Chapter 926

Wu Ming smiled mischievously, feeling that the fish had taken the bait, and another girl with extraordinary talent was added to the hunting station. Afterwards, he quickened his pace to let the girl run a little longer.

"Senior, wait, wait for me!" Then, hearing a pleasant voice behind him, Wu Ming made a gesture and stopped.

"What's wrong? Aren't you afraid that I'll lie to you? Let's go back. I'll continue to recruit people." We looked at the girl lightly, and then spoke indifferently, without giving her a chance.

"Senior, why did you do this all of a sudden!" Li Jing was also puzzled, just now she was lured into the gang with good words, bah, she was the one who lured her into the camp, why did he suddenly change his face now?
After thinking about it, he began to squint his shining eyes, and said softly: "Senior, I know you are not that kind of person. If you help me get into Imperial Academy, I, I can be your girlfriend."

In the end, Li Jing's words almost made Wu Ming burst into laughter. She thought of herself as someone. If this was not the earth, Wu Ming might have collected this innocent girl who came to her door without hesitation. The meat that comes to your door, don't want it for nothing.

Wu Ming looked at Li Jing, doubting for a moment, and then asked, "Really?"

"Well, really!" Li Jing thought for a while, and then, after a lot of brainstorming, she decided to say it out. After all, Wu Ming's appearance and temperament are so extraordinary, it is not difficult to find a boyfriend like this. It's too bad!

"Then give me a kiss!"

Wu Ming said something suddenly, just to tease this girl, to collect some interest, after all, it took a lot of time for Mani to come out this trip.

Li Jing was also shocked by Wu Ming's words, and suddenly felt that Wu Ming was like an apprentice, but without Wu Ming, she could only go back in despair, and suddenly regretted, why didn't she agree to this ruffian senior earlier? It seems that even if I agree, the consequences will be the same in the end. I shook my head, and then I looked at Senior Wu Ming who had closed his eyes and waited for him to kiss him. He looked okay, why...

Nervously pinching the corner of her clothes, Li Jing finally bit her pink and tender lips tightly, and finally resigned to her fate. When she was about to kiss her, or when she had already kissed her, she felt the air flow.

"Oh, don't take your time. As a human being, don't think so much about some things. It's worth it if you think it's worth it." Wu Ming finally laughed, straightened his body, and began to talk nonsense in a serious manner.

Then, she turned around again, not looking at Li Jing who was blushing.

"Could it be that the senior is such an exaggerated person?" Li Jing watched Wu Ming leave, and also thought that Wu Ming was just greedy for her beauty. Up to now, she didn't know what to do for the time being. .

"Stupid girl, why are you standing there in a daze, why don't you apply for the Imperial Capital Academy?"

In the distance, Wu Ming's voice suddenly came, as if he thought it was funny. Afterwards, this girl was pure and charming, but she was stubborn in her bones. It was really rare to be recognized by her, but it was really good to lie to such a stubborn girl. ?And he's a guy with a lot of friends.

"Oh!" Afterwards, Li Jing let out a cry, and trotted to catch up.

Afterwards, the seniors and younger sisters walked side by side, on the way to the school, and did not encounter any robbery or the like, so there was no drama of heroes saving the beauty.

After successfully arriving at the school, Wu Ming helplessly took out a elixir under those pitiful eyes, and said, "This is Bingxin elixir, after taking it, you can make your heart as cold as ice and become a ruthless person, but the time is limited." , can only last for an hour."

"Senior, you, you are fake, right? I have seen all kinds of Dabu pills, pills? That's not in the novel..." Li Jing was also surprised when she heard the words of Bing Xindan, and then asked dramatically. . .

Wu Ming also didn't want to pay attention to this silly girl, and then, he stuffed it directly into her hand, and said coldly: "My little girlfriend, eat it or not, it's up to you, if you don't try it, how do you know if it's right?" Really?"

Afterwards, Wu Ming was catching up with the team, silently watching the team start to thin out, waiting for more than ten minutes, it will be Li Jing!

"Haha, boss, you have been going to this toilet for a long time!"

"Zhao Mingliang's real work..."

When Wu Ming came back, Zhao Mingliang, who was not afraid of boiling water, came up and teased him. After getting along for more than a year, he also knew Wu Ming's urine, cough, and temper.

As for Zhao Mingliang's behavior, Jiang Chong, who had been whipped, was very unhappy. After muttering a word, he shut up.

Zhao Mingliang was also laughing, not saying anything, that smoking, really cool!
"That's right, it smells so good!" Wu Ming also gave the dead pig a hard look, his skin thickened and he was fattened up, and then he replied lightly.

This commotion, even the teacher who led the team looked over and glanced at Wu Ming, but he didn't have any impression. As for the four people around him, they were celebrities, but they didn't have any impression of Wu Ming who was surrounded by four people!
In the end, he shook his head and continued with some irritating work. If it wasn't for personal supervision, he was afraid that the students would mess up and use power for personal gain, and he would have handed it over to the students.

After all, this is a special move, it depends on talent, it is better to be short than to be indiscriminate.

Of course, those who are really powerful and powerful have been arranged early, and most of those who can come here are geniuses from various regions. However, if too many geniuses gather together, geniuses may become useless.

When there were only two people left, Li Jing played with the small blue pill in her hand, thinking about what happened today, it was really up and down, and suddenly believed in an unreliable person, but there was no choice, I hope it is not a fake medicine , or other foul-smelling medicines.

Then, as soon as she gritted her teeth, she took the pill directly, and the people standing behind her suddenly felt the cold wind, as if they were standing in the wind and snow.

As for Li Jing, she was really like an ice beauty at the moment, staring at Wu Ming, seeming to be provocative.

"Next!" Called by the teacher, Li Jing stepped forward. Seeing Li Jing, she was both unfamiliar and familiar. However, it's not that the second test is not allowed, but the chance of success is the same.

"Start testing!"

After the teacher announced, Li Jing also started the test, and put her cold hand directly on top of the test crystal ball.

The magic power has reached the standard, and after that, it is the display of talent!
"Thunderbolt!" Li Jing raised her hand lightly and shouted in a low voice. In an instant, a thunderbolt comparable to a high-level magic attack landed.

"My talent, perfect buff!" Finally, Li Jing said coldly to the teacher who was mistaken.

"Can I pass?" Li Jing suddenly asked!

"Yes, yes!" The teacher was puzzled as to whether this was a student or a teacher, but Li Jing's cold demeanor really made it impossible to doubt.

Li Jing suddenly looked at Wu Ming, and Wu Ming smiled helplessly, what exactly does this "bold" girl want to do.

(End of this chapter)

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