in the future.

Afterwards, Wu Ming came before a handsome young man dressed in ordinary clothes. .

"What did you see just now?" Wu Ming asked.

"Huh?" If the ordinary-dressed young man had doubts, he replied, "I just read the book too seriously, and didn't see anything."

This one is Mo Fan. However, it is a little different from the one in my impression, and has a bit of a rascal air. It is obvious that he is an old hand who can win the favor of the young master of the Mu family at such a young age.

"That's good, classmate Mo Fan, do you believe in parallel worlds? Isn't it amazing that there are familiar things like mathematics, Chinese, and English in that world?" Wu Ming asked tentatively, staring at Mo Fan, but Compared with Wu Ming, this person is still a little immature, and all the answers are written on his face.

"Are you too?" Mo Fan asked without confirming.

"Yeah." Wu Ming nodded, and then said: "Student Mo Fan, I read too many novels, and I really look forward to your standing up. After all, Tianshui High School is dominated by Wu Ming, and I feel a little lonely..."

"Are you Wu Ming?" Mo Fan asked.

Wu Ming nodded. In this way, the two are from the same junior high school, but Mo Fan's grades did embarrass him for a while...

(End of this chapter)

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