Chapter 892

Chapter 38 Hu Xueyan
Although it attracted ideas and aroused public outrage, Wu Ming walked over calmly.

"It's just a group of guys who don't dare to bite people." Wu Ming pointed at Sang and scolded Huai indifferently.

As for the teacher from the Lei department who was specially recruited, and those old seniors were also shocked. This time, a thorn came up, and it seemed that he was not easy to mess with. However, he was so powerful before going to college. , Entering the academy, but one of the best existences, how do they recruit such a strong student?Or not?Even a fool will know it, so it must be recruited.

Afterwards, Wu Ming's aura retreated, and then, a huge black nail appeared...

"Damn, mid-level shadow magician and middle-level lightning magician, does this kid want to go to heaven?"

"Pervert, the genius is amazing. If you have the ability to report in the Shadow Department, why don't you come to the Lightning Department to join in the fun? Grab my spot, woo~"


When Wu Ming's Shadow Department's middle-level magic was cast, each student began to get rough. You must know that there is a certain limit on the number of special recruits for each department's students. There are only a few places, unless you are really talented. An exception can be made, otherwise, there will be one less quota. Wu Ming's move can't help but arouse dissatisfaction among a group of people.

Wu Ming was also unmoved, smiled, and said in his heart: You guys are jealous, ha ha! !
As for Li Xiran, the method of choice is different from Wu Ming, but it is almost the same. The mid-level wind magic is released, and then the ice magic is released, and the aura of the peak spirit level immediately attracts the attention of the special recruit teacher. , and the changed eyes of the group of old students, looking at Li Xiran, it was like seeing the arrival of spring, but they didn't know that this one was already a famous woman.

"Hehe, teacher, survival of the fittest, have I passed?" Li Xiran came in front of the specially recruited teacher and a group of perverted seniors, and asked calmly after laughing.

"Passed, passed." The special recruitment teacher nodded in shock. If such a talented magician is not recruited, will she be lost?

"Okay, this is my material. I will join the ice department in the future. Please take care of me, senior." Li Xiran nodded, and then handed out a material, which is recommended and certified by Tianlan Magic High School , enough to make her good enough to be able to eat in every school, the premise is that she has enough strength.

"Okay, okay." The special recruit teacher took the materials, and when he saw Bo City, he opened Li Xiran's eyes more. , is the right to survive. This time, the special recruit teacher silently forgave Li Xiran's actions.

After logging in to play with the data and some information, the special recruitment teacher said to a male student, "Hu Xueyan, I'll let you take Li Xiran to the girls' dormitory."

"Okay, Mr. Ma. The freshman this time is very strong, and I have the opportunity to get closer to my junior." Afterwards, the female senior named Hu Xueyan looked at Li Xiran and respectfully addressed her. Looking at the specially recruited teacher, he said.In fact, I was already doubting myself in my heart, "Didn't the old man say that it was just an ice element that had just awakened? Why do you feel the cold to the bone, which is no less than that of a little beauty like Mu Ningxue?"

Li Xiran looked at this senior sister, as if she sensed that this one seemed to have some impure purpose, but that kind of feeling couldn't be expressed, but women have a strong sixth sense, Hu Xueyan was dressed in the clothes of the Imperial Academy, and she was casual and elegant, with tender skin and first-class looks, especially her figure, which had grown to such an extent that all males would have their hearts beat faster when they saw it.

Following senior sister, Li Xiran entered the Imperial Capital Academy first.

"Hmph, classmate Xiaoming, this time, I'm one step ahead of you." After entering the Imperial Academy, Li Xiran murmured triumphantly.

"Hehe, junior girl Xiran, is there anything happy about it? She smiles so happily." Hu Xueyan also smiled lightly, asking questions that are neither annoying nor unpleasant, neither is it true for people to answer, nor is it true if they don't answer scene.

Li Xiran also restrained her smile and shook her head, "It's nothing, I just feel happy that I won against someone."

While talking, a black shadow came out,
This black shadow was Wu Ming, who was still holding three cups of top-quality milk tea in his hand, and murmured, "Xi Ran, who did you win? I've been here for a long time. Look, the milk tea I bought for you is still there!" Senior sister, this cup is yours, thank you for taking care of my family Xiran."

After Wu Ming asked indifferently, he handed out twice the amount of milk tea in his hand, the first cup was given to Li Xiran, and then to Hu Xueyan.

As for Li Xiran, the sudden sense of joy disappeared so abruptly, and the milk tea that was connected to her hand also felt dull and tasteless, without a trace of sweetness.

As for Hu Xueyan at the side, she was also shocked. When she came back to her senses, she already had a cup of milk tea in her hand, and she smiled wryly, "I am also an intermediate magician after all, I am very shameless for appearing so quietly .”

"Oh, thank you, junior. What's your name? I didn't expect that the Shadow Department has already reached the intermediate level." Hu Xueyan also smiled sweetly, her voice was sweet, and she asked with a smile, which is really elegant.

Wu Ming looked angry and seemed about to protect the food, smiled lightly, and was about to speak under Li Xiran's murderous gaze.

"This one is my boyfriend, Wu Ming, he is amazing, the most powerful magic is not the shadow system, but the thunder system..." Li Xiran took the first step, and began to hold Wu Ming's arm intimately, which was already normal The growing part is also full of elasticity. After Wu Ming received someone's inexplicable protection, he also ate a bowl of white tofu like this.

As for Hu Xueyan, she nodded awkwardly.

"What is this? Is there such a thing as spreading dog food?" Then, looking at Wu Ming and then at Li Xiran, she felt helpless in her heart, and Hu Xueyan could only complain fiercely, "Really, good cabbage. Let the pig arch." You know, my appearance is much better than Li Xiran's. In terms of figure, comparing the two, I believe that if he is a man, he will like him. However, seeing Wu Ming is such an excellent little girl. She has already been arched when she was young, and her heart is really unbalanced. Up to now, she is still single.

In the end, Hu Xueyan lowered her head silently, and led the two freshmen into the freshman dormitory according to the familiar floor. Of course, the male and female dormitories were still separated. Hu Xueyan was also helpless when going back and forth between the male and female dormitories.

"Old man, let me find out why I'm determined to have two lines of black magic, and it's just the shadow system." Hu Xueyan began to complain. As for the place where Wu Ming went to awaken before, it was a middle-aged man like a priest who was awakening a young man. Inexplicably yawned. .

First took Li Xiran to the girls' dormitory, then, under Li Xiran's supervision, watched Hu Xueyan take her and Wu Ming to the boys' dormitory, and finally went back with Hu Xueyan...

(End of this chapter)

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