Chapter 901

Chapter 47 Signs of the Invasion of Strange Demons

But he was pressured at his house by the stubborn old man Li, Wu Ming was helpless, and then, he just sent a message to Wu's father and mother, saying that he was back, but it was at Li Xiran's house, they were all a family Yes, Father Wu also understands. As for Mama Wu, she is relatively relaxed at the beginning. At the end of the year, everyone is going to have a holiday.

"Your grandpa is so stubborn, I haven't even gone home to see my parents yet." Wu Ming murmured, but he still felt that no matter how he looked at him, he couldn't get enough of Li Xiran's familiar face full of first love.

"That's because grandpa likes you very much. You know, I don't have the kind of treatment you have." Li Xiran also replied with a smile. Being with Wu Ming, I really felt the ordinary life. Magic is originally respected. , Now, a group of younger brothers help him solve everything, Wu Ming is like a decision maker, no need to do anything, just go to the battlefield in person.

Wu Ming also shook his head, he didn't think so, he just thought old man Li was cute, and recalled the first time we met.

Soon, after a full meal, he helped the old man clean up the bowls and chopsticks, and played two more games of chess. Wu Ming also secretly guided him to strengthen old man Li's chess skills, step by step. He was out, and in the end, Wu Ming scored a draw and a loss. While the old man was happy, he returned home naturally.

At this time, the night outside the community began to fall.

"I'm back." Finally returning to his own house, Wu Ming opened the door and went in. Seeing Wu's father and mother who were sitting together watching the TV news affectionately, she also smiled sarcastically, "Ahem, mom and dad, you go ahead, I went back to bed."

"Stinky boy, I owe you a beating," Father Wu laughed and cursed at his son's teasing.

Wu Ming also didn't go back to the room, but stayed and talked with his parents. As for the content of the talk, the son is not the most important thing, and Li Xiran's family is also like this.

"Xiran, you can't let that kid succeed." As soon as the old man Li said this, after seeing his granddaughter's eyes, Li Xiran blushed and started running back to her room. Pay attention to this bad old man.

Looking at Li Xiran's appearance, old man Li didn't know yet, but he liked this grandson-in-law relatively.

"Hey, the cabbage that was raised so big has finally been bullied." Old man Li sighed with a smile, as if he was relieved. At least his granddaughter has found the other half that can be entrusted to her for a lifetime.

As for Wu Ming's side...

"As for those who want someone else's girl, they have to be responsible to them. You know, you can't play tricks on the outside, and you have to be single-minded and responsible..." Wu Ma began to teach her a lesson earnestly, and Wu Ming also smiled wryly. Accepted.

Soon, the new year will come, and the work that should be prepared is to prepare. As for Wu Ming, he found Feng Hailun, Li Yan, and Feng Han first, "Angkor, you are back." When seeing Wu Ming , These younger brothers are also extremely excited. If it is not that they are not strong enough, they would also want to apply for higher education directly. Even if you can't squeeze in, you have to squeeze to death.

"Boss, we start the college entrance examination every year. When the time comes, we will be able to meet in the imperial capital. With our grades and transcendent magical talents, we will definitely be able to win a place."

"Yes, now, our strength, the mid-level plus the martial arts that the boss taught us, is enough to be invincible among mid-level magicians."


Afterwards, one by one also started to show off the changes of this year, physical skills, but it is much better than the perverted explosive skill of magic transformation, and you don't have to suffer so much, just condense the successful elemental body. Just like Li Yan, the head of the house, if the body of fire is perfect, then the strongest thing is that it can continuously absorb the surrounding fire elements to fight, and the fire will not invade. .

Looking at a confident individual, Wu Ming is not easy to hit them. With this talent, he can indeed get a place in the Imperial Capital Academy. If he awakens the second department, it will be even more perfect. "Okay, I see that all of you are doing well. When the time comes, you will be in the imperial capital, and you are in the second department of awakening. If you are not strong enough, I will arrange it. Of course, it is not impossible to find your own way." .”

Afterwards, under the treats of several younger brothers, Wu Ming also ate a few meals, and these days, he came out to hang out.

As for the new year, Bo City is also ushering in the busiest time,
"Here, Xiao Ran, it's just your New Year's gift." Walking in the bustling street, there are all kinds of snacks, all of which exude a full-fledged atmosphere. As for Wu Ming, it is even more beautiful to be accompanied by beautiful women.However, when walking close to a stone bridge with fewer people, Wu Ming took out a gift that he had prepared for a long time. It was a comb made of ancient wood. This comb was Wu Ming's huge It is made from the materials taken from the elf tree, and a lot of medicinal materials are added.This comb can be regarded as a super divine tool of relatively good quality, mainly to protect the master from all evils, and to assist the master in his cultivation.

Looking at the exquisite comb, Li Xiran was also stunned for a moment. You must know that none of the things Wu Ming brought out were ordinary, but it was just a little embarrassing. He was not ready for a gift exchange. Then, he took the This exquisite ancient wooden comb that looks like glazed glass is also unrelenting in love, and it happens to be tied with a red thread, so it can be carried on the body at any time.

"Angkor." Li Xiran paused, Wu Ming also nodded, and looked at Li Xiran. Then, seeing this girl boldly kissing her, feeling a jade-like warmth, Li Xiran Only then smiled slightly, and said: "This is my gift. It is not as precious as you prepared. It is my reward for you this year." Li Xiran also said with peace of mind. After this kiss, she also accepted it with peace of mind. He dropped the treasure of unknown value in his hand.

But, walking, lingering at various food stalls, a breath like body odor began to flash across the sky.Wu Ming also raised his head to look at the sky, and saw a tiny crack, and the shining stars gradually turned black, "This a monster from another world!"

In retrospect, when each world reaches its peak, it attracts the prying eyes of other aliens from the outside world. These aliens are generally called "strange demons". These alien demons are just like Wu Ming and Xuan Ming. Generally, they come to seize the origin of a world, but Wu Ming's method, or the number is only small, and what they seize is only the resources that can give birth to a powerful person. A world can breed countless powerful people. But the invasion of these strange monsters is to completely seize all the energy of a world.

(End of this chapter)

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