Chapter 904

Chapter 50 Settling in the Imperial Capital
The new year has passed, Wu Ming took his little wife and started to return to the imperial capital...

In the second semester, Wu Ming began to practice Li Xiran's performance. After graduation, it is time to travel around the world. This has always been Wu Ming's dream. For this reason, he still studied there for several countries. language, eg. "Bridge's sack", "cuff", and more interesting "you die", "I die", "all die" and other languages.

In front of a courtyard house, at the beginning, the mask was not big, it was just a square yard of Bailai, Wu Ming led Li Xiran, Zhang Dafu began to introduce, and Zhang Dafu brought an expert who specialized in selling these yards. Now this building The courtyard is relatively quiet, and I don’t want to be far away from the school. There is also a full-time driver to pick it up, so the distance can be omitted. She'll just take a ride.

"Lan Gu, look at this one is my boss, the price is better." Zhang Dafu began to discuss the price with this expert, and Zhang Dafu knew that Wu Ming liked this courtyard better. If it is implemented, That's another commission from both sides, and it's a big profit. For this reason, they tried their best to match up. If the boss Jiang knew about it, he would like to give a set to Wu Ming directly.

"Well, this price can't be less, if it can be paid in one lump sum." I saw this middle-aged woman named Lan Gu raised five fingers indifferently, and these are calculated in millions. .

"This price, the full amount." Wu Ming smiled indifferently, and then raised three fingers, looking at the middle-aged woman indifferently, and without waiting for the other party to speak, he said directly: "The feng shui of your place has changed If you want to arrange a Fengshui bureau, you will need to spend more than this amount." Wu Ming said, and also raised two fingers,
At the end, I added a sentence: "Gu Lan, you should also know the influence of Fengshui. Although it is nothing to a magician, it will still affect a certain amount of luck, unless the price you just quoted is OK. Plus re-arrange the Feng Shui bureau for me."

Seeing Wu Ming speaking so confidently, most people still pay more attention to the direction of Feng Shui, especially where they live. In this case, they are very particular.However, for a fairy, if there is a fairy, there is a spirit, and Wu Ming lives in it. There is no need to do anything, and everything will start to develop in a good direction.

"It seems that you are also knowledgeable, how about this number." Lan Gu looked at Wu Ming, nodded, and did not hide it. There are indeed a lot of Fengshui things that can affect luck, and then asked for 50 more [-], and it's still a one-off price.

At this time, Zhang Dafu also looked at Wu Ming nervously, although it was only 50, but...

"Lan Gu, this guy is really a lion," Zhang Dafu was a little anxious, because Wu Ming was also watched by the Jiang family and tried to maintain a good relationship. Even he himself thought that Wu Ming was his God of Wealth.

"Yes." Wu Ming finally nodded and agreed. Although there is an extra 50 yuan, the value will increase in the future. When the time comes, it can be rented out if you don't live. You can still earn some money.

Finally, the sales contract was signed, and this courtyard belonged to Wu Ming. .

"Hehe, I can't believe that I can settle down in this place where every inch of land is precious." After buying this place, Wu Ming secretly laughed at himself in his heart. , is also beckoning.

In order to celebrate, Wu Ming also called Luo Hai and his younger brothers. Among them, he also contacted Hu Xueyan, a senior sister. Unexpectedly, they actually came. As for Li Xiran, he also invited a few good friends. Roommates, there were more than a dozen people at once, and the popularity of the huge courtyard suddenly became high.

In order to celebrate, Wu Ming also specially took out ingredients that have been treasured for a long time, as well as some common cuisines in this world.

"Boss really can go up to the hall and down to the kitchen."

"That's right, I didn't expect the boss to cook so well,"

Zhao Mingliang and the others started to gobble it up, regardless of whether there were girls watching or not, they also became speechless towards these girls.

Hu Xueyan, a senior, also didn't look reserved at all, and she became agitated.

"Xi Ran, I didn't expect that boyfriend's cooking skills are so good, I really envy you..."

"Hey, that's right, Xi Ran, I don't want your Angkor house that day, remember to give it to us!"

Several of Li Xiran's friends also gobbled it up, disregarding their appearance, and chattered while eating. However, it seemed like a joke, but they were all words from their hearts. A magician who has awakened the second department, even the younger brother is so powerful, it can be seen that Wu Ming is also extraordinary, and this cooking skill can be eaten alone in the future.

After this meal, they all felt that other expensive foods were also extremely ordinary.

Li Xiran just smiled and said: "Zhang Nalin, Tan Yuexin, just eat yours." After glancing at the two friends, Li Xiran also cared about his image a little bit, but he was secretly thinking: This guy, no Thinking of hiding it so deeply, after eating this meal, she didn't even dare to be interested in other food. As for Hu Xueyan, she just stuffed herself with food, because she was not reconciled.

After a meal, Wu Ming sent these people away and began to pack them up.

"Oh, Angkor, it's quite hidden. I'm afraid that a woman who has tasted the food you cook will never forget that there is such a delicious food in her life." Looking at Wu Ming who silently cleaned up the dishes, Li Xiran Laughing, pinching her slender waist with both hands, she began to tease.

"Well, this is not moving into our new home. Let's celebrate. From now on, if you eat with each other, I will only make it for you." Wu Ming also knew that this guy was starting to be a rascal, and he had seen all the medicines sold in the gourd. , nothing more than wanting to eat alone, so I still don't care about her.

Hearing this, Li Xiran nodded with a smile, and then stepped forward to help. From now on, this will be their home. .

Cleaning up the bowls and chopsticks, there is really a warm scene of a male and female family. Settling in the imperial capital is also an unexpected thing. Li Xiran did not expect that so much money, after she was soft and hard, she paid a huge price. Li Xiran finally realized that Wu Ming's money was earned by selling those magic tools and tools.

Finally, when the work was finally over, Li Xiran sat lazily on the prepared couch, very comfortable.

"The hostess of our new home, do you still like it?" Suddenly, Wu Ming asked with a smile while hugging Li Xiran's neck gently from behind.

"Well, I like it, Angkor, thank you!" Li Xiran nodded calmly and replied affectionately.

(End of this chapter)

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