Chapter 905

Chapter 51 The first business

Li Xiran is also very satisfied after giving her a decent home, a thank you is not enough to repay her, only a lifetime of companionship.

After settling down for a period of time, they moved out. Although they lived in a world of two people, they still had to implement the plan for actual combat. As for Zhao Mingliang, Huo Hai, Fang Xuanling and Jiang Chong, they all joined in.

In Wu Ming's courtyard, Zhao Mingliang and the others were waiting for the main decision of the boss and his wife.

"Then let's call it Xiaoxi's famous hunting house!" Wu Ming plans to open a hunting house, so that he can accept some tasks. The monsters in the city still need someone to clear them out, and the strength is just right for them. Intermediate magicians come to exercise.For this name, Luo Hai and the others just smiled wryly, inexplicably withstood a wave of blows, they all showed affection.

"Well, it's ok, the name is relatively fresh." Li Xiran nodded, and didn't care too much about the name. The most important thing is fame. The errands are done by the younger brother, relying on some family influence, and soon A hunting house was established, which belongs to the middle level, because this hunting house is all middle-level magicians, and because the combat power is comparable to that of high-level magicians, it is rated at the middle level.

As for the address of the hunting house, Wu Ming bought a bunk outside the courtyard in a place with relatively convenient transportation, and started to simply decorate it before it was officially opened. As for the members, the boss: Wu Ming.The proprietress: Li Xiran.The person guarding the board: Hu Xueyan, this senior sister prefers to get together with Wu Ming, maybe, she can have a meal.

Then there are other important members: Luo Hai, Zhao Mingliang, Fang Xuanling, Jiang Chong (the four girlfriends) part-timers, Zhang Nalin, Tan Yuexin and others. The manpower is relatively sufficient.

Today, it's officially open.

"Ahem, first of all, to celebrate the establishment of Xiao Xi's Famous Hunting House. As for the shopkeepers, we will take turns watching them. As for the tasks we accept, we will not accept them if they are less than [-]. There is no cap on them. As for the division of our task levels , Divided into two levels of general and difficult, the general level is for you to coordinate the shot, and you will be paid according to the commission. As for the basic salary, you should not look down on it, so this will be avoided..." After a dry cough, Wu Ming was embarrassed In front of the rogue boss without a beat, he began to promulgate this weird salary rule.

As for the others, I don't know what to say, but Wu Ming's words made these people start to suppress their turmoil, "Every month, according to the market price of the Imperial Capital Hunting House, some monthly rewards will be given. , Of course, it depends on the individual order acceptance rate and the degree of completion."

At a new stage, Xiaoxi Famous Hunting House still needs a period of time to be perfected.

This is, the familiar car beeps, and Zhang Dafu is coming.Wu Ming also smiled lightly, "Everyone, this is the sales director of our Xiaoxi Famous Hunting Agency, Zhang Dafu, specially hired, hehe, it seems that there is an order coming, the first order of today's business, handle it carefully! "Wu Ming said, also attaching great importance to the arrival of this first business.

In the car, Zhang Dafu arrived with a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man had dark circles, and he knew that he was not getting enough sleep. However, judging by the clothes of this middle-aged man, he was either rich or expensive.

Afterwards, Zhang Dafu opened the car door respectfully, and said, "Boss Zhu, we're here."

Afterwards, I saw this middle-aged man nodding his head, and walked out of the car calmly. Afterwards, he left the hunting ground, everything looked like a new one, and he couldn't help frowning slightly. He just looks like a student, and he doesn't believe it even more. This matter is related to his personal safety. He originally wanted to go to a high-end hunting camp, but it was recommended by Boss Jiang...

"Duff, is this the kind of hunting camp you're talking about? Take me to the Renjie hunting camp. This time, the monsters involved may be commander-level monsters. Can these children deal with them?" The man named Zhu The boss's luxuriously dressed middle-aged man said to Zhang Dafu, and, for the sake of Boss Jiang's face, he would just throw up his sleeves and leave.

"Boss Zhu, this..." Zhang Dafu wanted to explain, but the weight of the commanding rank was so big that he couldn't guarantee it, but the order was completed, and the income was calculated in tens of thousands.

"Commander level? This level is only an ordinary level task in our hunting ground. Those who can reach the difficult level are the monarch level, and the highest level of difficulty is the emperor level. I don't think it is necessary to use the difficult level." Wu Ming is also indifferent. After staring at this boss, an invisible oppression began to pour down on this boss Zhu.

Boss Zhu's expression also changed, he gritted his teeth, and insisted on resisting such pressure.

"Boss Zhu, what you are facing this time is just a warrior-level monster with some special characteristics. This monster is good at creating nightmares. Nightmare beasts have been creating nightmares for a long time. They will gradually lose weight, and once they are targeted, there will be only one result, and they will be so frightened that they will eventually wither and die." Then, Wu Ming explained lightly.

Boss Zhu was also stunned when he heard this. This monster is relatively rare, how could it find him?

"I have some knowledge, but it doesn't mean that you can deal with this monster." Seeing that the pressure dissipated, Boss Zhu flicked his sleeves slightly, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then said in a distrustful way.

"You can do things first and then collect money. A leader-level monster is worth a lot. You are our first customer, and the minimum charge is 30! If the matter fails, we plan to close the business. You can find another senior We will pay for the hunting house money!"

Wu Ming's gaze met Boss Zhu's confidently. Boss Zhu was also surprised when he saw Wu Ming who was so confident. You must know that even high-level magicians may not guarantee [-]% against this rare monster. success.

"Okay, the young man is very confident," Boss Zhu said calmly at the end, and then he took out a card, "Don't wait for the matter to be resolved, both Zhang Dafu and Boss Jiang will guarantee you, 30, you can transfer it to you immediately on the account,"

"Okay, Boss Zhu is a straightforward person. Our difficult level is now a monarchy level task. When it is done, Boss Zhu can also promote it for us!" If we nodded, we smiled lightly.

Then, I took out the credit card machine, and I still had to collect the money that should be charged. The first order, 30, was divided equally, and it was only tens of thousands of dollars per person. Of course, it depends on who completes it, and earns according to work.

After the money arrived, Wu Ming made arrangements and added his contact information, "Boss Zhu, this nightmare beast moves at night, and it will keep an eye on one person. We will deal with it for you in the evening." The name also began to explain calmly,
"Boss Wu, follow you to make money!" Before taking Boss Zhu back, Zhang Dafu also gave Wu Ming a thumbs up, and began to say cheerfully that the commission for this order should be no less than 3 yuan.

Wu Ming smiled, this is only on the surface, Wu Ming's goal is the spirit of monsters, this thing is much more valuable than doing tasks.

(End of this chapter)

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