Chapter 930

.At the awakening place, there are four people awakened this time. Among them, the good news is that Wu Ming and Li Xiran have broken through to high-level magicians. You know, even if they graduate, not many of them can break through to high-level magicians. Once, because of the resources of the school, it can only train a few high-level magicians.

The rest are those students who don't want to be active. They can only be plated with a layer of gold in the school to improve their value. Those with aristocratic families and higher status will become high-level magicians under the training of the aristocratic family in the future. It's just a matter of time, right now, they're still too young, and there's plenty of time.

Wu Ming is the boss, so naturally the boss came first. Last time, Wu Ming awakened all the black magic. This time, it might be the white magic.

For these, Wu Ming also has a rough guess. These magics may not be used anymore. Of course, it may be good to be a dad. As for the support, he has not done it for tens of thousands of years. , who has the qualifications to let a half-step Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian assist.

Familiar with the road, Wu Ming put his hand on the Awakening Stone and began to sense it. A solid little Wu Ming watched the nebula in his body begin to change, just like the vast universe, and then several groups of white light flashed.

"It's up to you!" Afterwards, Wu Ming directly chose a green and pure light ball.

"Plant system! Awakened plant system!"

Li Xiran, Hu Xueyan, Li Jing, and Liang Qingqian, who watched Wu Ming's awakening outside, were also surprised for a while.

In fact, they didn't know that the first three types of magic were all awakened by Wu Ming one by one, but they were rarely used.

"Hehe, congratulations, Boss Wu."

The awakened godfather is also Hu Tian, ​​Hu Xueyan's father, looking at Wu Ming, he also became respectful. An intermediate magician is nothing, but what about a high-level magician?
Moreover, in such a short period of time, it is too rare to be promoted to one level in more than a year, but the few people who followed it did not find it strange, because they are so talented.

"Well, thank you Director Hu, let's be next, Xiran!" Wu Ming nodded, and then responded with a faint smile, and then, Wu Ming shouted at Li Xiran.

Li Xiran nodded, and walked out slowly. This time, he also chose a healing magic system. Healing or spiritual systems are also acceptable.

Finally, the soft white light shone, awakened the healing system, Li Xiran also nodded, control plus attack acceleration, now, with the healing effect, the role is too important for the team, a high-level magician, basically no There is a gap of how much magic there is.

"Congratulations, congratulations!" Hu Tian also congratulated. Today's order is a big one. I have earned enough. However, when I saw Hu Xueyan, I just shook my head. My daughter is far away from the high-level level. It takes a lot of time.

Li Xiran nodded, smiled lightly, and thanked her, then walked towards Wu Ming, and then came the two new little girls.

For Li Jing of the Lightning Element, what she wants to awaken is speed. If she wants to awaken the Wind Element, this will save Wu Ming money.

I saw that she was a little nervous, not as nervous as when she was in the special move. Maybe she knew that the success rate was very high, and even if she couldn't, she could awaken a random second element, so she didn't worry too much.

The cyan blowing breath then appeared here, the wind element, awakened, and succeeded very smoothly.

When they arrived at Liang Qingqian, everyone was looking forward to it, because Wu Ming had prepared a random, cheapest awakening stone for Liang Qingqian without increasing the chances.

Liang Qingqian was also a little apprehensive. There were so many familiar partners, and she was also looking forward to the second element, which Wu Ming said was very strong. She hoped that a light element would not be awakened.

Finally, standing on the Awakening Stone, Liang Qingqian also closed her beautiful eyes, blinking her eyelashes, as if they would move by themselves. From now on, Liang Qingqian will take care of the store.

After a while, colorless energy radiated out.


"Colorless? Still not awakened?"

"What kind of magic system is this?"

At this moment, everyone began to be surprised. They clearly noticed the fluctuations, but they couldn't see it with their eyes.

Li Xiran, who was closest to Wu Ming, was also surprised for a while, then lowered her voice and asked, "Angkor, do you already know the result? What kind of magic is this?"

"Hehe. This is a rare space system. I must have found a treasure." Wu Ming also replied lightly, hehe smiled.

"It's a pity that I didn't wake up. Next time, Liang Qingqian, let's go." Afterwards, Wu Ming gave the order directly.

Hu Tian, ​​the awakening host, was stunned for a long time, but couldn't remember whether he had awakened or not, thinking that the space element really wouldn't easily appear on a girl who looked like soft water.

Moreover, looking at the girl's appearance, at most she looks more like a junior high school student in the third year of junior high school, with a sense of innocence and innocence, which is the appearance of awakening magic for the first time.

"I clearly..." Liang Qingqian was about to start explaining, but when she was dragged away by Li Xiran, Li Xiran's face remained unchanged, and she began to comfort her: "Sister, it's okay, you are still so young, wait until high school is awakening Bar!"

Afterwards, surrounded by a group of people, she walked out of the awakening place with an appearance of comforting Liang Qingqian.

After getting into the car, Wu Ming said to Zhang Dafu indifferently, "Drive, hurry up!"

Finally, after driving for a certain distance, Wu Mingcai said, "Liang Qingqian didn't fail to awaken, it's just that she awakened too powerful a magic system, so I can't reveal it."

Wu Ming said that, if he didn't want to use the magic of erasing memory, Wu Ming would have wanted to erase everyone's memory a long time ago, because erasing spells consume a lot of mental power of the caster.

Afterwards, Wu Ming started to explain. .

"Space system!!" After hearing this word, everyone was silent. This is a rare magic system, which belongs to the division of dimensional magic.

After this type of magician grows up, they are often attracted by all parties. No wonder Wu Ming and Li Xiran are like this.

At this moment, Liang Qingqian herself was overjoyed, this magic system is too powerful, but, in the end, when Wu Ming said that she should not use it as much as possible, she nodded sadly, as if such a powerful magic is not used, it seems to be a bit subdued.

However, Wu Ming was also thinking about protecting her safety. As for those who knew the situation, especially Hu Xueyan's father-daughter relationship with Hu Tian, ​​Wu Ming was more at ease.

The magic awakening this time has come to an end. It is difficult to break through to a high level. For ordinary people, as for Zhao Mingliang and the others, it may take a year or two to wait.

Later, another piece of good news came. The order Zhang Dafu took was a commander-level task! !

(End of this chapter)

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