Chapter 917

Chapter 63 Four-Clawed Magic Eagle

wait!Haha, will people like Hu Xueyan let this high-level magician in black go, unless he is stupid, otherwise, a high-level magician has escaped, and I don’t know how many will come.

After that, the few people started to go deeper, and those who dared to hunt commander-level monsters, unless they wanted money or died, generally had some strength. Now, under the ambush of the men in black, the rest of the team , but only a dozen teams, and there are very few teams with high-level magicians, and the remaining teams of mid-level magicians are just because of good luck, otherwise, they would not have survived until now.

A primitive and lush forest is full of awe. When the breeze blows, the leaves also make a rustling sound.

However, these naturally created movements cannot stop the demon hunting team that came for a high reward.

Among them, there is Hu Xueyan, who joins forces with Luo Hai and Jiang Chong to prepare for the next move.

"Xiao!!" Suddenly, a majestic voice came out, and some servant-level monsters, even warrior-level monsters, began to tremble.

This growing howl was obviously made by a high-ranking commander-level monster. It seemed to be a declaration of its own territory to frighten the surroundings.

For this reason, more than a dozen teams in the forest also quickened their pace one after another, rushing away clamoring for the source of the sound. The value of the commander-level monster beast is far more than the price of 2000 million yuan for the general. Triple, more than 5000 million.

I came here mainly for the sake of experience. Such a large group of people, the staff of the Xiaoxi Name Hunting Institute, can be fully trained. With the addition of magic equipment, under this collision, unless the forbidden spell level is used, otherwise, It would be difficult to completely wipe out the team at Xiaoxi's Famous Hunting House.

Moreover, this is the task of the organization, and the man in black is also involved, so one can imagine the inside story. As for the claws of the four-clawed magic eagle, they are the main materials for refining magic tools.

Then, under a towering tree, more than a dozen teams lay in ambush, looking up. .

"Damn, it's so high, it's terrible without a wind magician!!"

"Hehe, fortunately, the second element chose the wind element. Now, isn't it coming in handy?"

"You awakened because you thought the wind element was better for escaping."


"The Four-Clawed Magic Falcon belongs to our Tang Family Hunting Station, a group of weak scum!!"


Under the tree, everyone has different thoughts. Seeing such a big tree, many teams have already chosen to retreat.

As for some middle-level magicians, they also stayed, because they might miss out, because there is only one four-clawed magic eagle, and there are no fewer than five high-level teams. At that time, they will not be divided. Come on, as to what will happen, maybe. .

"Everyone, I am Xiong Ba of Batian Hunting Institute. This magic eagle, with our team alone, can't talk about beheading. Therefore, I think we should cooperate. When the time comes, we will distribute it. What do you all think!" Afterwards, a middle-aged man in brown clothes stood up, and his voice was lowered, but not sonorous, to each team.

At this time, it is a good idea to directly pull other people into the water. Of course, those who are confident will not participate. However, if they join forces, the success rate will be much higher.

However, there are very few people who responded to this bully. Two teams are teams of high-level magicians, and there are three teams whose strength is a combination of more than ten middle-level veteran magicians. If they succeed and voluntarily withdraw, then , The resources obtained are also quite a lot, and they are not stupid. As for those who want to miss, they can only wait.

Seeing that the people from the Batian Hunting House joined together, as a team of middle-level magicians, Hu Xueyan, a team of 20 people, did not participate, and that Xiong Ba was just a little bit sorry. If such a middle-level magician was used as cannon fodder, maybe, The success rate will be higher, but people are not moved at all.

"Heh, a group of fools, as long as there is a large number of people, you can pick up the leaks. A high-level magician can already crush everything." Xiong Ba let out a cold snort, and then began to take action.

As for Hu Xueyan and her group, they were staring at an arrogant eagle resting on top of the towering tree. Its four claws were made of steel, shining fiercely. Those lazy eagle eyes didn't seem to care about these things. Like the little bug that got its idea.

The wind magicians began to take action. The three or four high-level magicians were all awakened with the wind system. The wind system, soaring in the sky, is the type that some magicians look forward to. Of course, except for a few who are not awakened , because the shadow system is also a good choice.

"Start the attack!" After surrounding an eagle, the leader Xiong Ba began to command.

With the combination of three high-level magicians and more than a dozen middle-level magicians, it is indeed possible to trap a commander-level monster to death. .

Back then, when he was in Bo City, Zhang Xian relied on his men to cut through the blood, and finally had a final battle with which wolf, and the wolf was wiped out. It is conceivable.

The attack power of a high-level magician should not be underestimated.

The moment the attack was launched, the four-clawed magic eagle also opened its eyes. The next moment, the eyes were terrified, and then looked down on these insignificant people. However, the attacks of these insignificant people should not be underestimated.

"Howling!" With a long howling, afterward, a mass of wind rolled around him, and the moment he flapped his wings, the remaining wind could even make some middle-level magicians lose their feet.

Only two high-level wind magicians gritted their teeth and persisted. After the first round, the two sides were evenly matched. This magic eagle is obviously stronger than the winged wolf. One is a city monster, and the other is Purebred wild ones have different levels of intelligence and treatment.

"Steady!" Afterwards, a certain high-level magician began to practice ice magic, intending to slow down the magic eagle's actions.

Those two gigantic wings, one by one, are undeniable, but the more they are like this, the more it proves the value of the four-clawed magic eagle.

"It's so strong, this is the commander-level monster?" Around the big tree, Zhao Mingliang looked at this battle and murmured. You know, they were still killing several high-level magicians just now and secretly delighted. .

At this moment, I was completely shocked. If a magician in the peak state wanted to kill a commander-level monster, it could only be said that both sides would suffer, or one would die and one would be injured. However, these high-level magicians obviously do not Happy with this result. .

Slow consumption is the best tactic, why bother to work hard?

Zhao Mingliang's exclamation was also the exclamation of the rest of the people, and then, full of fighting spirit, the four-clawed magic eagle would definitely belong to them, and these people alone were not enough to stop them.

Finally, these last people also succeeded in angering the four-clawed magic eagle. The eagle spread its wings and the blue sky, like a huge dark cloud, covering an area, and the surrounding, the wind, began to wreak havoc...

(End of this chapter)

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