Chapter 869
One is the now famous number one, and the other is also the other number one whose "prestige" name has spread far and wide. The scene where the two number ones meet is really interesting.

"Well, that's pretty good. I admired you a lot before." Wu Ming smiled lightly. As for when it was before, that's something to say. It seems like tens of thousands of years have passed. .

"However, I believe you will stand up, um, let's study together!" Wu Ming smiled lightly, regardless of the self-deprecating magic, "kindly" extended his friendly hand.

The current protagonist is not something he can use, and there is nothing to use. If it is bigger, the magic is stronger, and the luckier ones are the son of luck.

"The senior high school entrance examination is over, so I must be number one, Xue Mao!" Mo Fan complained to Wu Ming in his heart, just because he was unhappy with his current situation. Wu Ming also took his first place at that time, or another Mo Fan's number one was snatched away, but he still smiled awkwardly, extended his friendly hand, then gave him a tight grip, and said in a friendly way, "Okay, let's study together!"

Afterwards, the two often went in and out of the library together. Over time, they formed a tacit understanding. Anyway, when Wu Ming stepped in, Mo Fan followed. Sometimes, Mo Fan also wondered, what is going on with him?

In the end, he didn't care about these anymore, because Mo Fan had already accepted his fate.

During a period of time in the library, Wu Ming was able to travel freely on the little magic bullet train while occasionally playing with his mobile phone. As for the tram, it seemed that there was no such technology product.

On this day, when Wu Ming came back from reading, it was already evening, and the sun had already set, leaving behind beautiful clouds of fire, which were extremely golden and charming, and the square had already gathered aunts...


Wu Ming gently opened the door...

"Bang, bang!!" There were celebratory salutes, and Wu Ming already knew what happened today since he planned to come in.He has deliberately maintained it, you know, life after knowing the result is not very satisfactory.

Because, if life lacks some special mysterious things, it will be like a person losing his soul. After all, a person's life is colorful.

"Welcome our high school entrance examination champion back!"

Afterwards, the two voices maintained the same welcome speech, which was so consistent.

"Hehe, you scared me!" Wu Mingle laughed, and then, pretending to be frightened, he patted his soft chest and joked with a smile.

"It's so exciting!" Wu Ming also said with a smile.

Then, step aside, a big cake was prepared on the table in the hall, and then there were knocks on the door.

It is a resident of Zuo Neighbor and Right Square, and my mother invited almost all the people from the whole building, and the room was full of people.

"The nickname is really good, it has helped our community save face, and the first place in the high school entrance examination!"

"That's not it, with such a high score in the high school entrance examination, you will definitely be able to awaken a powerful magic department, maybe it's the thunder department!!"

"The probability of lightning is too small, but it is not impossible..."

"The fire element is also good..."

"Ice element can also..."

The neighbors who came here at the invitation all praised this, Wu Ma listened, and she also had a great sense of accomplishment.

You know, to become a magician, you have to be a master, and those who can live in the community are masters, rich and powerful.

"Aunt Cui, Aunt Zhang, Uncle Liu, Uncle Li, you are all too polite." Wu Ming pretended to be a junior high school student, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment and said with a smile.

With a naive look, these neighbors can't wait to start introducing their own daughters and daughters. After the high school entrance examination, Wu Ming is also sixteen or seventeen years old. It's really possible...

In the end, Mama Wu went to the kitchen and made a big meal, and even took out the spare table, because there were too many people, and they could still be squeezed out.

When the person left, the whole room was left in a mess.

"Mom, I'll help you clean up!" Looking at Wu Ma who was in a hurry again, Wu Ming was also relieved to see the smile on the corner of her mother's mouth.

Last time, I didn't have the chance to make my mother so proud. It was really...

Now, it's really a report card, but the head of the school has come to send it in person, but there is still a thousand yuan scholarship.A report card has already satisfied the two close relatives.

"Well, you can have fun today. After you go out to play, the mobile phone will transfer money to you, buy some delicious food, or find a good friend to chat and eat in the past few days..." Wu Ma said, pushing away the kindness Wu Ming who helped.

"Haha, you are now the number one student in the high school entrance examination, and you should be in the spotlight for a while!!"

"Yeah, Xiao Ming, your mother and I can clean up the house. Let's go for a walk. You can play with friends for a while. Remember, just don't come back too late." Father Wu also added.

Later, he was "driven" out of the house by the two.

Wu Ming, who was standing at the door, also didn't know what kind of medicine these two gourds were selling.

"My son's father, is what you said true, is it true that Xiao Ming secretly dated old man Li's granddaughter?"

"Of course it is true. That child is also very good. He is also in the top five in the high school entrance examination. He will definitely awaken wind magic in the future. A magician like old man Li..."

"That's good, a magician matches a magician..."

"Ayu, what do you mean, I'm not good enough for you!"

"Well, it's just thick skinned..."

"See if I don't re-establish my majesty..."


Wu Ming listened, it seemed that everything was known, but these two...

"My son hasn't gone far yet!" Wu Ming laughed lightly, and then went downstairs.

Go to the parking place in the corridor, anyway, they are all graduated, high school life is not forbidden to fall in love or something. .

On the seat of the small building, under a small green tree, a young girl seems to be waiting for someone, a little lonely and looking forward to it.

"Hey, silly girl, what are you thinking about? Go out for a drive?" Then, there was a voice behind her that made her think about it day and night. This voice seemed to have a hint of teasing.

"Hmph, I don't want to get in a stranger's car!" The girl snorted angrily. You know, when he grew up, he really wasn't as sentimental as he is now, and he was always straightforward before.

For the person she likes, or with someone she likes, her whole person has also changed.

"I don't know if I will forget about him after I get the first place in the exam!" Li Xiran pouted and continued, as if she wanted the boy to come and comfort her. .

"Oh, then I'm going to find other little sisters. The wind in the evening is quite cool!" Wu Ming rode on the bike, but he didn't get off, but said something indifferently.

Just such a sentence can really directly make this girl angry. You know, it is impossible for a girl to tolerate another girl occupying the person she likes.

"How dare you!" Li Xiran threatened domineeringly.

Afterwards, looking very "angry", he still boarded Wu Ming's thief ship.

(End of this chapter)

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