Chapter 927

Chapter 71 Fighting Monsters and Upgrading

The night passed quietly, and there was no ripple because of someone...

the next day.So the students are all eager to try, and then they will be able to form groups freely, among them, they can cross other departments. After all, some magicians who are not good at attacking, or in other words, majoring in assisting, need to find one that can The team protecting them, magicians like this, are all appointed by default, with a middle-level magician nanny, that is also an extra guarantee of life.

Immediately afterwards, under the teacher's gaze, this group of students swaggered into this dense and endless virgin forest. Among them, there were quite a few boys who were a bit self-confident, and even flirted with some girls. Laughing, I don't think this is a dangerous experience job at all. Such a person either has a good family background, or is a careless, proud and complacent person.

"Boss, what should we do next?" Among them, Wu Ming's team of more than a dozen people was talking, and Zhao Mingliang soon consulted Wu Ming. , The eyes of a group of people are all looking at Wu Ming, wanting to see how this guy who has been the boss behind the scene will arrange it.

Wu Ming also smiled lightly, feeling that this stigma can really adjust the atmosphere.

Right in this forest and deserted city, the commander-level monster is no longer the opponent of these younger brothers and employees. Naturally, there is no need for him to command anything, but the purpose this time is to find the identity of this deserted city. The ultimate boss, a monarch-level monster, is something that even the forces of the imperial capital have to face up to. However, facing up to it and strangling it are different ways of dealing with it. Strangling a monarch-level monster requires a lot of manpower and material resources. This is what those big organizations and big forces are unwilling to undertake, resulting in the final result.

Of course, if a monarch-level creature invades again, then it will be a survival defense battle, because when a monarch-level monster takes the initiative to attack, there will be tens of thousands of monsters attacking. In other words, it was a catastrophe, so there were not a few mid-level magicians and high-level magicians who fell.

"Next, you are free to act. However, I have one request, to explore every corner of the city. I use this city to build forces!!" Afterwards, Wu Ming became serious and scanned around After that, speak out calmly.Although the tone was flat, it was just that the content of the words was not flat.

When Wu Ming's voice fell, it was like a stone stirring up thousands of waves. I saw Zhao Mingliang and others couldn't believe it. Hu Xueyan and Jiang Chong, who had powerful forces behind them, naturally knew that if Wu Ming really succeeded, then, he would definitely Some old forces are envious. Although the city has been abandoned for a long time, its value is still there. At that time, all the problems faced may be solved by them. It takes a lot of money and material resources to run such a big place. The energy is huge, but the master of this force has already been appointed.

"After the investigation, if you hadn't encountered this monarch-level monster hidden in the city, you would have dealt with all the monsters yourself. From now on, you will be the founding fathers of the first great power, ha ha... "Finally, as Wu Ming said, he chuckled, took Li Xiran's little hand, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving Hu Xueyan, Jiang Chong and others alone in the wind.

Next, Wu Ming and Li Xiran appeared on an abandoned high-rise building, looking down at some people in the Imperial Capital Academy who were exploring like ants and began to keep quiet. I saw, downstairs, some monsters in the shape of lizards that are common at the general level. The beast started to move
"Angkor, do you already know where the monarch-level monster is?" Liu Yao was hugged by Wu Ming, Li Xiran was used to such intimate contact, and then asked calmly, With bright eyes, he glanced down at the people who had already started killing monsters and those who were complacent after successfully killing them, and then turned to look at Wu Ming, as if they were also waiting for Wu Ming's instructions.

Wu Mingzheng looked at this pair of charming eyes, then kissed his smooth forehead lightly, and immediately said: "Hehe, that is necessary, but let's see if Zhao Mingliang, senior sister Hu Xueyan and the others can break through The first level, don't worry, this first level, but there is a good guy who will let them all win the big prize, the ability is not inferior to some monsters that have already broken through to the command level, and this big guy is quite good at it It's a fake, let's see, anyway, several orders have been completed, and they can get by..."

"After they finish killing the mobs, I'll take you to fight the boss!!"

Wu Ming also said calmly, Li Xiran just gave him a beautiful roll of eyes, and then he looked at it, and felt that it would be more exciting to play for a while, although the class is relatively high, but, no Affect her fun of fighting mobs, moreover, there are still some warrior-level monsters. .

As for the boss that Wu Ming said, she is also looking forward to it. At present, it is the last time in the northern suburbs that she has fought against a high-level magician.

This time, it was obviously changed to a more powerful one, comparable to a super-level magician. Relying on some equipment sent by Wu Ming, he can fight against it. This is also a test for the future hostess of this city. .

This waiting, the time is said to be long, do you feel that the time is very long, it is not short, the progress of Zhao Mingliang and others is a bit slow, Li Xiran couldn't help it several times, felt that such experience, the most The most important thing is to participate, but Wu Ming's sentence "preserve strength" turned her into a living torture.

Three or two warrior-level monsters have trapped many students from the imperial capital. You must know that these students are all outstanding students from various places, and they are top-notch existences in all places.Perhaps, it is the criticism of the existence of the magician, it is the crispy skin...

"Okay, it'll be ready soon," looking at the big guy in disguise who was discovered by Zhao Mingliang and Hu Xueyan, good guy, the whole army was almost wiped out. Fortunately, I have encountered such a disguised high-level monster before. This monster's ability is comparable to that of a commander-level monster. As for Zhao Mingliang and others, it took a day to discover it, and it still fell into the trap set by the monster.

Talking to Li Xiran, in the end, Li Xiran looked at the huge pseudo-horror demon, which seemed to be different from the ones she had seen before, but she couldn't tell, among them, there was something strange, looking at Wu Name, don't worry so much anymore.

"Under that, there is a piece of treasure, but time is too urgent, and it can't be compared with ordinary nebula magic weapons. At most, you can buy it for 1000 million!" Knowing Li Xiran's doubts, Wu Ming also agreed. At the beginning of the explanation, it was a piece of energy crystal, which continuously provided energy for this mutated pseudo-terrorist. This game was just a game for Zhao Mingliang and the others to fight monsters and upgrade. .

(End of this chapter)

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