Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 870 The Eve of Graduation

Chapter 870 The Eve of Graduation
When the girl twisted her hand fiercely at the waist of a certain bad boy and let out a bad breath, she was also sitting on the back seat of the little magic car, blowing the incoming breeze. .

"We can all continue our studies at Tianlan Magic High School."

"Well, that's right, we can announce our relationship at that time, and you won't be sour sour all the time."

"Who told you to be so good!"

"It's not good to be excellent."


Along the green smiling road, there are relatively few people. A couple of young people just ride in such a place, watching the scenery, letting the wind blow away the unpleasantness and bring a good mood.

Suddenly, he came to the outskirts of the city, and a large lake came into view. Wu Ming found a place to park the car. As for carrying his little girlfriend, he might as well take his little girlfriend along.

Perhaps, passing through a grove by chance, a grove, is a good place to heat up your feelings very quickly.

It's just that they seemed to know what a certain villain was thinking, which in turn made Li Xiran drag Wu Ming into a lake with a large number of people and watch the lake together.

"Wu Ming, can I really awaken wind magic? If I awaken water or light magic..."

"Oh, don't worry, you are the fifth in the high school entrance examination, and you will definitely be able to awaken someone else."

But after Li Xiran suddenly raised her concerns, Wu Ming also gave a word of relief, but it was a little direct.

"Even if the light element is awakened, I won't dislike it, hehe," he said afterward, pecking lightly on his beautiful face.

After finishing speaking, it is still a joke.

"Huh!" The girl snorted softly, and then chased and fled, frolicking around the beautiful big lake, not like a couple.

In the end, the girl accidentally ran too hard and threw herself into the boy's arms.

This peaceful scene is still rare. After all, Wu Ming no longer wants to cause more killings. Such a planet is still full of beauty.

However, there were some mice who did something in front of him that made him feel slightly unhappy.

"Xi Ran, you're thirsty. I'll buy you some water and a bottle of delicious drink..." Wu Ming also smiled and said to the girl.

"Well, hurry up and go back!" The girl also smiled happily, but, it seemed that out of trust in Wu Ming, after watching Wu Ming arrive at the door of the convenience store, she also turned to look at the scenery in other places.

Today, she is wearing a pair of ultra-short denim shorts, a pair of white short sleeves, tied with three thousand girls' hair, and a blue hair rope, exuding a faint green glow.

There is also that warm and cool necklace, which is not short of transforming her physique. After awakening, Xingyun must be more than others, and she can even directly apply for the imperial capital together with Wu Ming.

You know, there are very few magic energy that can be used before this kind of awakening, and Wu Ming's plan in college is to set a small goal: earn him one billion! !

At that time, if you make a low-quality utensil, you can buy it for tens of millions. After buying a flat in the imperial capital and traveling around the world with your wife, you will have no regrets in this life.

Li Xiran looked at the scenery...

On Wu Ming's side, he just arrived at the entrance of the convenience store and asked the boss to prepare some drinks. After paying the money, he ran away.

In an instant, the drink was gone, and the person was gone. The boss was only slightly surprised, and then murmured to himself, "Junior high school student? No, it's a magician, at least a senior high school student." gave birth……"

And Wu Ming's target is the black mouse. Originally, he didn't want to care about so many things. After all, he would die a lot in a short time. He just wanted to keep a low profile and get admitted to university.

"Let go of that girl!" After catching up with the man in black, Wu Ming said indifferently.

"Magic, magician!!" The man in black was also shocked. He just wanted to abduct someone to make some money and join that black court. Then he could awaken magic. Who would have thought that an evil star would come out halfway and destroy his life? money.

"Hmph, good luck for you!" The man in black also wanted to run, and after throwing the little girl towards Wu Ming, he also let go and ran away.

However, he ignored Wu Ming's speed.

"Wow, I want my mother..." The girl cried in fright, being taken away by a stranger, and thrown away like this, even a junior high school student would cry in fright.

Wu Ming took the girl, she was about six or seven years old, she was cute and playful, Wu Ming also smiled lightly, and said: "Okay, good boy, brother will take you to find your mother!"

Then, a gust of wind blew up, and when the man in black passed by, the man in black had disappeared, and he didn't know where he went?

In the blink of an eye, the little girl returned to the side of a woman in simplified notation who was still concentrating on shopping for daily necessities.

"Don't run around anymore, just follow mommy, she has worked hard for her family, don't let mommy worry about you!!"

Wu Ming left a sentence softly, and after a slight smile, the back figure did not stay behind, and disappeared in front of the girl.

Looking at the impatient girl on the railing by the lake, Wu Ming just wanted to tease her, so he secretly covered her eyes...

In the end, such a simple trick was naturally seen through.

After looking at the scenery, they also took a walk, and then it was simple, but the relationship between the two of them, they like such an ordinary life. As for those monsters and beasts that harm people, although they often appear on TV and headlines, they have no experience I don't know what hell is once.

After experiencing the disaster in Bo City, I believe that many people will grow up, especially these awakened magic students in high school.

You know, the university is not peaceful, because there are teachers, so you can live a more stable life, and there are many organizations that are maintaining the safety of a big city.

Wu Ming doesn't need to worry so much.

In the past two days, the school held a graduation ceremony and began to complete another batch of talent transfer. You must know that if you don't get into high school, you may still become a rich master in the end.

Although at the bottom, it is also possible.

As for those students who passed the exam, they had a bright future, and Wu Ming was invited by the school to come to the school.

It's not that the school has never had a perfect score, but every time it happened, it was an outstanding student who showed up. .

"Next, I would like to invite Wu Ming, who has a perfect score in the senior high school entrance examination and is the first in the senior high school entrance examination, to explain to us the secret of maintaining the first place!" Soon, the main board of the school held a microphone and invited Wu Ming to come to the stage to share some experience.

Those who participated in the following are also those who were preparing to pass the senior high school entrance examination in the previous session.

Wu Ming is also on stage, but in terms of experience, there is not much to teach. It can't be said that it depends on talent. I can have a photographic memory.

"I'm very happy, and I'm also very grateful to my friends and classmates in the school for their help. Hehe, getting the first place in this continuous test is due to our unremitting study."

"As long as you are not convinced, even if there is only one month, one day, or one hour left, miracles can be created. Persistence is victory!"

(End of this chapter)

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