Chapter 889

Chapter 35 Ice Source

"Is it different?" Li Xiran began to think about it. As for the second department, she hadn't thought about it, but what kind of department is the best combination with the wind department. This is not something she likes or not. The most powerful Jia Shengli, compared to her personal favorite, seems to be more inclined to the former. After a disaster, she realized that her strength was insufficient.However, since Wu Ming has already mentioned it, he should have an idea, so he smiled delicately at the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "Angkor, why don't you choose one for me?"

"Well, fire, thunder, and ice have a high success rate of awakening. Shadow and white magic plants are more difficult. If you want to choose one of black and white magic, I can help you." Wu Wu Ming nodded, and then displayed some magic types that made up for Li Xiran's shortcomings in the wind system.

After hearing this sentence, Li Xiran turned to Wu Ming, "Last time I wanted to awaken the wind element, but I succeeded, and it was your help, Angkor..."

Wu Ming nodded, "I just gave you a spirit-level magic weapon with attributes to assist in cultivation."

At this moment, Li Xiran was also shocked. A cultivation assistant Nebula magic weapon with attributes?No wonder her strength has improved so fast. You must know that the magic weapons in the whole school have not yet reached the spiritual level.

"Thank you for the gift, Angkor." Finally, Li Xiran said gratefully with a touch of emotion in his eyes.

"I should thank you for accompanying me in this life..." Wu Ming said with a smile.

"Hurry up and choose, this time is a little hasty, but I can still make you awaken the magic you need, because in this world, there is nothing I can't do." Immediately afterwards, Wu Ming calmly said self-confidence.

Li Xiran nodded. From the beginning to the end, she always believed in Wu Ming.

Afterwards, Li Xiran thought about it seriously. The classes given by Wu Ming were divided into two categories. One was more attack-oriented magic classes, such as thunder, fire, and ice magic. Control type, such as shadow system, plant system...

In Wu Ming's heart, he still wanted to help Li Xiran awaken the Shadow Department. Under the cover of the dark night, with the speed of the wind and his personal teaching, Li Xiran's speed was comparable to that of a super magician. However, other It is also possible to choose, but with mutual support, you can only compete with high-level magicians.

"Angkor, Angkor, I still want to choose ice-type magic..." In the end, Li Xiran still made a choice. Ice-type magic, which includes attack and control, is not bad, but a girl's mind may be more difficult than The boy's delicacy, the ice magic, and the wind element complement each other to create an ice wind, which is not bad.

"Well, very good, but plants or shadows are also fine!" Wu Ming nodded, also supporting him, or said two different divisions of black and white magic.

"No, I feel that the probability of the ice system will be greater. Aren't we going to prepare for the imperial capital's special recruitment assessment soon?" Li Xiran shook her head, still insisting on her choice. As for the plant system and the shadow system, she hadn't thought about it, because She didn't know what price Wu Ming would have to pay to do it. The only thing that was simple and suitable for her was the ice element. As for the thunder and fire elements, they were eliminated directly.

Looking at the girl who insisted on his own opinion, Wu Ming also shook his head helplessly. He naturally knew Li Xiran's worries. Then, he took out an ice-like thing with an icy edge that was only as large as the palm of his hand, "This is ice. Yuan, you can directly awaken the soul-level ice element, remember, you can’t reveal that it’s soul-level, except for the special exam.”

Last time it was the source of wind, and this time, Wu Ming's original department was taken out. If Li Xiran can absorb such a piece of ice source, the ice magic has already surpassed the sky level.

Li Xiran stared at Wu Ming dumbfounded, looking at the ice prism block in Wu Ming's hand. At this time, she really wanted to hold Wu Ming down and torture him. Those precious items were obtained there, but, In the end, love still temporarily controlled her, and she slowly produced this prismatic crystal block as warm and moist as jade.

"How to use this? Angkor." Li Xiran asked, not feeling the coldness at all.

"Swallow it, place it in the dantian, and slowly refine it..." Wu Ming began to speak.

"..." Li Xiran was speechless, how could he swallow such a big piece?Moreover, where is the dantian? It doesn't conform to some laws of magic at all. It's too unreasonable. It feels like a trick of the villain's magic department. It's forcibly awakened, but will Wu Ming harm her?Of course not, or even she herself is willing to die for him, where would it be?
The scene was awkward for a moment, looking at Li Xiran who was standing there blankly, Wu Ming felt that it was necessary to explain something.

"Xiran, in fact, Wu Ming in this world is dead, and I am Wu Ming in another world, so these things cannot be viewed from the perspective of this world. Moreover, the one you love is the current Wu Ming. It's me, in which department, there is also a girl like you, with the same name, appearance, and even personality, I can't go back now, I can only grow old here, so I..."

Wu Ming began to explain half-truths and half-falsely.

If he didn't know Wu Ming's character, Li Xiran would call him a psychopath, and the two of them are already the closest people, so close that the distance is a negative number...

"So, do you accept the me in another world, or the Wu Ming from before?" After finishing speaking, Wu Ming also asked, his gaze seemed to be fixed on her, it was all that, what can I say, the raw rice is cooked well It's useless to regret the meal.

"It doesn't matter who you are, you are my man, mine!! Hmph." Li Xiran didn't care that much either, especially when she saw Wu Ming's sincere eyes that had already convinced her, Li Xiran However, he snorted helplessly, and also used this as a warning to prevent Wu Ming from going out for sex in the future. He was really afraid that such an excellent man would suddenly disappear.

"Okay, my master Xiran! Haha" Wu Ming also raised three fingers, standing side by side.After that, he promised to God.

In this way, the relationship between the two seems to be further strengthened. Li Xiran has unreserved trust in Wu Ming. As for Wu Ming, she still can't see through it, and it's even too mysterious. It's just that Wu Ming doesn't want to go so fast. Tell her, then it's inconvenient to ask.

"I took it like this..." Next, Wu Ming taught Li Xiran how to take Bingyuan.

"Gulu!" "It's so slippery..." Li Xiran gulped, and the prismatic crystal was swallowed.

After a while, because Wu Ming pressed his back randomly, he didn't think it was anything at the beginning, but then a little bit of cold air came out, and Li Xiran didn't feel the pain of the ice crystal just now until his body was shivering with cold. Horror, but there is no other way, this has been swallowed and catalyzed by Wu Ming, and then, bursts of frost appeared on Li Xiran's surface, freezing her...

(End of this chapter)

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