Chapter 891

Chapter 37 Special Recruitment Begins

After awakening the ice element, Li Xiran was only shocked for a while, as if she had already expected it. However, the energy of the awakened ice element has surpassed the wind magic she cultivated, and has directly reached the intermediate level. You know, Although the common sense of magic is like this, it is the first time for awakening to be like this, and it is still a few people, and those few people, all of them became the big boss in the end, which is what shocked her.

As for the middle-aged man who awakened him, it was the talent that shocked this young girl. However, he had seen many geniuses, so after being shocked, he still completed this awakening.

"How is it?" Li Xiran came down and only saw Wu Ming's indifferent face, just smiling slightly, just like ordinary young couples, without much change.

However, for Wu Ming, this is just a small fluctuation, "It's not bad, it's not a waste of hard work these days."

Finally, the Awakening Stone was replaced. What Wu Ming needed to awaken was black magic. As for what kind of magic it was, Wu Ming knew a little bit about it. He didn't have any feelings in his mind. He just saw the key in front of him, and he would soon be able to open it. There is nothing exciting about going to another tired or familiar world, just like graduating from elementary school and junior high school, it is just the end of a short period of pain, and greater pain is waiting for you.

"Let's start." Wu Ming said indifferently.

Then, slowly put your hand on the Awakening Stone.

The middle-aged man who awakened for him also nodded in panic, and then Wu Ming began to awaken. At a certain moment, he suddenly felt that Wu Ming was like an emperor, and his orders could not be disobeyed. Moreover, Wu Ming awakened calmly , indifferently, everything a young magician can do, even if many high-level magicians awaken, they will accept the arrival of a new department with great anticipation.

Afterwards, the light of awakening brought Wu Ming into the nebula, looking at the purple, fiery red, blue, cyan, brown and other nebulae in the body that reached the middle level, the stardust nebula, this is the sign of entering the middle level , but the high-level ones are even more massive. Then, a black ray of light shone, and Wu Ming's second awakening.

You know, all elemental magic was awakened for the first time, but black and white magic, and dimensional magic haven't been awakened yet.

This time, Wu Ming awakened the Dimensional Magic first, but it seemed that awakening that one was not very helpful. Now Wu Ming's one thunderbolt is enough to kill a high-level magician. If one is not enough, then two.

Black stardust formed and began to grow, and Wu Ming gradually felt...

Afterwards, he opened his eyes and took a quick glance like a black gem, startling the middle-aged man who was watching.

"Shadow Element, the awakening is successful." Wu Ming ignored the "priest" who awakened for him, but restrained the black light, looked at Li Xiran, and smiled calmly and gently.In this life, he really planned to treat Li Xiran well.

"Black magic..., hmph, not bad." After murmuring, he hummed softly again, and at the end, he still couldn't help but praise.

The last thing Wu Ming saw was not just a mass of black, but also grey, extremely poisonous color, ethereal gray, four colors, namely shadow system, curse system, undead system, and poison system, four types, Except for the Shadow Department, the other three Departments are all scary to magicians who think they are righteous. Once the Cursed Undead and Poison Departments come out, non-white magic high-level magicians cannot save them.

However, it may be difficult for Wu Ming to use the curse system. As for the shadow system, maybe he can pretend to be X. .

After the awakening, Wu Ming and Li Xiran also left here, just for middle-level needs. After forming a force in the future, then there is no need to worry about the awakening problem. You can go directly to the awakening of strength, and the eunuch spends money.

"Did you read it wrong? Two black light groups..." Seeing Wu Ming and Li Xiran walk away, the middle-aged man who presided over the awakening murmured, as if he had seen something terrible, but, There is no way to check, and then, shaking his head, showing a smile of an old fox, "Look, these two people should come to the imperial capital for special recruitment assessment. When the time comes, ask Yan'er to check and see if they have awakened dual elements, or are they two black magicians?" It's interesting..." You know, reaching the middle level and awakening the second department is indeed up to the standard. You know, even though they are in college, many outstanding students have not awakened the second department. As for Wu Ming's double awakening, It's still the same black magic, so even thinking about it feels impossible.

As for Wu Ming, I don't know that he has been targeted by an old pervert again, but it is futile to be targeted. In the face of strength, everything is fake. Although beauty tricks can be used, the price will be a little less.

It’s been a week since I came to the Imperial Capital. Today, the gates of the Imperial Capital Academy are bustling with people. You know, the Imperial Capital Academy, the Pearl Academy, these high-level institutions attract many students. As for the institutions in other regions, although they are famous, they are not as bright as these.

Imperial Capital Academy.Wu Ming stood in front of the school, although he was a little emotional, but he didn't have much longing in his heart, because after experiencing many things, everything became ordinary.

"Specially recruiting the thunder system, here, the minimum requirement is to reach the middle level..."

"The wind element's special move, the minimum requirement is to reach the middle level..."

"Fire element..."

A group of old students started to shout, and the scene became lively. Seeing the commotion in the world, Wu Ming also grinned helplessly, and smiled at his little fiancee, "Xi Ran, how do you split up? Let's see who gets into the Imperial Academy first." " After a few days, Li Xiran's complexion looks much better. As for the magic of the ice attribute, it is enough for him to enter the series of ice-type special moves. If he is lucky, he may be able to match one of the female pig's feet However, Wu Ming does not expect this.

"Hmph, you are not allowed to tease others." Li Xiran said with a soft snort.

"Hmph, don't attract bees and butterflies." Wu Ming also followed suit, and after humming softly with a smile, he also replied.

You know, when you are in college, you have to prevent being poached. In particular, there are more active boys than active girls. This is the truth. When you see someone you like, you will definitely take the initiative to chase it. How did the little girlfriend who warmed the bed come about?

After parting, Wu Ming smiled and walked towards the place where the special thunder element was recruited, "Thunder, hit the top!!"

As they walked, the sky suddenly changed. Wu Ming raised his hand, and a purple thunderbolt began to brew.

"Damn it, silly, what a great mid-level magician!"

"That is, to scare anyone, who is not from the Thunder Department." "Thunder Seal, mad strategy!" "Thunder Seal, furious attack!"


Wu Ming's actions caused a crowd of thunder magicians to be specially recruited. However, all of them were at the elementary and advanced level, and some were only at the elementary and intermediate level. Obviously they wanted to fish in troubled waters. Entering the Imperial Capital Academy is a worthwhile It's a lifetime thing.

(End of this chapter)

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