Chapter 906

Chapter 52 million projects
The first business is next, and it is still a big boss. If it is completed, then more of these big businesses will come. The energy of a businessman is also unimaginable.

"Which one of you will come for this first order?" Wu Ming asked with a smile on the crowd while holding a credit card machine.

If the person involved in the solution completes the task, then the share will definitely be increased. Then, everyone looks at each other, everyone wants to be the first person to eat crabs, but the "friendly" relationship with each other will be a little bit because of this. Embarrassed, in the end, it was Wu Ming, a profiteer boss, who came forward to solve the problem.

"How about this, you form a group by yourself, at least two people, Zhao Mingliang, Luo Hai, you can directly form a group with your girlfriends, when the time comes, the men and women will be matched, and the work will not be tiring. As for the others, arrange freely , As for the candidates for the first order, the lottery will be drawn to decide who will complete the tasks first, and after that, the tasks will be done in order.” Finally, Wu Ming also said the solution he had already thought about, such a fair and just decision , which is obviously good.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Ming saw this group of people in twos and threes. Zhao Mingliang and his girlfriend Li Xin were in a group.Luo Hai is in a group with his girlfriend Wang Yijun, Fang Xuanling is in a group with his girlfriend Lu Minmin, Jiang Chong is in a group with his girlfriend Bu Shujing, and the rest of the girls are in a group with his senior sister Hu Xueyan, plus Wu Ming, who is the highest level. Then, six groups Thus the hunting team was established.

Then, there was a lottery, with numbers one to five, the first group was the first group, and the first person to eat crabs.

Afterwards, one by one began to scramble to draw the slips that belonged to their group rankings. Senior sister Hu Xueyan was the best to draw, because the probability was the same, and it had nothing to do with the order.

"Senior sister, congratulations first!" When Hu Xueyan stepped forward to draw lots, Wu Ming looked at Hu Xueyan with a smirk on his face. He didn't know if it was a real congratulations or a wicked joke, but, this first, It seems that Wu Ming did it on purpose, and there seems to be some individual reason, because Wu Ming has a little understanding of the strength of Zhao Mingliang and the others, but this team of seniors , It’s just not so clear, maybe, Hu Xueyan can still do it.

Hu Xueyan also frowned, this is not a good thing, after all, teaming up with other people, and still freshmen, more or less have to take into account the safety of some school girls, which is a bit difficult, and, still, always good at Although the monster that creates nightmares does not have much attack power, but its cunning ability, this monster can be considered on the list. Perhaps, there are also secret hands and feet. Such a monster may belong to a master monster hunter...

"Hehe, junior, this is a bit stressful." Hu Xueyan also smiled gracefully, and then drew the last ticket, unfolded it, and it really was the number "[-]". Confidence, if she were alone, she might be able to deal with one or two.

"Yeah~" I saw Zhang Nalin and Tan Yuexin, who were in the same group as Hu Xueyan, also cheered. The big order of 30 yuan can be earned together by their strength. The commission is naturally quite a lot, including the veterans. Senior sister, they are three middle-level magicians. No matter how strong the nightmare beast is, it is only a warrior-level monster.

Sure enough, those who don't know are not afraid, Hu Xueyan has already made up her mind, before the night comes, it is better to work on the tacit understanding of several people.

This matter is still not over. Wu Ming needs to prepare a vessel that can collect monster spirits. The price of a warrior-level spirit is no less than a nebula magic weapon. A good magic weapon costs 1000 yuan. It's more than ten thousand, so Boss Jiang made a profit on the set of defective products sold last time. For the revenant utensil, the minimum price is about 2000 million, and the magic equipment is no less than 500 million.

It's just that Wu Ming, who has no idea about these things, is now selling them at a low price. Wu Ming just thinks in his heart: the few pieces of refining are just rags, so they are worth some money.

Soon, night will fall...

"Xiran, this time, I'm afraid you need to make another trip," Wu Ming also turned around suddenly after watching Hu Xueyan and his party start to move, and said to Li Xiran who was beside him.

"Why, don't you trust senior sister? Senior sister's strength is not weak." Li Xiran was also puzzled, and then asked rhetorically.

"No, just to be on the safe side, this first order is just to be on the safe side. With you, a senior middle-level magician, joining, everything will go smoothly. Moreover, there is still a task with a level of tens of millions for you to handle. Well." Wu Ming also laughed, and then explained, and then, took out a waist pendant in the shape of an arc moon, and asked, "Do you know what this is?"

Li Xiran stared at it for a while, then shook her head, thinking it must be a magic weapon, after all, none of the things Wu Ming sold was ordinary, just like the gifts Wu Ming gave her, all of them were not A treasure worth millions. .

"This is a vessel for dead souls. You can collect commander-level spirits. Do you know the spirits? If you take them out, you can buy them at a price of 500 million yuan at the lowest price. This is the lowest guarantee." Wu Ming began to explain, Seeing Li Xiran's shocking expression, he introduced it more and more proudly. As for the price, it is also an estimate. In this respect, Wu Ming's understanding is still somewhat lacking. However, he began to make up for this knowledge. In the future, but To make big money.

"Thousands, ten million!" Li Xiran was shocked only by this price.

In the end, I still agreed to Wu Ming's plan. For the 1000 million project, I still went there personally. In fact, Wu Ming's estimate was wrong. Similar to this kind of warrior-level monster that creates nightmares, with a complete spirit, It is also possible to buy 500 million yuan, but that is only used in auctions. If it is sold directly, the price is only 2000 million yuan.

For this reason, Wu Ming's hunting center is not only accepting some monster hunting tasks, but also has a wide range of operations. Collecting monster spirits is also one of the main sources. As for the task of hunting monsters, it is just a side job Forget it, you know, most people will spend tens of thousands of dollars to hunt for some tasks, the income is too low, if you collect some warrior-level spirits, you will be prosperous, as for slave-level monsters, the price will be serious The price has shrunk, and it is worth about a million.

For this reason, Wu Ming has another way to make money, selling some refined and inferior magic tools and tools, and the millions of millions will be credited to the account, which is also a good income.

For this great cause, Wu Ming began to think about why he didn't pay wages, and made them some magic tools that fit them. As for the revenant utensils.But the price is not low, and then it can be squeezed again...

(End of this chapter)

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