Chapter 893

Chapter 39 The farts of the boss are delicious

Finally, Hu Xueyan also got rid of this pair of tormenting young men and women, and then went back to the special recruiting office lazily.

When he came to the dormitory, Wu Ming also met a new roommate, "From now on, I will be your boss, no matter which family you are from, don't accept it? The skin should be a little hard..." It was the same as when Li Yan and his party were packed up. Even if I accepted four younger brothers, the dormitory of the university is relatively well-arranged, four or five people per dormitory. As for the environment, there is nothing to say. As for the environment here compared with the outside world, the environment here is Wu Ming's most Longing for.

After taking over the new younger brother, they began to get to know each other. No one who came to the Imperial Capital Academy was crooked.

As for the one on the left who was covering his mouth, nose, nose, and swollen face, he first introduced himself, "My name is Jiang Chong, and I belong to a family with the surname Jiang. You dare to hit me, woo~" He said and thought He stiffened up, but when Jiang Chong saw Wu Ming's fist that was as big as a sandbag raised, he immediately froze again. As the saying goes: A man can bend and stretch...

"You come!" After the introduction of the first one, Wu Ming pointed to the second one, snorted softly, and said to himself: Huh, a group of young people, when I started fighting, I didn't even know where you were. Not formed yet...

"My name is Fang Xuanling, and I am..."

"Okay, I'm still Du Ruhui, next."

The second young man didn't finish his sentence, so he made a complaint. However, after Wu Ming's complaint, the young man Fang Xuanling seemed to be choking up more seriously. He felt that his dignity had been trampled on. He was an intermediate magician. Why? It's still so aggrieved, but in the end, I still admit it. Anyway, there is the first family with the Jiang surname.

After self-consolation, I felt much better. As the saying goes, without comparison, there is no harm.

Then, it was the third one, "My name is Zhao Mingliang, boss, I will follow you in the future, and the future will be bright and bright."

The third one started to admire him. He is from a family surnamed Zhao, and Wu Ming even called from the Jiang family. You must know that the Jiang family has a lot of energy in the imperial capital, and the Jiang family is also the shareholder of the Imperial Capital Academy. A high-ranking person holds a certain amount of power. In addition, there are many elite Jiang family members all over the imperial capital. The energy is indescribable.

Zhao Mingliang knew that either Wu Ming was a fool, or he was a man of real ability. Following a good boss was much better than practicing with dignity. Moreover, it would be very exciting. Don't ask Zhao Mingliang how he knew , It’s just that I’ve read too many novels, either I’m a fool with too much conceit, or I have two brushes.

"You son of a bitch! Bah!" "Sycophant!!"

Zhao Mingliang had already attached himself, and the other two also looked down on him, and cursed secretly.

However, no matter how quiet the voice was, people could still hear the scolding.The best way is to never speak out, just keep silent, because impulsivity is the devil, sometimes too impulsive, the consequences are unacceptable.

"Mingliang, they don't agree with you, look..." Wu Ming smiled badly, and looked at Zhao Mingliang, admiring this talent, without a trace of conceit, very sensible, after beating a person like this hard, In the future, you will be loyal and loyal. If you don't beat me, and you will encounter an opponent stronger than you in the future, such a person will be a temporary defector.

"Boss, can I..." Zhao Mingliang also asked, with a ruffian smile on the corner of his mouth.

Wu Ming nodded, "Be more ruthless, just don't kill anyone! Hehe!"

After the conversation between the two, after watching Zhao Mingliang stand up, the other two also resisted, but Wu Ming couldn't handle a basic level two skill, so he had to be beaten up by Zhao Mingliang in the end.The sound of punching to the flesh, listening to the people who did not introduce themselves trembled, as if they were hit on themselves, looking at Zhao Mingliang, this is a ruthless person with dog legs, when looking at Wu Ming, also He didn't dare to look Wu Ming directly in the eyes, but he knew that this guy was a ruthless person. Although his smile was very kind, if he started to be ruthless, he might even kill Wu Ming himself.

"Ah... ah..." Afterwards, there was a painful hissing sound from this freshman dormitory, but the sound was very soft, and the people who passed by were just making trouble. After all, this kind of thing is common.

"Okay, Mingliang." Wu Ming finally waved his hand, unable to watch it any longer, and said, "The beating wasn't hard enough, it should be like this."

As Wu Ming said, he had already stood up, raised his hand and instantly condensed a purple thunder python, "Crack!" With a fierce whip, a thunder whip was precisely drawn on the mouths of Jiang Chong and Fang Xuanling, and the mouths once again slammed together. Swelling, no sensation, no pain.However, what both of them were most afraid of was this kind. They couldn't feel the pain, but their mouths swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye. When they knew that they had reached the maximum, the moment when the pain was so heart-wrenching came.

Zhao Mingliang looked at it, and also said inwardly: Damn, you are so cruel, I almost peed.

As for the last one who was not introduced, he knelt down and called out, "Boss, Luo Hai is convinced, from now on the boss will be the sky, the boss will be the earth, and the farts from the boss are delicious."

Wu Ming almost laughed when he heard it, talent, this is a talent, it really disgusts other people, even Zhao Mingliang secretly admired it, "worship" endlessly, the other two were already swollen and trembling for a while After that, he also knelt down and said in a weak voice, "Boss, let's surrender."

"You guys are convincing, what will I do when I find someone to beat your boss?" We shook our heads, smiled sarcastically, and finally said: "If you dare to find someone in your family, I will squat you, and then I will Kill them, and then whip a hundred whips on your dick, let you experience the feeling of being unable to get up, hehe..."

Looking at Wu Ming's approaching face, Jiang Chong and Fang Xuanling would subconsciously tighten their legs if they trembled, nodded, and murmured: "No, Wu Ming is convinced to the boss, convinced..." In the end, After killing chickens to warn monkeys, the fourth person also started to introduce himself. He is Luo Hai, a member of the Luo family. These are all powerful and powerful families.

After subduing the four of them, Wu Ming still recalled this funny sentence: Farts are all fragrant.This is a state that ordinary people cannot surpass. Now, they have lost their arrogance by Wu Ming. For 1 Wu Ming, that is one word: fear! !

In the end, Zhao Mingliang became the head of the house, and everyone came on a first-come, first-served basis.Zhao Mingliang was the first to express his opinion, but it was okay, but in the end he was deeply intimidated by Wu Ming. He felt it at that time. If he really dared to do it and couldn't kill Wu Ming, then he might be the one who died. Possibly, the feeling of life is worse than death.

"Clean up the room. I'll see when I come back. If you clean it up, there will be rewards, but even the big family can't experience it..." Feeling bored, Wu Ming wanted to go for a walk, so he said to the younger brothers, This reward, I am afraid that few people dare not think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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