Chapter 907

Chapter 53 Magic and Martial Arts
A villa whose value is no less than that of Boss Jiang, is imprinted in the eyes of Hu Xueyan and the others...

"This Boss Zhu is really rich." After that, Zhang Nalin also praised him.

"Hehe, this is nothing. Our boss Xiao Wu is a potential stock. If you follow the boss, it will be a trivial matter to live in such a villa in the future. Besides, you are still magicians, and your future is boundless." Carrying the three The beauty's Zhang Dafu also turned on the pick-up mode, and the chatter along the way also left several beauties speechless.

Hearing the words of Zhang Dafu, the sales director and full-time driver, Hu Xueyan, Zhang Nalin, and Tan Yuexin also became interested.

"Hehe, Director, why do you say that?" Hu Xueyan also asked with a tentative smile.

"Why do you say that? Maybe it's intuition. My intuition tells me that our boss is not an ordinary person. We can earn nearly 2000 million from Boss Jiang at once, which shows that it is not ordinary. Moreover, Boss Jiang often says that the price is too low. You know, In the eyes of these big bosses, those who are undervalued are in units of tens of millions..." Zhang Dafu said while driving steadily.

"Is it the big boss of the Jiang Group under the Jiang family?" Hu Xueyan's identity is also unusual, so she asked, if it was this boss Jiang, it would be different. Wu Ming still has too many secrets, so long , she didn't even dig a little out.

"Well, we're here." Zhang Dafu nodded, and then drove into this villa. It's a personal villa, and the space is unimaginable. When you enter it, you may really get lost. Now, I must know that there is also a good Fengshui bureau arranged here, a situation where Fengshui rises.

Afterwards, a middle-aged housekeeper came out with a kind smile, looked at Zhang Dafu, a person he knew, and then at Hu Xueyan, several outstanding female college students with extraordinary looks, so he asked: "Who are you? All the distinguished guests, my boss has been waiting for a long time, please come with me."

After speaking, he began to lead the way respectfully. Although he couldn't believe it, as an ordinary person, he still had a certain yearning for the world of magic.

Zhang Dafu leads the way, but when it comes to fighting, he can only shrink back first.

Except for Hu Xueyan and Tan Yuexin who were relatively indifferent, Zhang Nalin couldn't help but look around, which shocked the lives of rich people. Fortunately, she met Li Xiran. Originally, she just wanted to wait for graduation to join some big forces, but at present, she is only a part-time job She began to change slowly. Joining a family is not necessarily better than being in the hunting house, at least she is more comfortable. As for the treatment in the hunting house, it seems to be good.Earning more than [-] yuan a day seems to be a very easy thing.

"Here we are. Hey, where is Boss Wu?" Boss Zhu nodded when he saw Zhang Dafu and the three female college students who came in. Several female students came over, but while admiring Wu Ming's methods, they also began to accept this fact.

Afterwards, he personally brewed some good tea, and after inviting a few people to drink, he began to talk, "This monster will come when I sleep. Although it creates nightmares, it won't hurt me, but in the dream No matter how scared I am, I can't control myself, and I won't wake up until dawn."

"So, I will ask a few of you to stand aside while I am resting, and then get rid of the monsters."

In the end, Boss Zhu also narrated a process and what he experienced in the past few days. In this case, even if he can't wake up, I hope these few can drive away the monsters.

"Okay, let's arrange everything like this for the time being." Hu Xueyan has a detached demeanor, and she is calm and calm, which makes Boss Zhu think highly of her. Wu Ming's temperament is unquestionable, and this one is inexplicably convenient It's a reassuring feeling.

Afterwards, after briefly entertaining Hu Xueyan and the others, Zhang Dafu also retreated first. On top of that, as soon as he got into the driver's seat, a frightening voice came from the back seat.

"Wait, Duff, take it easy!"

This voice suddenly sounded, Zhang Dafu almost slammed the door and left, it was really scary.

Afterwards, the black shadow of the co-pilot flashed, and he went directly to the co-pilot. The source of the frightening voice was Zhang Dafu's boss, Wu Ming. Wu Ming looked at the villa in front of him indifferently. Xi Ran is also lurking.

"Boss, is this the Shadow Element?" Zhang Dafu also asked enviously.

Wu Ming nodded, and suddenly said: "Zhang Dafu, do you want to become a magician?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Dafu was taken aback. In this world where magic is the most important thing, who wouldn't want to be a noble magician?Afterwards, Zhang Dafu also nodded with a wry smile, "The awakening failed, otherwise..."

Wu Ming also didn't care about Zhang Dafu's expression. Zhang Dafu is not very talented, and the elements are also complicated. It is strange to be able to awaken magic. People with mottled elements like this are not destined to become magicians. Becoming a magician is everything Has a certain affinity for the surrounding elements, such as wind, water, fire, etc.,

"Becoming a magician does not achieve much. You have been at the level of an intermediate magician in this life. Although I can make your strength close to that of a high-level magician, basically you will not go there. Therefore, there is another path to choose, but , The sweat and sweat of this road is also relatively difficult." Wu Ming also said self-servingly.

"Another way..." Zhang Dafu murmured, the concept of a magician still occupies most of it. He is already satisfied to become an intermediate-level magician with strength close to high-level, but Zhang Dafu is also satisfied with the other way. Curious, "Boss, what is the other road?"

"The other way is to practice martial arts. It is the practice of martial arts in martial arts novels. It focuses on cultivating internal strength. It is much more boring, but if you step into the peak of martial arts, your strength is no less than that of a super-level magician." Wu Ming also explained. Zhang Dafu practiced both magic and martial arts, but at that time, magic was just an aid, and it might affect the cultivation of internal strength, and the gain outweighed the loss. Although the effect was good in the early stage, magic and martial arts complemented each other, but in the later stage, magic was useless.

Zhang Dafu is also slightly surprised, afraid that his boss is drinking and practicing martial arts, how is it possible, how can there be such a thing, and then they all yearn for the world of science, and they are also a little eager and curious about what kind of internal force, but that is all in novels and comics something that doesn't exist.

"Boss, are you kidding me?" Zhang Dafu finally smiled and asked, staring at Wu Ming's indifferent young face, he also didn't believe it.

"Choose one, the strength is comparable to high-level magicians, and the latter is higher than the strength of super-level magicians, choose one." Wu Ming said again with his expression unchanged.Zhang Dafu looked at it, and hesitated. Seeing Wu Ming's appearance, he didn't seem to be joking. Moreover, it was the last chance to choose. It seemed that he would choose the latter when choosing between the two. In fact, many people prefer magic.

(End of this chapter)

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