Chapter 916 Prey
Commander-level task: hunt down the four-clawed magic eagle in the northern suburbs, and after the eagle claws, the task will be completed!
"Good guy, it's a big project to catch a big bird. However, you can challenge it. Commander-level monsters are equivalent to high-level magicians!"

"Well, it's very challenging, so this time, the whole team is dispatched. Of course, except me and Li Xiran, the ace team, whoever gets the Eagle Claw will be the first. Of course, you can't grab your companions, otherwise, hurry Out of the hunting ground."

When Zhao Zhutou and the others were excited, Wu Ming also nodded and began to announce. In fact, this task that has been publicized is also a test. As for whether he can catch the four-clawed magic eagle, It's not important, the important thing, here, involves part of the conspiracy of the Black Vatican, near the imperial capital, although it is in the suburbs, I have to say, it is really too rampant.

It's just that this is not a tempering exercise. You must know that what happened in Bo City has made many people grow up. So this time, although there will not be so many people who died, there will be no fewer.

"Xiran, are you going too?" Afterwards, Wu Ming said to Li Xiran who was beside him. Although he has reached the level of a high-level magician, there are still too few actual combats, and it is still the tempering of people's hearts.

These mid-level and high-level magicians who went to different hunting grounds for high rewards were prey one by one, waiting to be hunted.

"Okay!" Li Xiran nodded, Wu Ming was very measured in doing things, and would not tell her to make a trip for no reason, for example, collecting hundreds of millions for the beautiful job of collecting essence.

"By the way, don't play tricks!" Li Xiran, who was about to leave, suddenly turned around, and then warned Wu Ming, and then turned into a breeze and disappeared.

If it is more high-profile, she can also use the wind wings to fly and soar nine days.

"Hehe!!" Wu Ming smiled wryly, and then waved goodbye to the figure that was leaving.

This time, he will be the biggest winner. He will gain both fame and fortune. Xiao Xi's Famous Hunting House will also be completely famous at this moment.

Who is the prey is still uncertain. I hope Zhao Mingliang, a shrewd person, will not suddenly become a stigma.

In the northern suburbs, in the dense forest, there are patches of dense forests that block the wind and sand, spreading over a wide area. Among them, most of them are virgin forests, which have not changed. Not under two hands, I heard that there are monarchs, and even emperor-level monsters!
Li Xiran followed a team of about twenty people in pairs, watching the arrangement of these people.

"Well, we have a large number of people. In such a large forest, we don't know when we will find them. Let's form a team of ten and divide into two groups." Entering this vast forest, Hu Xueyan, as a senior, is also Take out the posture of a senior, and start directing.

In the hunting camp, Wu Ming was also jokingly called Senior Sister Hu Xueyan. Zhao Mingliang and the others dared not listen to what Senior Sister said.

Afterwards, the soldiers were divided into two groups. Zhao Mingliang was very disgusted and was assigned to Hu Xueyan's team. As for the others, the three roommates of Luo Hai formed a team of their own. Beast, still can buy some time.

Afterwards, the two teams separated, which stumped Li Xiran, who wanted to run around to pick up monster spirits.

Along the way, Luo Hai's team and Hu Xueyan's team have already killed many warrior-level monsters, such as the common monsters such as pseudo-horror monsters and giant death lizards, as well as servant-level monsters. Hundreds.

This is a simple monster-fighting upgrade. Even Liang Qingqian and Li Jing, who don't perform tasks very often, have killed several monsters to practice their skills. Their characters have become resolute and confident.

After one mile, from being cautious, more than [-] people began to relax their vigilance, because without the commander level, they are not a group of them.Can you not be proud?
"Hehe, it seems that a group of young brats have been attracted, and there are quite a few girls!"

Immediately afterwards, Wuwei's masked men in black robes came out, and one of them had a magical aura, which turned out to be a high-level magician.They met Hu Xueyan's team, which was divided into two pairs.

"Hurry up, send the signal!" Hu Xueyan was also in a hurry. She had been on the mission for so long, and she didn't want to give away the head so easily. Although she had magic armor and her strength could compete, but,,

Why do you single out when you can fight in groups?
"Chirp!" "Bang!"

Accompanied by a unique signal flare exclusive to Xiaoxi's famous hunting place, it was launched like this.

Immediately after, another team's signal flare.Also launched.

This time, the two teams also knew that not only were they surrounded, but the rest of the demon hunters who participated were all played with.

They worked so hard to earn some rewards, but they were actually taken advantage of by others. The layout of this scene is quite big, and it has even infiltrated into some organizations to release these news.

"Hehe, aren't you surprised?"

"Okay, boss, these fireworks are really good, haha~"

"Fireworks during the day are not bad, blood flowers are also quite beautiful, but after enjoying them alive, they are really beautiful, Jie Jie!"

Afterwards, seeing these five people, they thought that the team with many girls like Hu Xueyan was sure to be average. Of the three teams, only Zhao Mingliang was the male.

"Noisy, I'll go first. If you throw skills casually, you won't be able to kill me, but he will be killed." Zhao Mingliang couldn't stand it anymore, and was scolded as a stigma. At this time, he can vent his anger mercilessly.

Afterwards, one jumped forward, and then put on the shining purple magic armor, which was a thunder-attribute magic equipment, which was hit by resistance.

"Thunder! Thunder!" Afterwards, Zhao Mingliang yelled loudly, and there was a beautiful thunder, and the man in black who said he wanted to enjoy it fell directly to the ground and began to twitch his body, fearing that he might not be able to hold his last breath.

"Dan, come on, kill this stigma and avenge the fifth!" Afterwards, the leading high-level magician said, looking at Zhao Mingliang's shining purple magic armor, he was also salivating.

"Let's go." Seeing Zhao Mingliang taking the first kill, Hu Xueyan said to the girl beside her, not to be outdone.

Afterwards, he rushed to the high-level magician. Seeing that his senior sister had made a move, Zhao Mingliang pulled away to help. As for the remaining three middle-level magicians, they were directly attacked by Zhang Nalin, Tan Yuexin, Li Jing, and Liang Qingqian. crushed.

"How is it possible, I am a high-level magician, you are just... poof!" The high-level magician was crushed and beaten, and he couldn't believe it. Pulling Zhao Mingliang, Hu Xueyan naturally knew what Wu Ming said. This little brother is extraordinary.

In this way, it is completely suppressed, but it is still very difficult to kill a high-level magician.

I saw that, afterward, this magician fled away, and he shouted loudly: "You wait for me!!"

(End of this chapter)

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