Chapter 902

Chapter 48 First encounter

Looking at this crack, on such a beautiful day, these people from other worlds dare to spend so much trouble, but even if Wu Ming doesn't take action, some old monsters in this world will find out, but, such willing The vitality of the strange demons that invaded other worlds is also extremely tenacious. In addition to being able to kill them with the power close to the origin of the world, they rely on endless years to block them.

"Xiran, wait for me a moment, I have some things to deal with." Wu Ming looked at the dim stars in the sky, and began to say to his lover beside him, if these strange demons don't stop him, then he will be exposed in the morning.

"Well, let's deal with important matters." Li Xiran nodded, and said in a more understanding way.However, she knew that she would not be able to keep Wu Ming, and she was not a stupid woman, so she naturally knew some truths.

"It won't be too long." Wu Ming nodded, and then, his figure flashed.

Immediately, high above the sky, Wu Ming put on a mask. He was about 30 years old, handsome and cold, but he had the loneliness and arrogance of a hero.Afterwards, seeing a few old guys who belonged to this world, Wu Ming was shocked for a while.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that such a young magician, who seems to be no more than a high-level magician, can detect such visions."

"Aspirations do not come at a young age, and such visions are rare in ten thousand years. I don't know if they will affect the security of our world."

I saw that these few old antiques who felt that their social status was superior to everyone were discussing, and they seemed to look down on Wu Ming, who only had the magic power of a high-level magician in his body.

"The boy is nameless, nameless nameless nameless..." Wu Ming also bowed his hands slightly. After all, a strong dragon does not overwhelm a snake. In this world, because there are people here who he is not willing to leave.

"Fearless young people!" Then, I saw a white-haired, kind old man holding on to a magic wand, stroking his beard, nodding and praising Wu Ming, because Wu Ming's terrifying strength could last so long For such a long time, even super-level magicians can't do it. Only when they reach their level can they know some rules of this world.

Wu Ming nodded and smiled slightly, "These are things that don't belong to this world, they are extremely difficult to kill, I can't let them come in and disturb my beautiful world," Wu Ming said, a colorful long sword Appeared in the hand, and after that, he said apologetically, and rushed into the darkness at the head of the army. "Seniors, the boys go first."

If calculated according to the real age, although Wu Ming is older than them, if it is calculated according to the age of the earth, it is really incomparable. To say "senior" is just a respect for these old guys who dare to stand up.

Facing the deep black rift that looks like a split in the sky, many people look small.

"Reckless!" Seeing the extremely fast speed, Wuming, who rushed towards the black abyss without thinking, cursed secretly, and then quickened his pace to keep up. Afterwards, the light element, fire element, wind element, etc. When the forbidden spell is opened, it will resist the terrifying aura emanating from the black abyss.

"What the hell is this!" Forbidden curse magic is just to resist some coercion. These forbidden curse magicians are also surprised. You know, they already represent the high-end combat power of this world. If they can't resist, they will eventually It will only be devoured by the incoming alien creatures, and in the end it will be as if it never existed.

"This is a strange demon, a monster from another world. It lives by devouring other worlds. Its strength is beyond the mundane. It can be said that it is a demon god. It is also a demon god. It is not restricted by any rules." Wu Ming began to explain that the earth will face all this sooner or later. Yes, if there is no one born in response to the catastrophe to resist, then such a magical world will eventually lose its vitality, and thus return to the original barren time, and it will take tens of thousands of years to regain its vitality.

Wu Ming also approached with his hand, raising his sword to resist the coercion of these strange demons,

Then, seeing Wu Ming's cool black hair at the ears turned into shoulder-length white hair, a chill spread across the universe, and all the old antiques behind him were also shocked. They know that Wu Ming, who has not turned into snow-white long hair, is just a high-level magician who looks stronger, and the current level has already made them unable to see through.

"What's going on? Could it be that this parallel space is actually guarded by a high-energy Yuanyuan?"

In another black world with black cracks, a man in a black robe, who is said to be a human but not a monster, with swarthy eyes and claws like monsters, began to speak shockingly. His men, different There are many monster corps in appearance, almost such a group of black shadows are creatures with thousands of different appearances, the only high-level ones are upright like humans, with sound limbs, which can receive more energy from heaven and earth.

"Forget it, I seldom deal with these things, so let's talk about the temporary seal." Wu Ming also murmured, dealing with these strange monsters is still relatively rare, and when he encounters them, it is the predecessors who stand up, or have been Humans were expelled, and the confrontation with strange demons was just three or two times, and it still ended in failure.

After the arrangement was made, Wu Ming swung his long sword, followed by a cross cut, the cold air of the world suddenly condensed, as if it could freeze the world.

"No! Give me counterattack 1, devour this world, we can step into a more advanced world, and return to the former glory. No matter who it is, we can't stop us from returning to the glorious world." Commanding these thousands of black demons, they began to melt the frozen cold air one after another. Every time the cold air dissipated, it was accompanied by the death of a strange demon soldier.

As a king, seeing these soldiers die heroically, he made a more determined decision: to completely destroy the opposite world.

"No matter who it is, who dares to fight against the returning underworld army, that is death!" In the end, the king also said viciously, like a divine order, and then, the general-level strange demons will start to attack, or say , it is relatively better to call it a magic general.

Feeling the weakening of the cold air, Wu Ming also frowned slightly. He really admired these alien species. While they are persistent, they are also not afraid of life and death. .

The confrontation between the two is a tug-of-war. However, the current Wu Ming can't hold on for too long. As an outsider, he is subject to many restrictions. However, he chooses to follow the development of this world, and in the end Capture the source you need. "We can't make Xi Ran wait for a long time, it's better to seal these things first."

Afterwards, Wu Ming made a decision: Yijian Township has been in town for a hundred years, and after a hundred years, it is time for Shen Bo to rule all these strange demons.

(End of this chapter)

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