Chapter 890

Chapter 36 Awakening

Knowing that Li Xiran's body was covered with frost, Wu Mingcai nodded. He already knew that the implantation this time was successful, and it also combined the original water attribute in Li Xiran's body by the way. The second awakening will Two attributes will appear at once.

The radiating cold made Li Xiran tremble all over. Her consciousness, her consciousness was trapped in an unknown amount of frost and cold fog. One person felt the endless cold, and the most important thing was chilling. Dugu, helpless, you know, in Bo City, she has never felt such helplessness, and here, she doesn't know where to go...

"Forget it, I'd better guide her, a silly girl who will get lost." Wu Ming shook his head, feeling the disordered breath of the Frost beauty, and slowly moved forward, and their bodies began to fit together. At this moment, Wu Ming's original shawl was scattered Her waist-length hair grew out in an instant, and the original black and shiny hair also became snow-white and crystal-clear, carrying the holiness and mystery of the high snow, which people dare not touch.

This sudden closeness, Li Xiran also felt a sense of guidance. At this moment, she also recalled that Wu Ming was still by her side, so she insisted on following the guidance, walked out of the mist, and finally returned to the place that belonged to her. The nebula world comes...

"Hehe, Xiran, congratulations, you succeeded." Feeling the sense of pertinence behind the quilt, Li Xiran still nodded when he heard the voice with a bit of laughter, "Well, thank you, Angkor."

"Angkor, will you leave me in the future?" Suddenly, Li Xiran asked inexplicably, the same thing, after experiencing this inexplicable loneliness, Li Xiran's heart began to become strong and slightly dependent.

"Hehe, of course not, do you think I look like a big radish?" Wu Ming laughed, and then, holding three fingers together, assured him.

The perfect fit, Wu Ming felt the softness of the girl's heart and body, and then he laughed at himself: I'm not like a ruthless carrot, but I am a philandering radish, moreover, the very flamboyant kind! !
After laughing at themselves, the two quarreled for a while, and finally, it wasn't until Li Xiran couldn't bear to accept Bingyuan's weakness that he began to fall slowly. Wu Ming looked at Li Xiran who fell, and looked at it calmly. It is because this force has already reached the maximum limit that Li Xiran can accept, otherwise, if Li Xiran can't accept it, he will be frozen to death if he can't bear it. The kind that even Luo Jinxian can't save.

The soul-seeded ice type is enough, and it is also Wu Ming's original attribute. In the future, Li Xiran's ice magic will be the strongest type, not one of them.Moreover, as the master's strength increases, the source of Li Xiran's body will gradually be controlled, and eventually become a part of Li Xiran, and there will be no barriers. It has made Li Xiran's ice system surpass the sky seed.An existence that transcends the heavenly species, in this world, is a god-like existence.

This kind of ice system is enough for Li Xiran to enter the imperial capital. One must know that the talented girl Mu Ningxue is no more than that. As for Wu Ming himself, there are thousands of ways to enter the imperial capital, so he won't worry about it.

The next day, Li Xiran, who had fallen into a deep sleep, woke up heavily. When she opened her eyes, she saw Wu Ming who came back with two dishes.

"How long have I been asleep?" Li Xiran asked.

"Hehe. Soon, it will be noon the next day, and the sun is shining on your butt, you little lazy pig." Wu Ming also smiled hehe, and teased that he also went to help the Sleeping Beauty to get up, and finally, he served changing clothes and eating...

It wasn't until Li Xiran felt that his body had regained some strength that he was a little reluctant to leave Wu Ming's warm care. The two of them were also in a bustling area like the imperial capital, watching a group of people who were extremely tired of life, and had a leisurely experience , When you go to cafes and pastry stands, you don’t miss any delicious food. As for the consumption in high-end areas, it’s just that the food is replaced by a different place. For example, in life, the prices in different environments are different.

However, people can choose whether to be ordinary or to shine alone.

A few days have passed, and it is very close to the special recruitment time of the imperial capital, and on this day, Zhang Dafu also arrived on time...

"Hmph, it's not that we don't get along..." Looking at the talkative Zhang Dafu, Li Xiran was also displeased. She snorted softly at Wu Ming, showing some unwilling resentment on her face. Since the subtle change from a girl to a woman, She cared more about Wu Ming's life, she relied on it, and Wu Ming was the world in which she lived.

"Oh, he helped Wu Ming. Although he paid a lot of money, it's worth it." Wu Ming interrupted him directly, pulling Li Xiran into Zhang Dafu's new car. "Duff, isn't your car good?" After entering, Wu Ming also teased, Li Xiran just stared blankly, thinking it was incredible, Wu Ming actually took the initiative to find something to say.

"Hehe, this is a car specially bought for the little boss. I know that this time the little boss is going to do important things. Of course, he will drive a new car. From now on, this car will only be started for Boss Wu. Boss Wu will not call him, so he will not move." !!" Zhang Dafu also laughed out loud, and responded firmly, this round trip, Wu Ming was given a commission of 150 million, so Boss Jiang's side, will it be less?
This car is also owned by Boss Jiang, and he picked it up directly, free of charge...

With a slight hum, the car started,

For the private box, Wu Mingxing chooses the highest standard. Zhang Dafu follows him all the way. Although he is just an ordinary person, he does enjoy the same treatment as a magician. For example, people who know the rich and the poor are almost Baidu Quanke. understand everything.

"Boss Xiao Wu, you are here. This is the wife of the boss. Come with me. The awakening has been arranged," said a middle-aged man, wearing a strict robe, like a serious leader. Similarly, he was also indifferently respectful to Wu Ming, so the young boss awakened to the second line obviously had something to do with it, even Zhang Dafu from the society was respectful, so he was casual.

Wu Ming nodded, and then entered the hall, Zhang Dafu was waiting outside.

The Awakening Stone was pulled out, and two superb maids were holding the Awakening Stone, and the one who presided over the awakening looked at Wu Ming.

"Awaken my wife first." Wu Ming smiled indifferently, and suddenly put his arms around Li Xiran's slender waist, and said with some evil humor.

Li Xiran blushed a little from Wu Ming's sudden address and actions, and after giving Wu Ming a hard look, she was ready to wake up.

Awakening again, under the blessing of a priest-like priest, Li Xiran successfully awakened the ice magic, and the awakened ice blue instantly froze the middle-aged man in the robe .I also lamented that Li Xiran's ice system is powerful, and I feel more and more that these two should have a big background, so they awakened, which is equivalent to releasing an intermediate magic!

(End of this chapter)

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